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Posts posted by PuffyRex

  1. What is your ingame name?: Puffy

    What is your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:35141162

    What is your rank on the Naval Roster?: Midshipman

    What specialty are you applying for?: Aviation

    What Naval HC (Admiral +) gave you permission to apply?: Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax

    What can you do to improve the branch you will be responsible for? From my maybe short but great time in Naval I've spent a lot of time in ATC and it can seem a bit slow at times, now I am not sure what the Star Fighter Corps does on a day to day basis, but I would instate more frequent patrols and trainings so ATC can actually direct more traffic and the Star Fighter Corps get to spend more time in their ship and get better at flying. Although if we want more traffic we need more pilots in my opinion, it could definitely be a time zone issue, but at most I see 1 maybe 2 SF's on (at least for me) during "prime time." More frequent flying would show off SF as an active regiment and thus we would get more pilots. I would also implement (if there isn't already) more passive RP, as navy we go around on maintenance patrols routines regularly and I would like to see something similar in SF were they would  make sure ships are in fully functional order and test different things around their hangar such as the cranes and lifts. One last thing I would try to improve is the appearance  of SF, I've heard from multiple people across the ship that SF is one of the least serious regiments onboard. Now I am not sure if these statements are true or not since I usually spend a lot of time on the complete opposite side of the ship or if I am lucky in the ATC, so my interactions with them have been brief. But nevertheless I would try to spend more time over at SHB and make sure they represent themselves as formidable opponents outside of the ship on missions as well as serious onboard.

    Why should you be trusted with this position?: I believe I should be trusted with this rank because I am an active (although fairly new) member of the navy,  I am on most of the day and since I recently game back to a game I used to play daily. I've racked up 48 hours within the last to weeks, over the span of about 4-5 days, most of the time spent on the Imperial Server. I've held high ranking positions on a fair few server over my time and when I find a server that I like, I tend to stick around for quite a while.

    Why do you want this rank?: Mostly because I love aviation in general, it fascinates me on several levels, while I didn't go the SF route I want to try to make an impact on it. As well as I want to bring more to the ATC sector that might be seen as "dull" or "Time for me to watch movies." While it might not be the best reason for it, I want to be a pilot. I could of course use my other "life" as SF but I want to spend as much time in naval as possible and splitting that between SF and navy just seems idiotic when I have a chance at getting at least some action through the navy.

    Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?: I understand and agree with the decision if it were to come to it.

    What is your purpose within your assigned branch?: Being the link between SF and Navy, if there's an issue I can help bring it fourth and hopefully get it sorted quicker so they can take their minds off it. Helping and steering the regiment in the right direction whether it's through simulations, more trainings or fixing those flaws that the commander of SF might not see themselves.

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