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Posts posted by Spud

  1. +Support

    Coolcaz, you are by far the oldest and most experienced Low Command member in security. You were in the WO group right after my own, and you've been in command for almost 6 months. Throughout that time you have built a strong presence among the Low Command ranks, and have done plenty of promotions, PTs, etc. The only drawback I can see is that you have some problems with activity, but that can always be improved and isn't a major issue in SCMD since we have more of an administrative role than LCMD. Overall, I think you are the most trustworthy member of LCMD and the most deserving of a spot in SCMD. Also, Security Janitors. Good luck ❤️.

    • Like 1
    • Heart-Eyes 1
  2. Name: Spud

    Rank: MAJ

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:534956543

    Current Sub-Branches your in: Riot Control, Sniper, FTO, Wardens, Jugg

    Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 150+ words): I should retain my rank as Major because I have dedicated a lot to security over the past 7+ months that I have been a part of it for. I put in tremendous effort as an enlisted, NCO, Warrant Officer, Low Command, and now as a Senior Command member to get to where I am today. I have also put in lots of effort to both of our major sub branches, FTO and Wardens. I help lead the FTO branch and hold the position of DHFTO and hold a command position in Wardens being an EWD. My position as a Senior Command member proves that I am trusted by HCMD and other Command members to assist in managing this glorious branch that is Security. While my activity hasn't been stellar recently (especially since I just came off of a week long LOA), I plan to go into this week and pick it up, and I will assist my fellow command members in any way that I can. Let's keep security great gentlemen, its gaming week.

    Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: Spud 2021

  3. Name: Spud
    Warden Name (If applicable): Constantine
    Rank: MAJ

    Date (MM/DD): 3/12
    Date you will return (MM/DD): 3/19

    Previous LOA (If applicable): uhhhhhhhhhhhhh like 5 months ago
    Reason (can be private): Taking a trip to Tennessee with my family over spring break. Won't have access to my pc or ts really, if you need me just dm me on discord: Superspudmuff1n#0494, Congrats to the new WOs and the new DHFTO in advance. Cya in a bit gentlemen.

  4. 11 hours ago, Sixx said:


    That sniper is pathetically OP for D-Class to have, a nerf is needed to it. 

    I support this at least on site 10v2. I still want to see the map change before any change to this gun would happen. My problem with it right now is that they can burn through our enlisted and NCOs if there's no riot control to stop them. Even if Riot Control are there, D Class still have a sweet spot behind the elevator. For right now +support, but I wanna see the map change first.

  5. 6 hours ago, 𝖕𝖎𝖒𝖕 said:

    Guys when you quote someone plz add on to it. I know other people have told you but I still see it happen all the time. it just seems like you are trying to get forums posts up. Its important to share what you think not just what someone else does if you truly agree with someone you quoted in an application say you agree under it. 


  6. 4 hours ago, Jameshi34 said:


    On 2/20/2021 at 7:52 AM, DooM Guy said:

    Hell, 1 riot control makes it insanely hard to riot. If you're gonna use the argument "But you guys take D-Block enough" I don't even wanna hear it. You guys have D-Block for the majority of the day. I understand D-Class are supposed to be weak but this is the most unbalanced thing on the server.

    Complaining about Security holding D-Block for the majority of the day doesn't make much sense as it is quite literally our job to do so. Losing D-Block is a loss, a major loss, as you guys scurry throughout LCZ and HCZ and end up causing mass breaches. In my opinion, as a Gensec main, Security should never lose D-Block. Ever. I understand this isn't possible and won't ever be possible, but it's my ideal. D-Class are prisoners and nothing more - we should be able to regularly frisk you guys, kill on suspicion, and have access to the entirety of lower D-Block.

    Rioting is meant to be insanely hard. You chose the route of the D-Class when you bought your CC, and SMT have given you guys a blue line, purple line, and a huge black barricade that makes Partial Lockdown look like a little kid's birthday party. If you want to be able to riot against Gensec you need to plan out an attack, strike when we're weak, and strike with great force. I know there's the Union discord and I also know they barely use it for scheduled riots which seems like a pretty big loss considering there's like 150 people in there, some with CCs. I do hear word that riots are hard to plan out since D-Class are mainly the newest people in the server, but I'm certain that if you coerced them with the benefits of a large-scale riot, you'd have a following.

    Now onto the taking D-Block thing. Yes, in my opinion, D-Class take D-Block FAR MORE than they should. At this point, with Riot Control being the only thing between 3 CCs and 10 normal D-Class at a time, there is absolutely no need for a nerf, or "rework" as you like to call it. Yes, there are times where far less D-Class are on than Gensec and rioting seems impossible, and in these times you should either 1: Flag onto another job, or 2: Carefully plan something with the D-Class that are there. If there's not enough to take D-Block, then oh well. Again, D-Block isn't supposed to be like cutting warm butter. Don't try and make it as such by nerfing Security. Work with your peers and maybe you'll see results.

    It seems to me you don't understand that D-Class are supposed to be weak as you are legit making a suggestion to give you guys an edge. The most unbalanced thing on the server is also the only thing stopping 15 D-Class from breaching every SCP and causing nukes daily. Before, when RC had the Ithaca, it was an abysmal job to play on. I despise the Ithaca with a burning passion. The XM is far better for us and I don't see a reason to change it other than "Gensec are holding D-Block!??!?!?!?!? WOAH That can't happen!!!"

    TL;DR - Don't complain about the difficulty of riots; plan riots; deal with the XM

    P.S.: If you want your opinion heard, go to Security HCMD before making a suggestion that nerfs one of their classes. I'm aware it's not required, but for formality's sake (and our HCMD's sanity), come to us first.

    Couldn't agree more. Currently Riot Control is the the only thing that stands between Gensec and the almighty. If this suggestion gets accepted it's gonna cause a lot of problems.

    • Like 1
  7. 32 minutes ago, [GL] itsalex7676 said:

    + Support
    Didn't we have this SCP before?
    If correct it was in the garden room.
    I don't really know what happened to it?
    I think they removed it.

    - it would be cool to have this SCP again.
    - it would bring more RP scenarios for researchers.

    Agreed. I'm not sure why it was removed in the first place.

  8. +Support

    - Been CPT for quite a while and is definitely experienced enough for SCMD

    - Good app

    - Epic DHWD

    - Gave me the name "The Irish Lemon"

    Beepis, you were in the same WO group as me and I can tell by your actions and mindset both in the past and right now that you care greatly for Security and are prepared to take on the responsibility of Major. I hope to see you join SCMD, good luck.

  9. +Support

    Ebic security man and does a lot for wardens as DHWD. One of wardens primary tasks is escorting and protecting high level personnel, so he already has quite a bit of experience for the job. I’ve also witnessed his combat experience firsthand when we are defending LCZ from CI, so I think he’ll do well. Good luck.

  10. +Support

    I absolutely adored the old D Block. My opinions on the rest of the map are blank, Keep it site 10 or go back to site 05 i wouldn't mind either way. But the Site 05 D Block was absolutely phenomenal. It was well balanced between Gensec and D Class and we didn't need any of these blue or purple lines to balance it. Also the elevator wouldn't get broken as easily on the old map. I implore you, please bring back the Site 05 D Block. 

  11. Eem you did outstanding as a Warrant Officer and I’m proud to have been your mentor. It’s sad to see you go but irl stuff always takes priority. I hope to see you come back one day, until then I’m open to play Minecraft anytime. You’ve made Potato Man proud.

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