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Posts posted by Farrox

  1. Lore Name: Thicc
    Rank: SR
    SCP: 999 & 008



    Question / Idea: 1. What happens if SCP-999 tickles someone while 008 is on the outside of 999, 2. and while an SCP-008-1 instance react to being tickled.
    Background Research:
     SCP-999 appears to be a large, amorphous, gelatinous mass of translucent orange slime, weighing about 54 kg (120 lbs) with a consistency similar to that of peanut butter. Subject’s size and shape is easily malleable and can change shape at will, though when at rest, SCP-999 becomes a rounded, oblate dome roughly 2 meters wide and 1 meter in height. The surface of SCP-999 consists of a thin, transparent membrane similar to that of an animal cell roughly .5 cm thick, and is highly elastic, allowing SCP-999 to flatten portions of its body up to 2 cm thin. This surface is also hydrophobic, although SCP-999 can willfully absorb liquids (see Addendum SCP-999-A). The rest of SCP-999's body is filled with a viscous orange substance of unknown chemical makeup, though it is capable of digesting organic materials with ease.

    SCP-008 is a complex prion, samples of which are stored in each of the known G2 sites. Research into SCP-008 is highly classified and primarily aimed at preventing research which may lead to the synthesis of SCP-008 in the distant future. Traits of the SCP-008 prion include; 100% infectiousness, 100% lethality, Transmission through exposed mucous membranes and all bodily fluids, and Not airborne or waterborne.

    Hypothesis: 1. The D-class personnel will become infected with SCP-008 when tickled, 2. The SCP-008-1 instance will not react to the tickling.

    Observations (What Happened During Test):
    Test1-999/008: SCP-999 was placed in an air-tight room after being transferred from the SCP-008 containment chamber in an air-tight bag. After SCP-999 was confirmed to have 008 particles on it the test began.

    Observation1-999/008: SCP-999 moved towards the D-class. The D-class looked confused and went to touch SCP-999. Once he had touched SCP-999 he instantly began to smile, and SCP-999 began to tickle him. The tickling persisted for around 30 seconds. SCP-999 continued tickling until the D-class yelled "Stop!"SCP-999 stopped tickling him. A blood sample was taken from the D-class personnel and interestingly he was not infected with SCP-008.

    Test2-999/008: One D-class personnel was infected with SCP-008. The SCP-008-1 was placed in an air-tight room with SCP-999.

    Observation2-999/008: SCP-999 moved towards the SCP-008-1, SCP-008-1 showed no reaction or change towards SCP-999 approaching it. SCP-999 then climbed the left leg of the SCP-008-1 and began to tickle it. A small smile grew on SCP-008-1, it did not fall over and begin laughing like normal people.

    Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): 1. For some unknown reason SCP-999 didn't infect the D-class personnel. 2. the SCP-008-1 barley reacted to the tickling.
    Was Your Hypothesis Correct? 1. No, 2. Slight reaction.


  2. Lore name: Thicc
    Rank: SR
    SCP: 1048 Object Class: Keter 
    Question / Idea: Would SCP-1048 be able to complete standard intelligence tests from low level to high. 

    Background Research: SCP-1048 is a small teddy bear, approximately 33 cm in height. Through testing, composition of the subject revealed no unusual qualities that make it discernible from a non-sapient teddy bear. Subject is capable of moving of its own accord, and can communicate through a small range of gestures. The subject regularly shows affection to individuals in ways found endearing by most people. Affection is usually given in the form of a hug to the lower leg, but subject has also been observed dancing, jumping in place, and in two separate events it has even drawn child-like pictures for janitorial staff. All Foundation personnel that have interacted with the subject have responded positively to its affection, even D-class with normally sociopathic tendencies.

    Hypothesis: SCP-1048 will be unable to perceive the tests.

    Observations (What Happened During Test):
    Test1048-A: I was sat in a chair across the room from SCP-1048. I had 2 blocks of wood and a container. I placed the first piece of wood into the open box then closed the box. With the closed box, I attempted to put the wooden block in the container. After 10 seconds of me being unsuccessful, SCP-1048 approached me and the box and tried to push the lid. 
    Test results: SUCCESSFUL, SCP-1048 shows childlike behavior towards other people, may have a low level of intelligence.

