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Posts posted by Logi

  1. ROA or LOA: LOA
    Name: Logi
    Rank: SET
    Start Date: 8/22/23
    End Date: 9/1/23
    Reason: Stuff came up a couple days ago, havent been able to get on much, the end date is when I will be able to be more active and reliably make quota

  2. Name: Logi
    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:95923448
    Rank in Event Team: Senior Event Team
    Date of Joining Event Team: 05/13/2023
    Date since last promotion: 07/19/2023
    Why should you be remaining as an Event Team Member? (ALL ET RANK | 100+ words)?
    I have been in event team for almost 3 months and I am still passionate about doing events/pts. I have no strikes and have never missed quota, I don't power abuse and I use ET powers responsibly. I have a lot of ideas for future events and am working on dupes for them right now to eventually do them in the future. I care about the server and I am always aiming to improve the player experience, being event team greatly helps me in doing that. My passion for Event Team and clean record since I joined is why I believe should stay.
    Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?


    Name: Logi
    Warden Name: Felix
    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:95923448
    Rank: 1LT

    Ngl idk the proper way to do a command resignation so I'm just gonna do a forums post. I lost interest in the branch after so many of our jobs got removed and wardens is in good hands with all of its new command so I'm leaving. Ty all for the experience I had in this branch

  4. 1. What is your in-game name?: Logi

    2. Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:95923448

    3. Current Rank in Security: 1LT

    4. Time on the server: 11 weeks playtime on tab menu

    5. On a scale from 1  (the minimum 30 min per day) - 10 (6+ hours Daily), how active are you?: 10 on the server, like 5-6 on security

    6. Do you have any active strikes on the roster? (This includes other branches): 0

    7. Which Juggernaut members recommended you to apply?: Sweeps

    8. What is your current level in game?: 143

    9. Do you understand that if you abuse this job it WILL be taken away?: Yes

    10. Why do you think you deserve to join the Security Juggernaut Sub-Branch? (100+ WORDS): I have been in security for a good few months and I believe I have shown my skill through my devotion and playtime in wardens. I am active and strive to always have gensec be in control of d block. Juggernauts specialize in this which is why it interests me so much. Also, I want to be able to do Juggernaut tryouts. I have done 16 Warden tryouts and I want to do Juggernaut tryouts to not only improve gensec activity but to also improve efficiency in d block. Lastly, I love to grind bounties and in juggernauts I will be able to do that again as a combatant in security. My commitment to security with my desire to always improve is why I believe I should join Juggernauts.

    11. As a member of the Juggernaut Sub-Branch, do you have the right to give orders to people above your standard Security Rank? Why or why not?: No because your juggernaut rank doesn't give you more authority than your current security rank. This is clearly stated on the juggernaut SOP.

  5. Name: Logi
    Rank: CPT, DHCE
    SteamID STEAM_0:0:95923448


    I got into Omega-1 command so I'm resigning 😞 The people in E11 are amazing and I had so much fun with you all

    Sweeps: dorcu for 2 months lmao

    shaft: best ranger cmd on god

    Dutch: king of E11 pts

    Jinkie: youre very funny plz dont resign

    Jeremiah: is also funny o1 no need to say goodbye 🙂
    I'll miss you all o7

  6. Name: Logi


    Current and former RP ranks (max of 3 of each): Current: Epsilon-11 Captain, Security Warrant Officer (Warden Centurion) (I'd resign from both to fully focus on Omega-1, it'll need a lot of work to get up and running.)


     SteamID: STEAM_0:0:95923448


    DiscordID: morbius_not_venom 


    Why do you want to be a command member?:
    Omega-1 is a brand new branch that will require much work to get up and running. I want to become part of that process because I know I can contribute to making Omega-1 something extraordinary. I want the opportunity to work directly under the Ethics committee. I have never seen the Ethics committee actually be a significant roleplay job that deals with ethics and this will be a new experience. I want to become a command member so I can make this experience enjoyable and long lasting for new Omega-1 members. I also want to become a command member to greatly help lead its members uphold the Code of Ethics to the highest degree. Omega-1 has always interested me and it'd be an honor to join its command.


    What skills and qualities makes you best fit to be Omega-1 Command:
    I am online constantly to be able to lead the branches I am in command of and assist their players. When I am not able to get online and I am not doing anything, I am almost always on my phone looking at the discord, viewing who should get promoted, their activity, seeing if anyone is doing bad or good, what needs to be improved in the branch, etc. I have been in command of E11 for a while and have been consistent in my activity and unwavering in my dedication. I prioritize the goal/objective of E11 and Sec, investing my time, effort and resources to achieve it. I will do the same thing as Omega-1 command. I always try to grow and improve my abilities as a command member to create an even better environment for the players.
    If I were a command member of Omega-1, I’d bring a strong sense of responsibility to my role. I understand the weight of the position and the importance of upholding the ethical values and standards of a branch like Omega-1. My commitment to responsibility comes from my consistent dedication to fulfilling my duties and obligations. I prioritize meeting deadlines and delivering on commitments,  like hosting PTs, making meetings, and hosting/making tryouts. I take ownership of all my actions and am always accountable for their outcomes. Being responsible allows me to create an environment of trust and reliability within the branches I am command in, inspiring confidence in the command.
    Character/Relationship Building:
    I strive to build strong and meaningful relationships. I create connections based on trust, respect, and empathy. I genuinely value and appreciate the people I play with, and I actively push to understand their needs, motivations, and perspectives. By taking the time to listen and engage in open and honest communication, I establish camaraderie and create an environment of teamwork and collaboration. Additionally, I make an effort to develop my character so that you may turn to me anytime you need help with E-11 or Sec. If you believe someone should get promoted or you are having issues with someone in E11 or Sec, I am always available. The significance of open and transparent communication ensures that players involved are kept in the loop and that their needs are met. I encourage collaboration and actively participate in it, always respecting all viewpoints to try and establish a positive atmosphere. I make sure to keep open lines of contact with other command members, to ask for advice when needed or to quickly deliver important info. If I become Omega-1 command, I will lead by example and encourage people to always value working with others within Omega-1.


    On a scale of 1-10, how well do you know the Code of Ethics?: 8 - I have studied and am studying the code of ethics relentlessly. I fully believe this will be a 10 by the time Omega-1 jobs get added to the server.

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