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Ya Boi Hunter

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Posts posted by Ya Boi Hunter

  1. What is your in game rank and name? 

    CPO Ghidorah

    What is your STEAM ID?


    How long have you been in Naval?

    1-2 Months

    Why do you wish to become a Senior Officer?

    The reason I wish to become a Senior Officer is because I have loved Naval from the second I joined, and I have always wanted to become a Naval Officer during my time in this lovely battalion. I want to further my career and prove to my superiors that I have the capability to do great things! I am already a SO, so I believe I am experienced enough to hold this responsibility!

    What are the duties of a Senior Officer?

    The duties of a Senior Officer are to watch over the battalion and ensure that said battalion is running smoothly. They also guide their subordinates through their career and assist them in achieving their goals. They are actively watching over the ISD as well, being trusted by their superiors to run the ship. They enlist new members, and help those in need of assistance. 

    How will you assist the battalion as a Senior Officer?

    I will assist the battalion as a Senior Officer in every way I possibly can. I will actively run the ISD, guide my fellow crew members, recruit others, and be there for anyone to ask any questions to. I will work with my superiors in boosting activity and enforcing the SOP. I will also host trainings and tryouts for the members of the battalion. My goal as a Senior Officer is to want our members to come back our great server and play as Naval!

    What qualifies you to be a Senior Officer?

    I believe what qualifies me to be a Senior Officer is my maturity and outright friendly nature. I am patient with others and open to making new friends. While I can be chill, I am also ready to be serious when needed. I am always open to help others out when needed, as well as always open to suggestions. With my past experience as COL and 2LT, as well as general experience of the server, I believe I am ready for this position. 

    Long Live The Empire!

  2. In game name: King Hunter 


    Discord: -=Ya Boi Hunter=-#0126


    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:209985774 


    Rate your activity 1-10 (1 being lowest 10 being highest): 2


    Anything we should know?(If your activity is below a 5 this is a good place to explain why): My activity is low because of my focus on D.O.C, however I plan to become more active in the next few days. 

  3. Your In-game: King Hunter 

    The admin's name in-game: Damien


    The admin's steam name (If you know it): I don't know it


    What warning did you receive: I received a warn for prop climbing onto the hospital roof, as well as lying that I didn't prop climb


    Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): The part of a roof couldn't have been accessible without props, or he thought B)


    Why do you think this warn was false: It is false. This is backed up by the fact that Tactical watched as myself and three others climb on top of each other to get me to the upper roof. 


    Any extra information: None 

  4. +Support
    As of now the printers are basically a scam as Runey has previously mentioned. It's a pain to just get it and upgrade it, let alone grind the money back. If they were reverted to its original state then it would be a hell ton of fun to use.

  5. What you want to see? - 

    - Some implication of music of some kind

    - A job for an owner of the club

    - Just some things to spruce up the club in general 

    Why should we add it? - Right now, the club is pretty boring, and nobody ever goes into it except to base in it. I feel it would add some more aspects to the club and to make it a lot more interesting, as well as give a reason to be down there. 

    What are the advantages of having this? - It would give people a reason to be down there, as well as a place to "vibe" whenever people want to. I've always liked the club, and it's sad to see it mainly unused. 

    Who is it mainly for? - It would be for anyone who wants it whenever they want. 

    Links to any content - 



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