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Posts posted by Crusadesbenz.tv

  1. Name (which you most commonly use): Demon

    Position I am applying for: Senate Commando VCMDR

    Do you have any command experience?: If so please explain: RC Commander on Andromeda Networks (they have since died) RC Commander on Divine/Rising (these 2 were the same server but died as well)

    How active can you be? I play on the cloneliferp server every day for around 5 hours i believe.

    Are you familiar with the Star wars universe and have played other Star wars related servers?: If so please explain: Yes i am and i have played on IFN, SUP, Andromeda, Divine, Rising, Zephyr imperialrp,  

    Why do you want to become command?: To fill the final spot we need for the senate guard/commandos. Making the Regiment active is my primary focus making sure we do trainings not just tryouts for when people get on(right now its kinda dead other then about 4 of us i want to change that) 

    What qualities can you bring to the position?: Experience leading anything like Assassinations, Covert Ops, Counter Terrorism, Counter Ambush, Ambushing, Sabotage, Infiltration, Recon, Medical, Sapping (demo), Engineering and Repair.

    What makes you different from other players?: Most players have not had the experience in all the missions i have been in let alone lead. I can identify leadership skills without having to ask so i know who to promote if they want the position and who not to, every rank should be earned not givin even for this VCMDR rank if some who read this think i have not earned it yet with reason then i should not be givin it. I will bring my experience, more training then just tryouts, i hope i can bring harder tryouts but will talk to the commander and vice, the drive to make the regiment active, im also always actively searching for ways to improve as a person and commander so i will be paying attention closely to the high command with this position.

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