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Loki Himself

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Posts posted by Loki Himself

  1. 3 hours ago, Jummy said:

    bit biast here, since former command, but:

    honestly a really fun branch, but being harder to join and having more restrictions than research just makes it way less appealing to most. RP is fun, when people aren't dicking around on bio or what have you.


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  2. 1 hour ago, Pillercat said:

    Pretty much this.

    Also, I can't tell you how many times I spawn in and am dead. This is not warn worthy.

    Man took his own sit LMFAO +Support

  3. 16 minutes ago, ripjaw56789 said:


    I mean, and don't get me wrong, in my time playing PRP I have seen a total of 5 out of the hundreds of OFC's be mingey and/or abusive. Gatekeeping a starter job (Yes I say starter, they have a shitty gun, shitty HP/Armor, and no vehicle), to level requirements won't help anything. The point of OFC is for new players who just joined to learn from those who got promoted and ride-along with them. Adding training back would fix it, but would require some trainers to be able to be on during the off hours when some players join or they will just leave to find servers that they can get trained on/become an officer. 


  4. On 8/24/2021 at 8:18 PM, Shin said:


    Have never seen you before.

    Only 1 post on the forums which is currently this post. So clearly, you have not put any effort into interacting with the community.

    Did not answer the questions on the applications so incorrectly done his application.

    There are so many sentences about "I am a good mod." That I lost count.

    Kind of important to me is your grammar. 



  5. 41 minutes ago, Cloaker said:

    It's obvious in that clip that the ACM didn't shoot back in self defense but instead as revenge tbh that ACM should've gotten warned for that.

    If I was you I'd make a Report Review on the sit.


  6. 16 hours ago, Kvist said:


    The definition of 'RDM' is Random Deathmatch. This wasn't random and it wasn't deathmatch, so by that logic alone this warning by necessity is required to be voided. The man was being assaulted, ie. the HSU was attempting to restrain him for little to no reason, so he responded with what he felt was his only option after he gave sufficient warning. 

    The only OOC components of this are the fact that Ape was distracted by his Teamspeak volume and the fact he was eating. That impacted the roleplay, though the HSU was already quick with the handcuffing so I would argue it had a negligible effect. 

    With all of the above being said, one could argue this was completely IC and there is no room for admin intervention.


  7. On 7/29/2021 at 11:21 AM, Dano said:


    -even though you sound like a fun guy to have on the team you only have a week playtime on the server, so I'd suggest getting to learn the server a bit better and applying at a later date.

    - I have never seen you online nor have I ever heard someone mention your name.

    - couple of grammar mistakes in the application

    On another note I do really like your event idea, pretty sure we haven't had a MW event on the server yet!


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