    Test1048-B: SCP-1048 was given a box with holes and shapes that fit into their separate holes. SCP-1048 after being instructed what to do finished the task with relative ease. SCP-1048 only once inserted the wrong piece into the wrong hole on his first attempt.
    Test results: SUCCESSFUL, SCP-1048 may conceive higher intelligence than we suspected. More testing should be done on a better way to communicate with SCP-1048.

    Test1048-C: SCP-1048 was given a small piece of string and instructed to tie a knot. SCP-1048 circled the string, picked it up, and attempted to leave the testing room. SCP-1048 was placed back onto the table and was given another chance to tie the string, again SCP-1048 tried to leave.
    Test results: UNSUCCESSFUL, SCP-1048 was most likely attempting to leave the room to build SCP-1048-D. If SCP-1048 is showing this behavior separate the material from SCP-1048 Immediately.

    Test1048-D: SCP-1048 was given an incredibly easy math test.
    Questions: 1. 1+1 2. 2+0 3. 1+3
    SCP-1048 was given a pencil and the test. SCP-1048 ignored the questions. Instead, he drew on the back of the paper. He drew an image of him an SCP-1048A and an Unknown foundation staff holding hands. The foundation staff's eyes were scribbled out, and he was missing both of his ears.
    Test results: UNSUCCESSFUL, SCP-1048 did not complete the test. It may not understand writing or English. Another way to communicate with SCP-1048 must be established.

    Test1048-D: SCP-1048 was given another piece of paper to see what he would draw. This time SCP-1048 drew SCP-1048A screeching and a large amount of foundation personnel dead on the floor.
    Test results: INCONCLUSIVE, 5 hours after this test concluded, SCP-1048A breached containment and killed 9 foundation personnel. Each of the personnel killed matched a person in SCP-1048's drawing.

    Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): SCP-1048 was able to complete low-level tests, ones that most small children can complete. With this in mind, SCP-1048 most likely has a low intelligence one of a small child, because it refuses to do/doesn't understand any written tests, because of this SCP-1048's IQ will be hard to measure.
    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: No

  3. Lore Name: Thicc
    Rank: SR
    SCP: 035 Object class: KETER
    Question / Idea: How good is SCP-035 at chess, and what would happen if SCP-035 drank life? (I wanted to do both of these at the same time because if I did them individually it would be fairly short) 
    Background Research:  SCP-035 appears to be a white porcelain comedy mask, although, at times, it will change to tragedy. In these events, all existing visual records, such as photographs, video footage, even illustrations, of SCP-035 automatically change to reflect its new appearance.
    A highly corrosive and degenerative viscous liquid constantly seeps from the eye and mouth holes of
    SCP-035. Anything coming into contact with this substance slowly decays over a period of time, depending on the material, until it has decayed completely into a pool of the original contaminant. Glass seems to react the slowest to the effects of the item, hence the construction choice of its immediate container. Living organisms that come into contact with the substance react much the same way, with no chance of recovery. Origin of the liquid is unknown. Liquid is only visible from the front, and does not emerge or is even visible from the other side.
    Hypothesis: SCP-035 will be very good a chess due to it being highly intelligent, SCP-035's body will regenerate almost back to normal but still show signs of corrosion.

    Observations (What Happened During Test): 
    (Footsteps can be heard and then a door opening)
    SR Thicc: Get him in.
    (Another door can be heard opening)
    SR Thicc: Ok, listen carefully D-5212. I need you to open that glass box with the mask inside.
    D-5212: Oh... ok.
    (Door can be heard closing then opening)
    SR Thicc: Go in.
    (Door can be heard opening)
    SR Thicc: Good job, now open the glass.
    D-5212: I feel as if the mask is calling to me, I must wear it!
    (Screaming can be heard then silence)
    SCP-035: Good to be back, why don't you open this door so we can discuss what you need to discuss.
    SR Thicc: Nice try. If you check your body's pocket there should be a phone. I would like you to play a game of chess with me.
    SCP-035: Chess... that brings back memories. Nonetheless, I will beat you. I have taken many experiences of chess. 
    SR Thicc: Let us begin, Pawn to E4...
    [Audio log cut 16:21:56]
    [Audio log resumed 16:22:50]
    SCP-035: Checkmate, In 4 moves you're terrible.
    SR Thicc: You seem pretty good at chess, when is the last time you played it?
    SCP-035: Good question, maybe 50 - 60 years ago with a friend.
    SR Thicc: Who was this person?
    SR Thicc: Ok now that we are finished with that I can see your body is decaying. Would you like to drink some "Juice" for me?
    SCP-035: What is this "Juice"?
    SR Thicc: Lime juice.
    SCP-035: Something is telling me not to believe you. 
    (SCP-035's arm can be heard falling to the floor)
    SCP-035: How about we make a deal-
    SR Thicc: Does it involve me opening your cell door?
    SCP-035: Possibly.
    SR Thicc: Then I refuse.
    SCP-035: Such a simple mind, if only you would open this door I could explain the mysteries of the Universe.
    SR Thicc: I highly doubt that.
    SCP-035: Oh Doctor, I know way more than your human mind can comprehend. Fine, how about another deal you give me another body and I shall drink that "Lime juice".
    SR Thicc: sighs Fine. Get him in.
    [Audio log cut 16:25:23]
    [Audio log resume 16:26:25]
    (Slurping can be heard, then coughing)
    SCP-035: What... is this? It makes my body feel good and it tastes good but-
    SR Thicc: So, your body has regenerated. It looks almost perfect. Wait, nevermind it's corroding again. 
    SCP-035: Now you can let me out, right?
    SR Thicc: No, I'm afraid our time has ended. 
    SCP-035: Feeble-minded dog you don't know how much I could tell you. Open the door.
    (Sounds of gas spraying)
    SCP-035: Coughing
    (Door can be heard opening then closing)

