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Posts posted by tbabyearth

  1. In-Game Name: Earth
    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:554995237
    Rank: Admin
    Reason for leaving: Leaving the Server 
    Do you agree to stay active for 48 hours after this post? Yes
    Do you agree to contact your Head Admin+ once your 48 hour notice is up? Yes

  2. On 7/27/2022 at 10:54 AM, Mike said:


    During my time as Vice Marshall Uchiha stepped out a lot and has improved greatly I see him going a long way he’s active constantly, trustworthy, and dedicated to the branch. He will do great things as VM


  3. On 5/26/2022 at 8:59 AM, Bartholomew said:


    Unfortunatly Im going to -support this as it seems very rushed and doesn't look like there was much effort put example, there are many grammar mistakes. Initially you should gag the player and request a 5 day ban, instead of allowing them to continue to curse at you.

    Need more work

  4. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : SHGO Centurion Guard Earth/Aero is my Lore name 

    2. What Regiment are you applying for? Royal Guard

    3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?
    I want to help lead an already unique battalion in the best ways. I love to pass down knowledge that has been personally accrued by myself or passed down to me. I would like to be the person that any Royal Guard member, regardless of rank can approach for guidance in any aspect of the duties that we carry out. I would like to be a person that other people in RG can speak to about personal issues that might be affecting them that they need to talk to. I believe that it is essential to help with mental well being if we are going to lead a battalion with efficiency as we are people at the end of the day.

    I feel as though this position would grant me the power to implement my style of leadership so that I can put my best efforts into making Royal Guard one of the best battalion to be a part of. In addition to the things I mentioned I will be able to have a direct influence on in a leadership positions so that I can be able to be the voice for all of Royal Guard. This is directly in tandem with the aforementioned approachability aspect. I have been in several leadership positions on Gaminglight and I have always enjoyed having the ability to be there and help those placed in my command . I take great joy in doing things for people that make them happy. I have no care for GC to fund sims which I do to keep things interesting within the battalion.

    4. How much game time do you have on the server?

    I have 6 weeks in total as of right now

    5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?
    First is to lead the battalion and keep it running Doing this requires swift action and judgement. Handing out punishment is more of the dark side to being a vise commander/commander of this. The better side is handing out merits such as promotions, rewards and more or different responsibilities. A different aspect is to go to help those under your command. What I mean with this is that you should be willing to sacrifice anything if that person is in the right. I would gladly sacrifice my rank for anyone in my battalion as long as they are in the right. This does not mean, however, blindly sacrificing for no reason. This is where good judgement comes into play as it is essential for anyone in a commanding position.

     A commander should be able to know the perfect medium between the two and be able to use tact to relay to higher command where they are willing to compromise and where they are not. A commander should not rule with an Iron fist, A commander should rule with the Respect of those under there command Lastly, a commander should understand that, at the end of the day, they are there for the battalion and those in it and not for themselves.

    6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :

    You should trust me with Vice commander because of the experience and respect I have gained over my time in Royal Guard. I have been up the ranks of officer twice and have gained lot of knowledge from my experience with past Vice commander and commanders of Royal Guard. Many people want to see me exceed in Royal guard so I try my hardest to be the best Vice commander I can be. I will never try to over step my boundaries unless need to help some one. I have gained the respect and trust of many of my High ups and those I command, but with every thing I have said is that I will try to never do anything to hurt Royal guard and if I do start hurting royal guard I will try my hardest to fix it and fix the problem I caused

    7. How often can you be Online? : I can usually try to be online every day for at lest 4-7 hours The time that I can be on depends on my schedule, as being got school for most of the day but with summer break coming I will free up a lot of time.

    8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : None

  5. What is your in game name?: Alum Frost/Earth

    What is your in game rank?: Lore Senior Guard

    How long have you been in Shadow Guard?: for 2 months

    How long have you been in Royal Guard?: For 3 months

    Why do you want to become a Officer in Shadow Guard?: To further help out Shadow Guard and Help out the new Shadow Guard. The shadow guard officer gives me the power to help Shadow guard and the Battalion in the hole. Shadow guard Officer will let me help out on the internals of Shadow Guard. I want to become a shadow guard officer to Help the few members of shadow guard get up to the best of there Abilities.

    How could you assist The Shadow Guard Lead?: By helping take off the stress of watching a Sub-Branch. by trying to Help with Organizing the Tryouts and Announcements for these tryout in Shadow Guard. I would be able to give suggestions on what we can do with Shadow Guard and how to improve Shadow Guard Capabilities. I am on a lot of the time so I will be able to help the SHG with there problems and be there when some one need to report something about shadow guard.

    How many strikes do you have?: 0

    Do you have any prior experience in being an Officer in a Sub-Branch? (If yes, explain): Yes I am the vice lead of galactic squadron in SF and I am a previous officer of shadow guard. When I was a Shadow Guard Officer I tried to short out most of the Shadow guard tryouts and Announcements. As a Vice lead of Galactic squadron in SF I do a lot of watching on how people use there Tie Hunters in combat and hand out promotion in the Sub-branch to who I think did very good. Since I have past experience in Shadow guard officer I now how to help shadow guard and I past experience organizing Shadow guard and every thing doing with Shadow guard.

  6. On 4/10/2022 at 2:11 PM, Katsimaru said:

    Hes active when I was in RG he was the one doing the most sims and keeping battalions relations and people together guiding people always helping as much as he could but he can always do better and he does Hes a great officer and I think he is very competent for this roll as well Hes nice and approachable and just great overall Hes a great friend to me and is serious when need be and can always have some fun when it's the right time he also has a very big and detailed application.

    Good guy and very responsible


  7. in-Game Name: Earth

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:554995237

    Rank: Moderator

    Length of LOA (Time must be Specified):3/11/2022-3/18/2022

    Reason for LOA (if private that is fine): Moving House

  8. Name and Rank: Earth VII

    Are you in Shadow Guard?: yes

    How active can you be?: 5 hours a day

    Length in Royal Guard: almost 2 months

    Why do you want to become a Trial Senior Guard?: I want to become a trial senior guard to help RG and help lead the lower ranks. It also will help CDT and NCO with issues. I will have the power to help people and give them more thing that they deserve. I will be able to help the officer team with more thin I can now and command. Because I enjoy RG and I what to help RG as much as I can.

    Why do you believe you are ready for this position?: I have been royal guard for almost 2 months and my experience in purge purge officer team might help with royal guard. I know most of my fellow RG. I have Learned a lot of things in the 2 mouths that I what to share with the other RG. I have 400 hours+ on the server so I know all the rules if not most.

    Do you have any warns? none


    Name and Rank: Earth VI


    Are you in Shadow Guard?: yes


    How active can you be?: 5 hours a day


    Length in Royal Guard: almost 2 months 


    Why do you want to become a Trial Senior Guard?: To help the royal guard 


    Why do you believe you are ready for this position?: I have been royal guard for almost 2 months and my experience in purge purge officer team might help with royal guard


    Do you have any warns? none 

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