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Posts posted by Kiyo_Seesaw

  1. Now i know my time here in CI was a relativity a short one but you guys are one hell of a gang. I will miss the raiding to the foundation and all the hijinks i did while in this branch. There's is one person i would like to say to and that is towards Box. My man, you and your bro were honestly the most funniest peeps in this server and i wouldn't trade you guy's commentary for anything. But you all are wondering, why am i leaving? Well to be honest, its work man. Work has made me into one busy bee and with the hours they are giving to me now then say from last year is a big change. So for now i must focus on work. Maybe one day when work has lessen down on me and i become more open, i can think about a return. But for now, i think leaving is the best course of action. What can say, Raul Out.


    Name: Raul Seesaw
    Rank: 2LT
    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:173696381
    Reason for leaving: Imma be real with yall, work has gone more intense then every before and now i dont think i have the time to be on the server much longer. I want to thank command to giving me the opportunity to be in command and see if i can be that leader. I want to thank Wanted for giving me a chance to be Head of Recon, i tried my best to give the branch but i believe i know a guy who is much better in that role then me right now. To my old Omi 9 crew and current Nu7 crew, thanks for letting me be apart of your branch family. I know it sounds more cheezy then Chunk E Cheese but you all did something to me to make me become the man i am now. I hope we see each other down this road once more. Thank you all again for letting me be in this Branch.

    • Gaminglight Love 3
  3. In-game Name:  Raul Seesaw


    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:173696381


    DiscordID: Lazy Mantis#6222


    What division do you want to join (Military or R&D): Military

    How would you rank your knowledge of the lore?: Not a whole lot but I am willing to learn the lore.

    Why should you be in Chaos Insurgency? (75 word minimum): I want to join CI as it can expand my view within the server as well as seeing the server on the other side of the foundation. I feel like having an opportunity to play within a different team might help me understand the lore of SCP. I do intend to bring the best of myself all that way through with CI as experience with different situations can help me understand similar situations in real life. Also I do enjoy seeing CI working their hardest and that inspired me to do this application and be better. I do want to give my hardest to raids and help as much as I can.


    What is something that sets you apart from other applicants?: My willing to learn and become the best teammate I can within CI


    How active can you be?: I'll try my best to be active since I do work and stream. 


    Do you have both Teamspeak and Discord: I do have both Teamspeak and Discord

  4. In-game Name: Raul Seesaw


    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:173696381


    DiscordID: Lazy Mantis#6222


    What division do you want to join (Military or R&D): Military

    How would you rank your knowledge of the lore?: Average, but will to learn

    Why should you be in Chaos Insurgency?: I want to join CI as it may expand my view within the server as well as see the server on the other side. I feel like with an opportunity to play with a different team it might help me understand the lore of SCPS. I do intend to bring the best of myself with CI as experience with different situations can help me understand similar situations in real life. Also I do enjoy seeing CI work there hardest and that inspired me to do this application.


    What is something that sets you apart from other applicants?: My willing to learn and to work my hardest. I always bring 110% of myself towards a job.


    How active can you be?: With work, school and streaming, it sounds pretty tight but I will be active when I'm available for sure. Can be on in all hours depending on mostly my work schedule.


    Do you have both Teamspeak and Discord: I do indeed have both.

  5. 1.What Is your In-game Name: Raul Seesaw

    2.What Is your current rank?: Master Sargent 

    3.Who would like to see you as a Experimental?(Two Officer's, if you are a officer you are excused): Southpaw & Benito

    4.Why should we trust you with being a Experimental?(This Is A Special Force In Omicron-9): I am trustworthy and loyal, as well as serious

    5.Why do you want to be a Experimental (100 words minimum+): The reason I fill out this form to become an EXP personnel is the amount of challenge it might bring for me and that they have the hardest job within the Omi 9 branch in MTF. I also believe that this can give me a chance to learn some valuable lessons that I can take with me in real life as it can help me with getting me a better, full-time job in the future. This job will not be such an honor to be in but I will give the job the respect and dignity. In my time within Omi9, I have given my higher-ups and EXP’s the respect they rightful deserved as they have work there way up to get where they have gotten to, and I hope that I can join the EXPs to not only show everyone that you can do it as well but to do it with respect and credibility.

    6.What is your Timezone?: Pacific Standard Time (PST)

    7.How often can you be on?(How many days/hours a week): 6-7 days a week, dependable on time since I work a part-time job

    8.Are you a well trained & disciplined Soldier?: Yes I am, I can also bring forth the up most respect to anyone higher then me.

    9.How many warns do you have?(Can be checked by !Warns): None

    10.Do you have any Active strikes?(If you do, then you will be denied): None

    11.Are you capable of completing the mission & helping out your team mates any way necessary?: I will bring two hundred percent of myself to complete any mission and help all my teammates. Don't care how big or small the task is.

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