    [END LOG]

    Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): SCP-035 admitted that he has played chess earlier and has taken people's experiences of chess. SCP-035 body appeared to regenerate back to complete normality. SCP-035 dawned a face of tragedy when this happened, telling us that he dislikes his body returning to normal. After a few seconds, it appeared to corrode again, faster than normal.
    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Technically no, but I was close.

  4. Lore Name: Thicc
    Rank: EXP
    SCP: 012 Object Class: Euclid
    Question / Idea: What happens if you write and play the music on SCP-012.
    Background Research: SCP-012 was retrieved by Archaeologist K.M. Sandoval during the excavation of a northern Italian tomb destroyed in a recent storm. The object, a piece of handwritten musical score entitled "On Mount Golgotha", part of a larger set of sheet music, appears to be incomplete. The red/black ink, first thought to be some form of berry or natural dye ink, was later found to be human blood from multiple subjects. The first personnel to locate the sheet (Site 19 Special Salvage) had two (2) members descend into insanity, attempting to use their own blood to finish the composition, ultimately resulting in massive blood loss and internal trauma.

     Hypothesis: SCP-012 will play a horrible-sounding song, but will have no lasting effects on anyone who listens to it.
    Precautions: SCP-012 Was to be written and composed using an AI. The AI was also programmed to block out the song after composing it, so we could hear the D-class talking without hearing the song in the Audio log to avoid unwanted side effects. SCP-012 is to NEVER be stored on anything with a speaker it may start playing by itself. To gather photos for the AI to compose D-class were sent in to take pictures of SCP-012. 

    D-[REDACTED]: Suffered Self-inflicted wounds to the wrist and neck. 
    Condition: Deceased
    D-[REDACTED]: Was able to make it out of 012 with minimal injuries.
    Condition: Permanently Brain Damaged.

    Terminated XX/XX/2021
    D-[REDACTED]: Suffered Self-inflicted wounds to the fingers by using his teeth. 
    Condition: Deceased

    Observations (What Happened During Test):
    [Begin Audio Log]
    EXP Thicc: Are you ready to begin?
    D-class: Yea, whatever.
    EXP Thicc (talking to the audio device): You won't be able to hear the music due to the room the D-class is in being soundproof. Do not play the USB on my desk! 
    D-class: What kind of song is this?
    D-class: I kind of like this!
    D-class: Hold on, this is terrible! Why would you make me listen to this! Why would anyone listen to this!?
    [Song ends]

    D-class: Wait, it isn't finished? Why would you make me listen to an unfinished song!
    [D-class begins to scream and pound against the door]
    D-class: I must finish it! I must finish it! I must finish it!
    EXP Thicc (talking to the audio device): I am going to give him Class-A Amnestics.
    D-class: Screaming
    [Door opens]
    [Spray of Class-A]

    D-class: You Think you can silence what I just heard! That will never escape my mind! I must finish it! I must-
    D-class: Where am I again? You said we were going to listen to a song?
    EXP Thicc: Interesting...
    EXP Thicc: What is the last thing you remember?
    D-class: um, I think I was waiting in my cell.
    EXP Thicc: What is 23x4
    D-class: 1-2-3-4-5 6.. I think it's 26.
    EXP Thicc (talking to the audio device): D-class has suffered brain trauma/brain damage. Delivering him to Medbay for a checkup.
    [Song begins to resume]

