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Posts posted by SoulsRuined

  1. On 2/7/2021 at 9:43 AM, Yato Sensei said:

    - Support
    610 is pretty much a virus. It spreads to new hosts rapidly, they decay over time, if there are no new hosts - it dies. That's the concept of the SCP. The 90 second NLR timer can make this pretty deadly at high peak hours.

    Unless you have to many mtf camping outside hcz lower door 😕

  2. 1 hour ago, [GL] Deez said:

    +/- Support

    I really dont know how to feel about this one 1. 610 Can even infect people with Hazmat suits on thats why I would not call him weak  2. I believe you just need to play him right to be able to cause some good damage if you do play it right I believe you could cause a big Chain reaction with the infection 3. However I do find the range to be made longer I played 610 Myself and you really need to get close which is not possible when it comes to MTF they would just run and shoot and eventually killing you by doing so.

    The problem is the 3 min death timer for other 610 -2 they have 400 hp and its sooooo easy to kill it and there is no cover to take i tried to hide in the door corner and wait but you have to be close to the person so its pointless, or at least make the original 610 infection timer less a little 

  3. Post name: “General Suggestion - buff the 3min time limit and range of infection and infection time limit”

    What are you suggesting? -  so for another subject the got infected by 610 and have 3 min to live that is really short time it won't be enough time to escape HCZ and the rage of the infection is really bad you literally have to be really really close to infect someone while mtf is shooting you and you die fast from assault rilfes and shotguns it takes like 30 seconds of shooting with a assault rifle to kill 610 with body shot, at least make the subject who got infected get 700 health and 20 min to live and make the range of the infection swep a little longer and buff the original 610 with 2.5k hp because its really easy to kill 610 because of the 5 min infection swep time limit 

    How would this change better the server? - it would be really fair for 610 to get a buff of what I suggested because I played 610 a lot and in my opinion and other people who said the same thing it needs a buff, the vampire is even better that 610 and the infection time limit is too long 

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - no it won't when you have about more than 12 mtf in lcz and like 6 in hcz which is more than enough to kill 610 in 10 seconds plus when you shoot 610 the bullets pushes him back and its much harder to infect someone 

    Who would this change mostly benefit? - it would be really much fun to play as 610 and fair for people who play it and wo got infected by 610 and not die in 3min for example I infect a security or mtf after 3 min they will wait NLR that's 2 min then they come back and 610 is dead so its useless playing 610 unless it gets buffed


    (Also 610 looks like a tree grew inside a man so please find something that actually looks like 610)



    Regards SoulsRuined 

    Discord: SoulsRuined #7170

    By buff the time limits i mean for the 3min subjects that got infected give them more time to live and for the 5min swep time limit decrees that read the suggestion for why the reason is

  4. Name: SoulsRuined

    Rank: JR

    Steam ID:  76561198210050337

    How would you rate your activity (1-10): 7

    Notes: there was a lot of CI and Sarkic raid, also defcon 2's, so couldnt fix CC's a lot but tried my best also i have school and midterms so ill be busy and not that active for now

  5. Lore Name: SoulsRuined 

    Steam ID: 76561198210050337

    Rank: Research 

    Activity Level: 6, because school(for now), IRL problems, too many SCP breaches which ruin my experiment and end up sometimes killing me or going back at spawn because of D2 or CI or sarkic raid, almost experimented on every SCP i have access to.

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