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Posts posted by Kando

  1. Name: Kando

    Rank: GMIII


    Length: 2 weeks

    Reason: I've been having a lot of work and stress going on at home, along with reviews for my school exams, state test, and class exams coming up in a weeks time.

    Date: 4/26/2022 - 5/10/2022

  2. In-Game Name: Kando

    SteamID: STEAM_0:452485569

    Rank: GM Tick III

    Length of LOA (Time must be Specified): 1 week, 4/6/2022 - 4/13/2022

    Reason for LOA (if private that is fine): Need to catch up on school as I have been lacking behind, and need a general break.

  3. + Support

    - Known the guy for almost 3 years now. He's extremely dedicated to communities he likes, and Gaminglight is one of them.

    - Has plenty of experience being a elite unit and has extensive RP Medical expertise.

    - Active, I see him on daily.

    - Nice guy to talk to and definitely knows what he's doing!

    I believe he deserves this position as he's worked hard for this community as a whole; whether it be on ImperialRP, PoliceRP, or other servers he's extremely dedicated.

  4. In-Game name:




    Lance Corporal

    How long have you been in your current rank?:

    Currently have been a LCPL for 1, almost 2, days.

    What experiences in leadership do you have?:

    Was a Death Trooper NCO in 2020 on the old map when NCO was the DT Commander and Jess was the Vice Commander. Got to SGM before I left due to house renovation. Currently a Inferno Head Agent as well, and I usually go over my quota unless I have had personal activities all through that week.

    Why do you want to be a non-commissioned officer?(100+ Word minimum)

    I hope to become a Death Trooper NCO once more so I can assist the community in more ways than being active on DT. My goal for if I become a DT NCO is host a lot of trainings for the new Enlisted DT or those who need refreshers so they can go back into the field with their A-game on. Being a Non-Commissioned Officer brings a whole new batch of responsibilities, and even though the last time I was an NCO in DT was around 2 years ago, I believe I can quickly adapt and learn to become a good person to be a role-model to enlisted once more in the battalion. After all, an NCO's job is to guide Enlisted DT to becoming NCOs and experienced DT.

    What makes you stand out amongst the others?(110+Word minimum)

    Honestly, it is hard to stand out in a Battalion such as Death Troopers because everyone is so active and great at their jobs. The main qualities I have though is my activity and discipline. In reality, my personality is like a rubber-band where if the time is right I know when to have fun. I know at what points there are to have fun and not. It's basically a switch for me in general, as I can read a room easily. Being a Non-commissioned Officer in general is not easy unless you dedicate your time to it. I have enough time on my hands to take care of two NCO positions while still excelling in both, and I intend to be able to do just that. As an NCO, you also need to be able to instill discipline in Enlisted who are mingy or out of line, and I have plenty of experience in that. All in all, everyone has something unique that makes them stand out so I can't judge anyone else really.

    Do you understand that if you fail to meet the expectations of an NCO you can be removed from your position?

    Definitely, but I intend to be able to be a long-term NCO hopefully.

  5. Post Title: “(Event Title) - Hosted by (Name) on (Date)”
    "The Cleaning" - Hosted by Kando on 3/23/2022
    Event Type: (Combat or Passive, onship or offship or offmap, etc)
    On-ship Passive
    Event Description: (paste this from event ping and add any extra info)

    Because of recent missions, the Imperial Health Community has decided to send 2 health inspectors aboard the ISD. Their main goal is to make sure the ISD is safe for all of our troopers health wise. Are they honestly JUST health inspectors? Or is there something deeper behind this "inspection?"
    What could have gone better in the event?: (What you feel could be improved)

    I personally feel like I could've hosted it at a better time or when there were more people on-ship, as there was a IF Mission when it was hosted. I also feel as if it could've gone smoother or I could have had more event actors to spread everything out more.

  6. In-Game name: Null | NC8

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:452485569

    Rank: CPL

    How long have you been in your current rank?: 3 days

    What experiences in leadership do you have?: 

    Former Purge NCO, former JT and ST NCO, currently IQ NCO

    Why do you want to be a non-commissioned officer?(100+ Word minimum)

    The reason I want to be an NCO is simple, to lead people and hopefully recruit new people into our ranks. The reason why I wish to lead is to give me a chance to earn more experience, steadily improving my skill to lead. The ability to lead is improved by experience, and in order for a person to gain experience they must either have natural ability from real life or guided experience. Natural ability comes from you living around leaders, for example a teacher, army personnel or someone special. Guided experience comes from people teaching you how to do something, like a Officer or NCO. I also wish to have the ability to recruit people into our ranks, as I am extremely strict when it comes to recruiting people into Special Operations battalions, such as DT.

    What makes you stand out amongst the others?(110+Word minimum)

    I stand out for one main reason. I am always on, active. I am usually active for at least 3 - 5 hours a day due to my expendability. Due to me being active, I will be able to assist around the battalion all the time, allowing me to assist my peers and learn more from my higher-ups. I have been in literally every battalion besides Medical, becoming an IF Agent before affectively retiring. Not only that, but I have massive experience in leadership, not only from other battalions in this game. For example, in a game called Elite Dangerous which is all about flying and space, I became a Wing Leader which is a fairly high officer rank, which has given me the ability to lead a decently big squad or a fairly big amount of people.

    Do you understand that if you fail to meet the expectations of an NCO you can be removed from your position?

    I understand entirely.

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