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Posts posted by YonkieP

  1. -Support

    On one of my first days this guy helped me so much but he does not follow the correct format, he left out the "What would you do to better Research and increase activity? (100 word requirement):" Question. Not only that but also the "What can you bring to the table that others can't? (100 word requirement):" Question does not even come close to the word requirement.

    • Dislike 1
  2. Name: Anthony Rogers

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:127976118

    Current Rank: Researcher

    Time in Research (Estimate):

    I have had the job whitelist since 2021 but mainly started focusing on research for about 4-5 days now, I started as a researcher back in 2019-2020 but left because I didn't find it fun anymore, I now see things that I can improve on and look forward to helping in any way I can.

    Why do you believe you should be in Research Command?(150 word requirement): 

    I am an active and friendly player who likes to have fun and teach others how to play and enjoy the things that I do. I was a FTO around 2-3 Years ago so I have some experience there, I am also very sociable and can hold conversations with people that I have nothing in common with, not only that but I am very good at communicating, I will call you out if you are doing something wrong no matter the rank and stature. I am one of the most loyal person you can have on your team, If I build a bond with a team and they get removed or transferred I will go too. Though I may be "Newer" I don't believe I lack the knowledge to be a JMC member, I have read the SOPs 100s of times and know it by heart. I hope while people are +1ing and -1ing because I am less well known just know that I WILL BE one of the best command members you ever have and I will love to show that to you!

    What can you bring to the table that others can't? (100 word requirement):

    My leadership experience, In the past year I grew on a FiveM server called Justice Gaming Roleplay. Though not a Garry's Mod server I still have the knowledge and experience to run not only a team but a whole department. After 7 months I reached the rank of Captain in LSPD, (Right under High Command), I ran a team of 40 people and received Team Of The Weak not Once, not twice, but THREE TIMES! Team of the week was judged by activity, in-game, discord, tickets, and such. I was one of the best leaders in LSPD still to this day, I was promoted to High-Command and oversaw captions and how they ran their teams. After struggling to find another caption for Charlie Team I took over and made the activity go up nearly 40% In the first week averaging around 100 Hours a week in a months time. I also have very good judgement and am able to give consequences out as I have no biases in this department. at the end of the day this paragraph is to show you I am VERY experienced in running a large group of people in a successfully manor and am willing to do it again for this research department. 

    What would you do to better Research and increase activity? (100 word requirement):

    One of the things I was known for in Justice Gaming Roleplay was RECRUITING. I ran a recruiting operation and recruited around 80 people during my time at JRP. Down below I am going to provide a How To Recruit Guide I made. Even if I do not get Junior Command then I will share this with command so that we can increase not only activity but player count as well. [Research Recruiting Document] . Rewards can motivate people to recruit, and they don't have to be just promotions. Not only will I help with recruiting to increase activity but I will do Daily Mass Tests with a couple hour notice instead of doing one last minute with only 5 minutes to join. To better the department I would like to add more structure as well as a better report system as the current one that we use is not anonymous and can be easily traced back to the person reporting. I will also be active in the discord and always helping new researchers find their place and get their balance in this amazing department.

  3. 1 minute ago, Lovelock said:

    I am sorry but I am giving a -support for the following reasons

    - You have warns showing against you for NCWS, Lying and dissing staff

    - No vote poll

    - No forum activity

    I do infact have those warns but in the requirements page it states they must be 30 days old, those are 2 years old, also it should have the poll i did the thing I was told in the discord and i will check and fix the issue, I also did not see a Forum Activity Requirement in the requirements tab, If this is a personal requirement then I understand, "Your forum account must at least be one week old" aswell as "Must have no warnings in the last 30 days involving the following conduct:Racism, homophobia, transphobia, etcToxicity, server disrespect, staff disrespect" . Thank you for your input :3


  4. What is your in-game name?:


    JR Anthony Rogers


    What is your steam name?: 


    #1 Olivera Fan


    What is your steam ID?:




    What is your discord username (Ex: Rookieblue#2667):




    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain)


    Yes, I was a staff member on the Justice Gaming Network server, I reached the rank of moderator before leaving the server due to one of the server managers being openly homophobic.


    What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly)


    2019 is what battle metrics says.


    What date did you make your forums account? 


    May 10, 2021"


    How many warnings do you have on all GL servers?

    10, Keep in mind 9 Of these are from 2 Years ago, and only 1 is recent. https://imgur.com/a/xGlMzrG


    What is your donor rank?

    (User, Silver, Gold, etc)




    Are you a staff member in another community?




