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Posts posted by Rakeyyyyy

  1. What is your ingame name?: [GL] rakey/ rakey

    What is your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:182583199

    What is your rank on the Naval Roster?: Chief Petty Officer 

    What specialty are you applying for?: Security Officer 

     What Naval HC (Admiral +) gave you permission to apply?: High Admiral Joe 

    What can you do to improve the branch you will be responsible for?: I will train my troops so they can be the best. I will host tryouts to expand. I will make a positive atmosphere for Shock and DT.

    Why should you be trusted with this position?: I will Correct my troops when they make a mistake and I will help them learn from that mistake. I will try to make them look better than the other battalions by working on formations, faces etc. I also have experience as a Shock in a other sever.

    Why do you want this rank?: I want to help the two battalions DT and Shock expand. I want to make them the best battalions. I want to help train the troops to there full ability

    Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?: yes I understand 

    What is your purpose within your assigned branch?: Security officers job is to train Death Troopers and Shock and oversee there battalion to make them better 


  2. 15 minutes ago, Vice Marshall Manjini said:


    - Serious and knows what's expected.

    - Extremely nice.

    - professional.

    - has the skills of a good AO.

    only thing i could add is your app is short, but overall i would happily have you in AO.

     Medical Rescue Squadron, Petty Officer Rakey, Trial Moderator


  3. 3 hours ago, KitChan said:



    -he's new to our server 

    -I don't think he knows how we fully operate 

    -We don't have full trust yet 


    -He knows what he is talking about

    -staff on other servers

    Side Note

    Since you are new to the server I do not know if I can fully trust you yet, but from seeing how other people feel about you, I could agree that you may be a good staff member on this server. But do keep in mind Trust plays a big part in being staff on Gaming Light, and if we can't find trust then we can't have you, which like I have said from seeing how others react to you, you don't seem bad so try to get some more hours in and try to build up your relationship with others on this server. But I do not have a choice yet on if you should or should not be staff on our server, but that can always change.


    Good Luck Mr. Ravix

    Petty Officer Rakey, Medical Rescue Squadron, Game Master.



    4 hours ago, BiggieCheez said:



    Unfortunately, I see a lot of problems with this application:

    This application is very, very short.

    This application doesn't show your motivation and desire to become a security officer.

    You nailed the basics of what a security officer does, but you need to explain more on what you can do as a security officer.

    Brine, your effort on this application is below par. The security specialty is one of the most popular ones to choose and it must have people that are willing to dedicate themselves to it. This application just doesn't show it. However, this can change in the future.

    All in all, good luck!

    Crewman rakey, Medical rescue squadron, Imperial gamemaster


    1 hour ago, Donovan 1973 said:



    +good app

    +has dedication


    +honestly he is the description of a good CAO

    +has experience

    +knows whats asked of him

    +is overseen a squadron at this current moment

    +great guy!

    +is is gladius but ofc NOT BIAS!!!!

    Crewman Rakey, Imperial Gamemaster, Medical Rescue Squadron

  6. What is your in-game name?: Rakey 

    What is your steam name?: Rakeyyyyy

    What is your steam ID?: 76561198325432127

    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: yes I have experience I used to be a staff member for my friends imperial RP server it was small and I was a game master and  a  Admin on  it .

    What date did you start playing on the community?: March of 2021 is when I started playing but I was not very active and i started being active around 2 weeks ago. 

    What date did you make your forums account: March 1st 2021

    Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank): Im a Game Master  and im a user I think for my ULX rank

    How many warns do you have on the server?: no warns that I know of

    Have you donated?: no but i bought tactical insertions if that counts 

    What rank are you applying for?: Trial Moderator 

    Have you read the staff guidelines: yes 

    Timezone: central 

    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank?  The first reason why I  think I deserve this ranks is because I have experience on a other server. A other reason why I think I deserve the rank is because I am a Trial Game Master for Gaming light now which means I know how to use ULX and I know how the staff team works. I am not going to lie I am new at the server but I think I would be good at this job because I know about Imperial RP servers and how they work. I will also try my very best to get the jobs that I have done and resolved and I will be very active. I also think I should get this job because I will never say no to my superiors and what they ask me to do and if they tell me to do something I will make it my number one priority to get it done without any issues. I also think I should have this job because the time I have been in Gaming Light I have loved the community and the people in the server and I just want to help the server out and make it better. Those are my reasons why I think I should be a Trial Moderator.

    How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?: I would first probably Gag them and then I would try to calm the person down if the person calms down I will let them give me a reason of why they did what they did and If it was a stupid reason then since I can not ban or warn I would ask one of my higher ups to ban the person for 5 days because they were Mass RDMING which is a 5 day ban then. I would talk to the witness to see if she is ok and then once the witness is back at spawn then I would go back to doing my work for what ever battalion I am 

  7. In-game name: rakey 

    SteamID:  76561198325432127

    Current RP rank on StarWarsRP: MC TRN and combat level 17

    Have you donated to the server?: no 

    Have you been banned on any GL server before?: no

    Have you received any warnings (please give reasons if applicable)?: no or at least not that I know of 

    How much time do you have on the server?: 17 hours 

    How well do you know the LORE? Explain: I would give myself a 7/10 for lore because I have seen all the movies and I know who a lot of people are, and I know about their back stories. I have read also read some of the books. If I don't know something though I might need someone to refresh me through it or I may just look it up on my own time. 

    Why do you WANT to become a Gamemaster?: I want to be a Game Master Because I want to be able to host cool fun events. I also want to be able to help the server. I also want the players of Gaming Light RP to have a fun experience on the server. I would also on my events try to help players to learn new things about Star Wars lore.

    Why should you be trusted to be a Game Master?: I would make my events fun and easy for players. I know how to deal with sits. I will also try to be very active on the server. I will always listen to my superiors. If one of my superiors asks me to do something I will make sure to do it as best as I can. I will also try my best not to disappoint my peers.

    Are you familiar/experiences with ULX?: yes 

    Are you experienced with being a Game Master and how they function?: Yes, Gamemasters host events. I know they do sits but only sits that are classified as game master sits, I also Know that Gamemasters are not considered staff members for Gaming Light rp.

    Give a brief example of an on-ship event, as well as an example of an off-ship event: My on ship event, after a recent stock resupply on the ISD, something has hidden in one of the crates that was supposed to be for supplies. The creature is loose in the ISD and you will have to find it. My off ship After a recent fight with the rebels, our naval was able to find out the rebels hidden base that they retreated to on Hoth. The empire will go to Hoth and destroy the rebels and their hidden base.

    Do you know how to give a weapon/SWEP to yourself/someone? (Give an example): !give @ rw_sw_e11d

    Do you know how to model yourself/someone? (Give an example): !model @ models/player/valley/kallus.mdl

    Have you read the Gamemaster Guidelines?: yes 

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