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  1. Lore Name: Thomas Skitane or redacted, I am a man of many names. Rank: EXP Researcher SCP: 079 Question / Idea: Can 079 actually be destroyed and unable to turn back on? Background Research: I looked into his origin and heard of his past breaches. Hypothesis: I believe simply putting viruses, water, and asking serious questions to 079 while plugging him into a special hacked into motherboard with a video game inserted, will destroy 079 and everything he is once and for all. Observations (What Happened During Test): We did as I wanted to do in my hypothesis, I gave him access to the door of his chamber and let him open it and in the end he malfunctioned after asking him questions and I decided to see if we could trap him into his computer through the art of hacking to destroy him. Evidence/Visual Stimuli: A senior researcher watched my test as we had found very little about the Scp except when he kept asking for SCP 682. Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): SCP 079 was not cooperating as he is smart enough not to but we destroyed him through various methods and found that he can indeed be stopped from ever entering the internet through resetting him and hacking into him with more methods. Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes
  2. Test Log Format Lore Name: Redacted or Thomas Skitane Rank: EXP SCP: 035 Question / Idea: Will SCP 035 give me different answers to his backstory? Background Research: I already watched many interviews with him and wanted to see if he would give the same answers that he gave in other interviews. Hypothesis: I believe 035 will not give me the information he once gave to others. Observations (What Happened During Test): I asked what made him, he said he was made for a pharaoh of course he once said he was made by Gods so this isn't the truth. We had given him a d class once he gave good answers yet he attempted to breach in the process. We stopped the breach and gassed him as he would not listen. Evidence/Visual Stimuli: I had MTF Ducky with me and a d class. Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): 035 will not give information about himself as he said he prefers to keep things interesting. Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes
  3. Lore Name: Thomas Skitane/ Redacted Rank: Researcher SCP: 096 Question / Idea: How does SCP 096 react to average humans that try and do harm to him? Is it possible for a regular human being to end 096s life? Background Research: I studied most of his termination tests but maybe we try to hard to end his life with such extreme measures. Hypothesis: I believe 096 will kill all the d class I send at him when blinded and not blinded. Observations (What Happened During Test): The d class did not follow my orders to keep him blind yet tried to treat 096 gently. This of course did not work very well as I interfered when hearing the d class try and keep 096 calm as they did not look at him. I ordered them to attack 096 and once they did the bodies dropped as fast as I could drop a coin in a sewer. Evidence/Visual Stimuli: I had MTF with me to bag 096. Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): 096 remains a powerful threat and his not to be sent outside in the outside world. The d class not listening could have helped cause their deaths but in the end 096 will kill whoever sees him. Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes it was.
  4. In Game Name: AR Thomas Skitane Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:526081587 Discord Name (Bread#0001): Dennix#7720 If you have any SCP-RP warns, please list when and why you got them here (If you don't have any, exclude this from your application.): I believe I have two I dont know when I got them but I know that they were because I didn't know the rules of breaching as an SCP or killing people. When did you start playing on SCP-RP? (Approximately): I think 2 years ago but it doesn't say that for some reason. Why do you want to join Nu-7? (125 word minimum): I was once Nu7 but I must admit I was kicked from the faction as I had not played any video games for a few months. I was using these months for real life meditation and finding myself. This was a great experience but now I have time to play video games and live in the real world. I missed Nu7 and the thrill of capturing SCPs. I knew the lore and I knew how to make a great warrior of a character. Nu7 was my favorite branch and made me want to watch SCP short films as they inspired my creativity. I loved fighting CI and I was good at it too. If I could describe Nu7 with just one word I'd say it was educational. I got to know my fellow fighters and I loved the experience. If you've been in any other branches, list them and what your ranks are/were. This counts for all servers. (If you haven't been in any branches, exclude this from your application.): I was an RCT in Nu7 at one point before I left, I was a SGT in gensec, I am an AR in research, and I am an RND EXP in CI. AR and RND are the only ones I am in now. Do you understand to get on at least every other day and keep yourself up to date with Nu-7? We don't treat it like a job here - but we do expect you to be notified and enjoying your time: Yes I certainly do now. Did anyone recommend you to join Nu-7? (If nobody did, exclude this from your application.): Jeff and some others recommended I join as they saw how I was once in it and that I am good with lore and knowledge.
  5. In-game Name: Thomas Skitane SteamID: STEAM_0:0:526081587 DiscordID: Dennix#7720 What division do you want to join (Military or R&D): R&D How would you rank your knowledge of the lore? I'd rank it a 9/10 as I know just about everything in the entire SCP universe including the short films. Why should you be in Chaos Insurgency? (75 word minimum) First off I'd like to mention I have character. I have the creativity and mindset to help work with the CI and I am motivated constantly. I love being CI and I bet I could make one awesome character in the insurgency. I have played CI before yet I must admit I was demoted as I took a 90 day retreat from video games to find myself in the real world. I now do many things and get a lot of work done but I always have time to game. I stay on long hours to try and get myself to my old ranks yet I never can but others say I'd do great if I did. I will be always on more and I already have an idea of what to do, just give me a shot at it and I'll do it. Thank you. What is something that sets you apart from other applicants? I have character and story arcs to build. I love to rp as that is what sparks creativity and that is what the world needs now. Please I know that it may seem I'm just another guy playing some game but I love writing books and studying film. In the end what sets me apart is that I am motivated to make a great story for myself and others as I am not the main character but just another like everyone else. So that is what makes me different, though I am no main character, I am one to make a hell of a story. How active can you be? As active as you need almost every day if needed now. Do you have both Teamspeak and Discord: Yes *Please note you can get removed at anytime if violating the SOP or being inactive for 3-4 days
  6. Lore Name: Thomas Skitane Rank: Junior Researcher SCP: 049 Question / Idea: Will he change his answers from our last interview or keep them the same? Background Research: I have already done 1 test with him but it was cut short this study will also be of him turning a d class into the undead Hypothesis: I believe 049 shall not give us different answers than yesterday and the d class will have the "pestilence". Observations (What Happened During Test): 049 gave different answers yet started to tell me more about his cure. I rewarded him with a d class. Evidence/Visual Stimuli: 1 gensec and 1 MTF Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): The test was a success as the d class was turned into the undead and 049 eventually followed my questions and orders. Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes and no
  7. Lore Name:Thomas Skitane Rank: Junior Researcher SCP: 173 Question / Idea: How fast can this scp go and how does his movement shift? Background Research: I am aware that he can teleport but how fast can he go with 3 d class looking at him when one turns away. Hypothesis: I believe the all d class could die which I hope isn't the case and that 173s speed will be under 5 seconds. Observations (What Happened During Test): Each d class turned away once and 173 had killed them each one at a time. Evidence/Visual Stimuli: I had a Rig unit watch my studies. Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): 173 could move under 3 seconds at exactly 2.88 seconds as one d class looked at him. Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes
  8. Lore Name: Thomas Skitane Rank: Junior Researcher SCP: 049 Question / Idea: I wondered about 049s birth, friends, and cure. Background Research: I had already studied bits of his past and where he may have come from. Hypothesis: I believed he would share his cure but only bits of his past. Observations (What Happened During Test): 049 was not complying and would only share some information/ Evidence/Visual Stimuli: We had 3 mtf and a senior researcher watching yet the researcher turned out to be CI and betrayed us. Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): The test was in some ways a success yet was ended by the gun fire of Ci and MTF personnel. I escaped with my data in hand. Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes it was somewhat correct.
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