    Have you read the staff handbook?


    Yes I can be quizzed if you like.






    What rank are you applying for?


    Trial Moderator 


    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum)


    I started playing GamingLight servers when I was 9 years old, around 2015 on the MilitaryRP server. I was hooked and played GMOD daily until around 2021. In that span I have played on a lot of servers but none have topped that feeling that the MilitaryRP server gave me, until the SCP Server. This was the first time I ever had a rank in any game, I was 14 and was a Senior Researcher and trained a lot of people. I took a little break but am starting to dedicate again to this server, with this recent interview announcement I thought I'd give it a shot. I am active on the server with around 133 hours in game and surprisingly a very little amount is from AFKing, my mom would never let me do that to the light bill :3. I am also dedicated and if I put my mind to something it will get done. I also know the rules very well as I have been playing under them for multiple years. I am also very friendly and understanding of peoples situations and can relate to most. I also have very good judgment, I might be lenient at times but it is very situational. I have a Servant Leadership style, to save you your time googling what that is. It is a style where instead of just succeeding you make everybody around you do the same. You make everybody around you the best version that they can be. I thrive on making people better versions of themselves and when put in that position I thrive. I am social and able to meet and make friends pretty easily. I hope you make it this far cause I would like to address the worries of the warns, I was a argumentative teen going through a custody battle between parents, this is no excuse though, I did around 90% of these except 1 which is the prop abuse warn, I vividly remembering talking with other D-Class with my physgun out and a staff member came to me and said I through somebody in the roof, I told them no I did not but did not have any proof and stiff got warned for for it. Other then that I do agree with the other warns, I have changed and matured and are professional at all times, I am now 16 almost 17 and am ready to be one of the most active, dedicated and professional staff members you have ever have. 


    Scenario questions:

    Select any two of the following four questions to answer for this section. Please note, in the scenario questions we are not expecting perfect answers. We are accessing your critical thinking skills, your ability to use the staff handbook, and come to reasonable conclusions. 


    Q1: How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? 


    I would clip it as proof should be needed for every ban, then call a higher staff member aka a Admin+ and request a 5 day ban for NitRP (No intent to Roleplay) and Mass RDM (Mass killing with no roleplay behind it). Before the ban I would also warn the player for the actions as well. 


    Q2: You are involved in a staff sit that involves 5 different players. The players begin to get frustrated and the sit becomes very toxic and unproductive. What would you do in this situation?


    I would ask for some more help to get control of the situation, I think that handling 5 people in a sit with only be would end up in chaos, I would call down another staff member and split into 2 groups, One the person who reported and 2 the person who is being reported, get both sides of the story and with the knowledge from the other staff member either punish or let the person reported go. I would be lenient on the yelling and them getting toxic if it doesn't get extreme, we all get angry and maybe just talking to the person/people who got angry in a calm way instead of warning them can make their experience better on the server whereas if you warn them they can get more angry and it would escalate the situation.


    Q3: In your opinion, what is the best way to handle a situation involving a player that clearly does not care about the punishments they are receiving? 


    Remain calm and do not antagonize the person, some people may be very nonchalant or just sound like they dont care because of the way/words that they use while speaking. If they are just obviously trolling then I would also add NitRP to the punishment and watch over the player closely to see if they are going to continue to troll. 


    Q4: There is a player abusing a known bug, and he has been reported to staff. He swears he 

    followed the server rules when you talk with him. What's the best way to handle this? 


    If I witnessed this then I would clip it and call a Admin+ to ban the player, If it was a report from another player then i would request to see a clip, if there is none then it is a he says she says type of thing, I would not punish the player based a acquisition with no evidence behind it. After though I would watch the player to make sure they are not actually breaking the rules or abusing a bug. 


    If you have any questions or concerns, please ask them in the comments and i will respond ASAP.


    - Anthony Rogers


  5. Steam Name:  999/Raptor

    Ingame Name: AR YonkieP

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:127976118

    Job Blacklisted From: All Sarkic Classes

    Reason for the Job Blacklist: going into e -11 base and capturing someone as well as  capturing someone afk without waiting NLR

    Dispute: Going into E - 11 Base was a mistake and i had no clue that i couldn't go in there cause a mod on as ci went into sarkic spawn and killed me, (i thought going into spawns was ok). after being sent the logs i did infact break nlr by a majority of the time i had to wait,  i do believe that i should have gotten warned, or a kick but a blacklist was a little extreme,  i do also think there should be a way to remove EXP  so that blacklists would not be as common and i would of just had my EXP taken away.

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