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Posts posted by Sulfur

  1. Gonna keep it short, didn't really do much as DCOO, and I don't really want to keep holding this position. I lost interest in the server a while ago and just stopped playing. Hopefully scout puts someone better in my position. If you want to play a game just hmu

    also scout when you gonna play ranked?

  2. -Support

    Your application is very confusing, first, you have 6 hours on the server and you're applying for et? Second, the first sentence in your reason to become et just doesn't make sense. You repeated the word event 3 times too much, and I feel like the only good reason you have in there is "I will still be dedicated to the event team". A lot of work can be done on this app.

    - Low effort

    - Need more time on the server

    - I don't think staff experience on roblox counts

    - 40 minutes probably isn't enough for an event

    - Gave me an aneurysm reading your app

  3. -Support

    Reasons above

    Your warns link doesn't work, you also need work on your situational questions, "hope they learn their lesson" isn't a very good response.

    Your whole application is like two sentences, I see one period and two commas. I had a stroke reading your response.
    Wtf does "a couple of years ago ive been playing for a while but for low time" mean??

    Also are you a time traveler? You supposedly made your forums account on 5/28/24 but it's 5/19/24

    Put a little more thought into an application before submitting it please.

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