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Mavrick Halcyon

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Posts posted by Mavrick Halcyon

  1. +Support

    - Active

    - Leadership skills that have outshined others

    - brand-new and innovative ideas for logs and research in general 

    - As someone who has known Dareth since being a JR and flying through the ranks with him he is one of the best suited for the job and has much potential to grow and learn 

  2. +Love the Idea of "Plague doctor VS The Plague"

    +Formatting is good overall but some touchups are needed

    -Design while good is a little bland. (think of the SCP's and design around them)

    for a first google docs though my personal score is about a 75-85 out of 100.

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  3. Name: Mavrick Halcyon
    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:178286174
    Current Rank: EXCR

    Time in Research (Estimate): Almost at 3 weeks

    Why do you believe you should be in Research Command?(100 word requirement): 

    Throughout the past couple month's I have been working my way up the Ranks of research again, Lately I have not had as much time between school and life being dumb, but in the free time I've had I have been working to get more time so that I can be as active as possible and help the research grow. I have trained many over my Time as RRA and strived help people get started in their journey through research. I believe that I am fit for Research Command because the amount of time that I have put into research and the dedication I have towards it is something that I take pride in, and with the abilities that I can gain from this it will allow me to work even harder to revolutionize the Research branch as we know it today.

    What can you bring to the table that others can't? (100 word requirement):

    I Am in the process of currently making a system what will inspire and encourage the creation of new and overall improved test logs ( the details of witch will not be given out yet.) I also recently the number of mass tests have lowered which does not allow for the betterment of the branch, and if I can this position I will be working hard to increase my capabilities so that those in the research branch who want access to other SCP's and resources that are currently out of their reach will have more chances to get closer to their goals. Third (picture this) when you entered the server for your first time what did you see. For me it was the empty walls of D-block and an elevator leading up to a fence that was not easy to pass, but I ask you this as you were up there what did you see, was their anything that made you think research was a path that you could have been lead down or did you just see people telling you that "hey you like to shoot people and things join GENSEC"(no hate). I want to get our faces out there make it known that we are not just a bunch of people in lab coats, but one of, if not, the greatest branches where you could meet, chat, and work with some of the coolest and funniest people you might meet on Garry's Mod.

    What would you do to better Research and increase activity? (100 word requirement):

    For us to increase activity events such as PT's Mass tests etc. should become common place within the branch so that we are seen as more people will see us and strive to be able to become like us while also making people that are currently in the branch be more interested in staying on waiting for the next event. I also want to hold a competition for the gifted artists of the research branch so that we could get things like posters and propaganda that will make others encouraged to join the branch and with the current push to get more RRA's it will give the newer ones a chance to get a full grasp of what the job is like.

  4. Lore Name: Mavrick Halcyon

    Rank: AVDR

    SCP: 076-1 , 005

    Question/Idea: Can you use SCP-005's ability in reverse on the locks on SCP 076-1

    Preparations: This test was timed for after a SCP-076-2 breach had been stopped. 2 RIS Units capable of terminating SCP-076-2 Were used as escorts for this test.

    Observations (What Happened During Test) : SCP-005's body was reinforced to prevent damage of any kind due to the unknown nature of SCP-076-1, yet when it came to the first lock the key would not even come near it as if their was a barrier in place preventing the insertion of the key yet when tested on a similar key (body wise) the key was able to make it to where it could touch SCP-076-1. As the key was tested on the other slots the same force prevented the entry into most other key slots but on key slots 1, 4, 9, and 15 the force was not present. As the key was inserted the sound of then pins falling into place as if were were metal beams being placed to be welded. At first the key would not twist the unused cylinders resisting against the twist of the key unwilling to give. As it shifted the sound of chains tightening from the inside could be herd from the inside until the lock was fully engaged. As the other locks were engaged the circle around the locks slightly twisted and clicked after the 4th lock was engaged and the sound of a falling bar came from the bottom of the door with that being the last occurrence from the door, Not breaches have been reported since.

    Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): The locks on the Door control the amount of force that is used to keep SCP-076-2 contained within its cube and after enough locks are engaged the door to SCP-076-2's cell is deemed inaccessible. 

  5. Lore Name: Mavrick Halcyon

    Rank: EXP

    SCP: 939

    Question/Idea: Can 939's blood be/create the amnesic ( AMN-C227 ) it produces.

    Disclaimer: This is a continuation if a old file of mine i am no longer this rank this file is just a re-work of the old one 

    Observations (What Happened During Test) : 2 samples were taken from SCP-939 a Large body sample ( 4in cubed ) that contained multiply cell types, the second sample was the compound ( AMN-C227 ). The compound AMN-C227 through a long Deposition process the properties of the compound allowed for it to be turned into a solid, when the now solid AMN-C227 compound was taken in for examination it was found out that the stem cells from 939 cling to the oxygen particles it breaths in and forms a chemical bond that in turns the oxygen into AMN-C227. The Now cryo-preserved sample of 939 was striped of its stem-cells that were put aside for later and the rest of the sample was incinerated. The vile of cells was opened and releases and put in an empty oxygen tank, the tank was then refilled and every 24 hours small amounts of the air in the tank was taken out for testing. After the 4th day trace amounts of AMN-C227 in a weakened state were found and tested on D class personnel, and found to have amnesic abilities ranging from temporary erasing of memories for up to 2 days to forgetting up to 4 days of memories with varying side effects based on the amount given to a subject. After a full week the compound in the tank had fully formed into the compound AMN-C227.

    Evidence/Visual Stimuli: A picture of the stem cell creating bonds with Oxygen atoms.

    Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): Over a period of a week the regenerative stem cells from SCP-939 will create bonds with the oxygen in its body to create the AMN-C227 compound witch returns to the lungs via the veins. 


    1-carbondioxide.png.8552af4ffbfd048a9f024467d124445b.pngThe Grey Cell is 939's stem cell.

    Final Message:Their is no scientific reason how this worked to this day i still do not know. The SCP its self should not exist, it is a layer of skin over a dead husk that somehow has somehow managed to live over a long peroid of time. Please i beg of you kill this thing while you still can, we still do not know how many of these things are still out there but what i can tell you is that if we don"t stop this now they will only grow stronger.

  6. Lore Name: Mavrick Halcyon

    Rank: EXP

    SCP: 939

    Question / Idea: Can 939's blood be/create the amnestic it produces.

    Observations (What Happened During Test):while under a microscope amnestic particles began to multiply when stimulated. When blood was injected with D-class it took close to 10 minutes for them to sleep and become numb. After subject was asleep a blood sample from them revealed high amounts of amnestic particles in the blood system. 

    Evidence/Visual Stimuli: None Yet

    Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): 939's blood will not cease production of amnestic particles even after removed from host. 

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