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  1. Thank you Mini. Although I think you meant to say +support based on your message lol If I got jailed for calling someone a hall monitor, so be it, but an official warn adds to my count and I've been playing here nearly a couple years. I used to get warned quite a bit and now hardly ever do. Zero, I would not dare call an EMS a school nurse after having this happen. I'm muzzled
  2. Your In-game: Physical Abuse The admin's name in-game: Sourg The admin's steam name (If you know it): Don't know it What warning did you receive: I received a player diss warning for calling a police officer a hall monitor. I did not personally insult him, strictly called him a hall monitor. Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): MiniEpic came and observed the sit as a third party. He confirmed that my player diss was strictly for saying that the police officer was a hall monitor, and he told me in-game that saying hall monitor didn't deserve an official warn. He told me to post to the forums, and I let him know I don't record my game so I would be relying on him to attest to this. Why do you think this warn was false: I likened this police officers job to being a hall monitor. There is absolutely no way that can be construed as dissing him on a personal level. I feel kind of insane for even posting here about it. If that level of verbal policing is taking place, where calling someone a hall monitor gets you an official warn, then I suppose your server is establishing a safe space for younger people. But there's absolutely no reason to give an official warn for something that tame. Sourg refused to respond to me after saying he was giving a warn, and then immediately teleported away and left. After reaching out to OOC and having MiniEpic teleport, he confirmed what I was saying was true and SourG told him it was. SourG said he asked the police officer if it offended him and the guy said yes, so he promptly warned me and TP'd away. https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561197980970776 Any extra information: I was in the sit because this police officer attempted to pull me over, and I drove away (non-violent confrontation). I was jailed for roughly 5 minutes and read the !motd while jailed. I now know firmly that you can't drive away while being pulled over for no (good) reason, and having a gun in your inv or in hand isn't a reason to run. I do want to be clear though, that people constantly drove away from cops on the last map and this rule didn't seem heavily enforced/I never really got warned for it. Cops would just initiate a chase after you drove away. I now know that's not the case. Look I'm not looking for any disciplinary action and perhaps you guys will tell me that hall monitor is offensive and I need to fuck off but I truly feel this is the most ridiculous warn I've ever gotten. Thanks for your time.
  3. Your in game name: Sid the Serial Killer Your Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197980970776/ The player's in game name: Jimmy James The player's steam ID (required): I tried hard to find Jimmy James Steam ID, but we all know him so I hope this doesn't cancel my report. What did the player do: There was a forum report for RDM that included a couple of players that changed their names to match mine. I didn't ask them to do this, not that I think they really did anything wrong, as I see more established members of the server name change frequently and gang up. The technicality was that three minutes hadn't expired perhaps, but regardless one of them was shot at by Lime King prior to attacking him. I had a hit on Lime King as an assassin. I received the hit, found Lime King, and completed it. Regardless of the other people helping along with the hit, all I did was receive a hit as an assassin and complete it. Killer is not a family it's just my name and mine alone. I'm not responsible for other people following the rules. Evidence (required): https://gaminglight.com/forums/topic/67877-killers-family-report-accepted/ What do you believe should happen to the player: I think Jimmy should take more time while making administrative decisions. The reporting structure here is massively flawed towards regulars that don't donate and integrate into bigger families. Any extra information: Sorry to be aggro or a dick, I enjoy most staff here but there are some bad eggs. I have my fair share of reports undeniably but that's the nature of a dynamic RP server especially when you're having a lot of fun and get caught up. This shouldn't be one of them.
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