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Posts posted by Mr_Minicraft313

  1. Lore Name: Mr.Minicraft
    Rank: AR
    SCP: 049

    How will 049 react with testing on a D-Class with 56 IQ.
    049 seems to like to test on smarter beings.
    049 will not like the D-Class and turn him down for becoming a 049-2.

     049 tried to conversate with the  D-Class, but all the  D-Class would say is "Bruh.".  Then 049 got angry  than the D-Class wasn't saying much so he turned them into 049-2. Which then the now 049-2 had to be executed.

     The D-Class was not good for 049's research. though my hypothesis was wrong we will now know better ways to keep 049 happy and in contanment.


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