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Posts posted by Frippy

  1. Name:Frippie
    Rank: Juniour researcher

    Question / Idea: Is it possible to manipulate Scp-1048 into doing what i tell it bye stealing its ears
    Background Research: i had logged multiple hours with Scp-1048 and have lost multiple fake ears to it
    Hypothesis: I believe that Scp-1048 will not care and just go about its day

    Observations (What Happened During Test):i played a game of chance with Scp-1048 and in that game we each gambled an ear Scp-1048 then preceded to roll a lower number then me causing me to win to my suprise Scp-1048 immediatly summoned an ear from no where and presented it to me upon accepting the ear Scp-1048 refused to leave me alone i then offered the ear back to it if it would do what i say i told Scp-1048 to get in a cage Scp-1048 got into the cage and did not leave or move from its position until i gave it the ear
    Evidence/Visual Stimuli:


    Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results

    This method could potentially be used to manipulate Scp-1048 to do increasingly useful/violent tasks i suggest all personal executing a more cautious aproach when dealing with this Scp i also suggest that the foundation take away its rights to freely roam the complex.

  2. Lore Name: Frippie
    Rank: Junior Researcher
    SCP: Scp-999

    Question / Idea: how does scp-999 respond to a d- class personel on amnestics(type A mainly)
    Background Research: I experimented with multiple amnestics on d class personal to see how it effected them
    Hypothesis: Scp-999 will ever run away confused or will freeze up

    Observations (What Happened During Test):Scp-999 initially acted confused upon entering the room with the drugged up d-class personal but quickly after we played depressing music it moved to comfort the d-class personal upon realizing that it was having no effect it made a mad dash for the door and broke out it ran away but the security guards contained it and brought it back we then tried it again but this time barricaded the door the Scp ran around the room in a sort of confused state not knowing what to do it looked as if it wanted to escape this carried on for 5 minutes before i ended the test and let the Scp-999 out it then ran away to a different part of the facility
    Evidence/Visual Stimuli:

    Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): i think Scp-999 acted the way it did due to it not having any visibal effect on the d class personal
    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: yes

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