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Posts posted by joshstrange705

  1. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : Itsuki  


    2. What Regiment are you applying for?IC Commandos (Fixer or Sev)


    3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? I want to be a Vice commander of IC to help shape the new generation of IC  Commandos into something great, not feared but respected among other troopers. I want to help my troops learn the correct way of how we are suppose to do things within IC and to make sure everyone is doing the job done efficiently and correctly.  I want to  help my Co-Vice Commander and my Boss keep order with in the  battalion. I want to do the rosters and to train every new recruit that comes into the battalion.  


    4. How much game time do you have on the server? 1 week minimum, I would have more if I was given the time but unfortunately I have an overnight job that sucks most of my time. 


    5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?  As I see it, the Main purpose for a commander for a branch with in the Imperial Army is to help keep order with in the battalion. The commanders are there to be a shoulder to lean on, to help any of their troopers in any way shape or form. From talking to them about how their day is going to shaping their leadership skills on and off the battlefield. A Commander is everything when it comes to a battalion.  A Commander is also there to fill out any paperwork such as Roster updates, training that must be done as well as keeping an eye on all of the troopers. 


    6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : I am  reliable, whenever someone needs help I'm always there to lend a hand. Everyone on the server that knows me trusts me a lot.  I can be  trusted as a Vice Commander due to the fact I will always get the job done efficiently, as well as done the right way and how my Commander sees fit. I train people how the R&R  tells me to train them as well as give them tips and tricks on the battlefield. That is one of the several reasons  you should trust me to be Vice Commander.  


    7. How often can you be Online? : I can be online every day of the week if need be. I won't be on 24/7 as I have an overnight job, however every ounce of free time I am given I spend into Imperial light. 


    8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :To my knowledge I do not have any warning that I know of.

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