    EXP Thicc: Wait no! That wasn't supposed to happen yet! Close the door!
    [Door closes]

    D-class: Now I remember! You tried to hide this from me! 
    [Song stops]

    D-class: Laughter I must finish it! Let me out!
    [END LOG]
    Incident Report:
    D-class then broke out of his cuffs when I was trying to give him another dose of Amnestics. He shoved me aside demanding access to "The song" LCPL [Redacted] tried to shoot him but miraculously missed all of his seven (7) shots. D-class then tackled LCPL [Redacted] and stole his keycard, ignoring the gun entirely. He opened SCP-012 and tried to finish it. He began to cry after he realized it couldn't be complete then died of blood loss. The auditory version of SCP-012 is stored on a USB on my desk, Do not touch it!   
    Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): SCP-012 song may have a separate anomalous effect (SCP-012-1?). It was more than likely that was just a malfunction in our system but I can't know for sure.
    Individuals affected by The auditory version of SCP-012 will desire for the song to finish, Causing them to go insane. (Further testing required).

    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: No.


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  5. Lore Name: Thicc
    Rank: EXP
    SCP: 049
    Object class: Euclid

    Question / Idea: How will SCP-049 react to someone dressed as a plague doctor.

    Background Research: SCP-049 is a humanoid entity, roughly 1.9 meters in height, which bears the appearance of a medieval plague doctor. While SCP-049 appears to be wearing the thick robes and the ceramic mask indicative of that profession, the garments instead seem to have grown out of SCP-049's body over time and are now nearly indistinguishable from whatever form is beneath them. X-rays indicate that despite this, SCP-049 does have a humanoid skeletal structure beneath its outer layer.
    SCP-049 is capable of speech in a variety of languages, though tends to prefer English or medieval French. While SCP-049 is generally cordial and cooperative with Foundation staff, it can become especially irritated or at times outright aggressive if it feels that it is in the presence of what it calls the "Pestilence". Although the exact nature of this Pestilence is currently unknown to Foundation researchers, it does seem to be an issue of immense concern to SCP-049.

    Hypothesis: SCP-049 will see the subject as friendly and not try to "cure" them.

    Observations (What Happened During Test):
    [Footsteps can be heard, then a door unlocking.]
    SCP-049: Hello doctors, what is in store for today?
    EXP Thicc: We are going to introduce you to an individual who is very similar to you, Another Plague doctor.
    SCP-049: Splendid! (SCP-049 looked excited almost happy to meet this person, who was just a D-class wearing a Plague doctor costume).
    EXP Thicc: We are going to unlock the door now, please step back.
    [Sounds of metallic scraping, Door opens]
    MTF Unit1: STEP BACK!
    MTF Unit2: Push him in.
    EXP Thicc: I am closing the door now.
    [Sounds of metallic scraping, Door closes]
    (The D-class was told to act like a Plague doctor or he would be shot immediately.)
    EXP Thicc: Remember our deal "Plague doctor" (D-class).
    D-class: Hey who the hell are you- I mean what's going on fellow doctor.
    SCP-049 seems preoccupied, circling the D-class with a curious look.)
    SCP-049: Are you even another Doctor?
    D-class: Yeah-h I am.
    SCP-049: Can you cure anything?
    D-class: Cure? Yeah, I can do that easily.
    SCP-049: What is it you cure exactly?
    D-class: I can cure anything. There are too many to name.
    EXP Thicc: Do you detect the pestilence in this individual?
    SCP-049: No, I do not. 
    SCP-049 Seems preoccupied again, inspecting the subject closely.)
    SCP-049: I don't think you are a fellow plague doctor! You liar! Doctors, please send someone real next time.
    D-class: Wait no, I am a re-
    SCP-049 Places his hand on the D-class)
    SCP-049: You must be cured. Everyone must.

    [END LOG]

    Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): SCP-049 seemed happy to meet another Plague doctor. The D-class acted improperly resulting in their death. Maybe with someone more intelligent, we could trick him.

