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Posts posted by Slurper

  1. Hi guys, before I go into more detail I just want to say that this isn't a personal attack at anyone, I just want to see how others feel about this topic.

    I've got almost 3 days game time on this server now and I have been really enjoying it, the community is chill and the new map is pretty cool too. However there's one thing that bugs me a little and it's to do with the word 'activity'.

    This whole RP scene revolves around climbing the ranks, and I have been told in game multiple times that being on the server more increases the chance of being ranked up, and this makes sense to a certain extent. However, I feel like this server (and maybe gmod RP in general - I haven't played many other servers so I don't know) has a strong obsession with punishing people for 'low' activity. It often feels like 'activity' is the only thing taken into consideration when judging whether a player deserves to be demoted/promoted. I'm writing this because I got a message on Discord saying 'Slurper I need to see you on more' which to me is incredibly odd and weirdly threatening (this isn't me having a go at the person who sent it, I have nothing against them). I'm a 3rd year University student with a part time job, I can't physically be on this game and when I do have spare time I don't always want to be on this game and I'm sure there are other players, both past and present, who are in similar situations to myself. I understand a VCMDR etc. needs to be on more as these are very important roles, this makes sense. But for me it feels isolating and demoralising to be told 'you need to spend more time on this game' (bearing in mind I'm on at least 3 times a week for at least 3 hours at a time) when the whole point of a game is to have fun, right? If I spent more time on this game (which for me is impossible anyway) I would burn out very quickly and probably never return (and I see that a load of the reasons for LOAs are 'burnt out') which I feel propagates from this whole 'activity' obsession. I understand there's an LOA system but sometimes I don't know when I'm going to be gone for a few days so it doesn't work. I'm not saying that activity shouldn't be rewarded or that it's unimportant, I'm saying that for casual players like myself it pushes me away from wanting to play the game; I don't come on the server to be told I'm not online enough, I come on to chill out and have fun.

    Once again, this isn't a dig at anyone in particular or the management of the server, it's just my opinion on the unhealthy obsession of activity. I would be interested in seeing what other people think, both from more casual players like myself and players who dedicate more time to the server!

  2. Not sure whether this is the right place but we'll see.

    I've been exploring around the map today and it looks great. However there's one small thing I think could be changed as it looks a little confusing. It is hard to read the initial information that new players read when joining the server due to the texts overlapping in the background (from certain angles it is worse than others). I have attached are some examples.

    What would you like to see: These signs changed to another position so they are not hard to read. I understand having them on the way out of spawn is effective but maybe something can be changed to make them more readable.

    How would it help the server and/or the player base: New players are more likely to read the information if its easy to read rather than just skip it and ignore it, this benefits the players experience and make it so staff don't have to remind new players of the rules as often. 

    Do you think this suggestion will help the server as a whole: Yes but it's not a huge issue, just something minor.


  3. If you look at 'NG6A' and see that as the n-word then there's probably an issue with you and your mindset, I'm sorry but it's true, or you're just looking for issues which aren't there which is more likely the case. I don't understand how any logical human being looks at that and even thinks that it's even close to the n-word, it's baffling beyond belief. I find it wild that as adults we are even having this pointless and stupid discussion about whether 'NG6A' is racist (and this is my last input on this because it's ridiculous), I'm not one to scream snowflake normally but it applies very fittingly in this situation. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, robertomanjini said:

    no i mean you have told your friend to reply to your unban thats simple and i have proof of his name been racist. 

    You don't have proof that he intended to make it racist. He randomly picked letters and it appears to look VERY vaguely like the n-word and you've assumed that as being intentionally racist, but like I said before, lets wait to hear the POV of people who aren't bias (like me and you).

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  5. 2 minutes ago, robertomanjini said:

    yea i can tho i want to tell you that this then means you are advertising and in a way gaminglight does not allow that....

    I don't understand. You're looking for tiny things to be critical on when the main issue the ban the reason for it. Let's leave it and wait for others to see and give their opinion, it's important to get a general consensus on this.


  6. 17 minutes ago, robertomanjini said:

    want to say i can just see this 2 are friends because the guy that wrote made his acc today and also this is his first time writing so either its a friend or a smurf


    I admitted this in my post mate, can you not see that?

    Edit: Also multiple people on the server probably recognise me, I'm relatively new (2 days game time) but I've made some good friends. I can join the server and talk to you if you want to hear my voice for proof that it's not an ALT and therefore is not the same person (or ask Jpackis as I spoke to him after).

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  7. *before I write this, I want people to know that this is my friend from real life, I think people should know that*

    + Support

    We were trained together as Purge the other day (plus one other guy), we were being rushed as we needed to be toured around and we randomly picked names, mine was GG45 (I was worried GG wouldn't be allowed) and his was NG6A (as above) and the guy who trained us said all was okay and then we went on our tour. 

    I was in Discord with Ombudsman at the time of this happening and he was being calm and offering to change is name MULTIPLE times, obviously I couldn't hear the admins in the sit but he seemed chill from my end.

    33 minutes ago, robertomanjini said:

    i mean considering you did something racist by your name been NG6A and then saying you did not know and then emily going up to you and saying you were been racist and then another 2 mods said you were and on top of that have a senior admin tell me that your name was racist all i have to say is a super admin said you were been racist then 2 other mods told you were been racist that's enough confirmation to say you were been racist 

    This is confusing/poorly written, what were the other claims of racism? I was in a call with him and heard him say nothing of that sort. 


    33 minutes ago, robertomanjini said:

    btw you also got kicked for purge for the name and ERP tho i did not feel like i should have banned you for the ERP due to the simple fact no one had any proof

    This is also confusing, you had no proof of the ERP yet it was in chat??? (he apologised for this anyway) yet you banned him for racism without having any proof of that whatsoever, I didn't even think that NG6A looks anything like the n-word (and clearly neither did the guy who trained him) but maybe I'm not as observant as much as the average person.

    It's just upsetting that my friend who I like to play with has been banned for randomly picking a name which looked vaguely like the n-word, I think a week ban is incredibly harsh considering people who actually say the n-word get the same length of time and now I'm going to have to play for a week without my mate which obviously sucks. Maybe I'm bias because I know the guy but this is my point of view from being in the Discord with him at the time. My final thought is that he was going to be banned all along, I feel like the mod wanted to ban him and was set in this mindset from the start, I think this is incredibly unfair. I even spoke to Jpackis after this all happened and he even said he didn't want him banned, this is the guy who reported him. 

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