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Posts posted by DeadlyBird

  1. 21 hours ago, Tomato said:

    This......this is just my hamster wheel test but changed a little. I published this test log like 2 months ago. So here is what ill say....

    Option 1. If you didn't know that, then great job. this is very creative and id like to see more of it. 90/100 (its a bit short)

    Option 2. If you knew i had posted the test log, then shame on your for copying.

    It's option 1, as I didn't knew you did this 2 months ago Tomato(I usually don't check the logs for getting more creative ideas) 

  2. RP Name: DeadlyBird

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:149986785

    Discord Tag : Deadly_Bird#8695 


    Branch(es) (Maintenance, Medical, Both): Maintenance 

    Rank(s) (Include both branches, if applicable): MJ

    Subdivisions/Whitelists (FTO, CS, MMF, HLPR, ACM): N/A

  3. 15 hours ago, Hoovy said:


    >:USERNAME: ██-█ 'The Treasurer'

    >:PASSWORD: ██████

    BEGIN LOG...

    Experienced Research DeadlyBird, please be advised that your log has been assigned to me somehow and will subsequently be graded by me.


    Overall a quite prestigious Test Log. The Test Idea its-self is quite original however the log is extremely short. Linking it to our current situation with COVID-19 was a bit odd, however to each their own. The format you have used in this test log is quite exemplary, though. Perhaps some pictures and/or video of the test its-self could spice the log up.

    FINAL GRADE: 85/100



    Hello sir, first of all I am very honored for you to grade my log, secondly I agree its short because this test was more of a roll test, as we had to quarantine SCP-432 chambers with a Field Medic and having no actual equipment we had to do it on RP. I linked it to our current situation with Covid-19 because of how contagious both virus'es are. I have been using this format for all my testing logs as I created it myself. Again I couldn't put an actual video as it was a roll off contest(if we had done it on a Medical Lab I could have made a video of it but we had to use SCP-432 room because it was big) and showing a video that only had roll contests would make the test boring. Thanks for grading and it's a pleasure under serving you sir. 

  4. 9 hours ago, Tomato said:

    NGL, there could be way more to this. I want a extended version of this because i feel like there is so much more you can do. Overall good quality and no spelling errors. 80/100 (simply because of length)


    Understandable Tomato. As all I had to do was stand in 079's CC for few mins and generating the story myself(because 079 is an nonntalking entity). That was all I could do at that time with my imagination but I can assure you I will try to do longer next time

  5. 1 hour ago, Starstep said:

    Good work.
    However, I don't think you could possibly interview SCP-1048. It doesn't speak. >_<
    Other than that, the test idea is decent; got me intrigued, and I'd like to see more.

    Yea, you are right. but i could do it on by writing, like 1048 writes stuff on a paper and i write it back

    • Like 1

    Cool guy, met him on D block. And I see the potentional for him to be Nu7. 


    When he was a D class he asked me that how he would enter to Nu7 and how was the branch, which is showing that his interest in the branch, 

  7. In Game Name: DeadlyBird

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:149986785

    Your Discord ID/Name? (Example of One: [GL] Mike#2480): Deadly_Bird#8695

    How Many Warns do Have? (Server Warns Not Mil RP or Imp RP just SCP-RP): No 

    Why would you like to join MTF Nu7 "Hammer Down?" (125 Words Minimum): Because i dont wanna sit in the bunks while waiting to D class to get contained while being an researcher(this was also my reason to join to security). The other reason is i wanna be more interactive in the game other than doing tests or guarding the D block for 6 hours by myself(Im planning to swap security for MTF so that i wont exeed the 2 life rule). And i also wanna experience different experiences. And i always wanted to be part of an MTF squad but i couldnt because my aim was bad. But then i leanred that i am actually not bad about aiming at Security. Also please note that i will be always loyal and listen to all of you(even if the person who is talking to me is in lower rank than me)

    You are an Nu7 Enlisted Standing in your bunks and a Nu7 Officer (2LT) Begins to Diss and Argue with other MTF and CI. Who would you report them to?: LTCOL+

    If you have received a strike in another Branch: How long ago was it and why? (If you haven't don't fill this part out)

    What other branches have you been a part of, if you are still in them what rank are you in the other branch?: Research: Experienced Researcher, Security: LCPL(planning to change Security to MTF)

    Do you agree to be active and be dedicated to play on Nu7 for at least an Hour a day (If possible?): Yes

    Did anyone recommend you for Nu7? (If not just say No): MTF Nu7 HFTO MAJ Mint XO93

    (This has been reposted to here because i posted the first one to "Archives" like a dumbass)

  8. Your Full Name & Rank: DeadlyBird, Experienced Researcher

    Why have you chosen to pursue specializing in studying biologically hazardous materials: To understand and (possibly) use their abilities to improve our researching and security capabilities

    Have you produced any documents pertaining to biologically hazardous SCPs: Yes, i did an forum log about SCP-008 x SCP-500(you can check it, its in the #forum-test-logs)

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