    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Nope. (Due to the D-class not being able to hold is act together)


    OOC: Thanks for reading, I had a lot of fun writing this one. (even though everything was exaggerated and the actual test was boring)

  6. Name: Thicc
    Rank: EXP
    SCP: 008, 294, 1025, and 012

    SCP-008 Object Class: Euclid

    SCP-294 Object Class: Safe 

    SCP-1025 Object Class: Keter Safe

     SCP-012 Object ClassEuclid

    Question / Idea: How will a 008-1 react to item SCP's.

    Hypothesis: SCP-008 will act brain dead and perceive none of the items as threats.

    Background Research: SCP-008 is a complex prion. Research into SCP-008 is highly classified and primarily aimed at preventing research that may lead to the synthesis of SCP-008 in the distant future. Traits of the SCP-008 prion include 100% infectiousness, 100% lethality, and can only transmit through bodily fluids.
    Hypothesis: SCP-008 will act brain dead and perceive none of the items as threats.

    Observations (What Happened During Test): 

    I dispensed a cup of "Life" from SCP-294. SCP-008-1 showed no reaction to SCP-294 or the cup. SCP-008-1 then drank the cup of life showing no reaction or changes in their body.
    I dispensed a cup of "Cola" from SCP-294. SCP-008-1 showed a slight reaction to the loud noise that SCP-294 made when dispensing the drink.
    SCP-008-1 then drank the cup with no reaction.

    SCP-008-1 entered the room. After a large amount of work, I got him to flip a page. (SCP-008's lungs were visible at the time). After he quickly opened and shut a page their lungs quickly turned black (lung cancer). SCP-008-1 then refused to flip another page. Trying to push back against me and the security.

    SCP-008-1 entered the room. He was pushed in front of SCP-012. He then backed away refusing to go any further. He was pushed multiple times but backed away before he could inflict any damage to himself.

    Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): SCP-008-1 started showing higher brain function after taking "Life" maybe life restores some of his body's function but cannot purify the disease (further testing required).
    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: No, not at all.



    (OOC: In this test log I was testing how different colors make the test log look nicer or more readable, please let me know what you think.)

  7. Lore name: Thicc

    Rank: Researcher

    SCP: 457 Object Class: Euclid [Potential Keter]

    Question / Idea: What will happen when SCP-457 is exposed to low temperatures.

    Background Research: SCP-457 appears to be a sentient being composed of flame. SCP-457's actual composition is unknown, and has proven to be invisible and undetectable by any known means, but is shaped out by the flames it produces, often assuming a human-like form if given sufficient fuel to assume that size. SCP-457's most rudimentary form appears to be that of a single flame, comparable in size to that of a matchstick. In this form, SCP-457 possesses only the simplest of directives and shows no signs of being unusual compared to any other flame beyond a penchant for suddenly flickering to burn human hands, and the ability to 'jump' to more flammable materials or other flames, which it then assimilates into its total form.

    Hypothesis: SCP-457 will slow down his rate of burning and not be able to increase in mass.

    Observations (What Happened During Test): As the temperature was lowered in the containment chamber SCP-457 began to shiver and tried to conserve heat. After around 10 minutes of the room being below -100 C SCP-457 began to shrink. The test was then concluded.

    Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): SCP-457 ran out of heat to sustain his form and had to shrink.

    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: not 100% right.

  8. Lore Name: Thicc

    Rank: R

    SCP: 777

    Question / Idea: Will different liquids cause different varients of SCP-777-1 to materialize.

    SCP LINK:  http://www.scpwiki.com/scp-777

    Location: On 01/07/21 I was temporarily moved to site ██ for testing on SCP-777.



    Test 777-4A:

    Substance used: 5ml of Orange Juice 

    Result: SCP-777 produced five (5) SCP-777-1s. After a closer inspection of SCP-777-1 in the lab. The SCP-777-1 was identified as a Citrus leafminer a bug known for laying larvae in Citrus trees.


    Test 777-4B:

    Substance used: 3ml of Nitric acid

    Result: SCP-777 produced sixteen (16) SCP-777-1s. All of the SCP-777-1s attacked Security LCPL  ██████ (Who was standing in the room). Stinging him repeatedly, after 30 seconds of Security LCPL ██████ getting stung. Every single SCP-777-1 was lit ablaze and promptly terminated. Security LCPL ██████ was sent to the on-site medical ward. Security LCPL [DATA EXPUNGED] appeared to be in a large amount of pain screaming the entire time. Security LCPL  ██████ then slowly melted into a pool of blood.


    Analysis / Conclusion: The second instance of SCP-777-1 is still unidentified, even after viewing the security footage. It resembled something of a Phantom Crane.

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