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Posts posted by Sarge


    I feel the rules for SCPRP or Gaminglight, in general, are quite clear when it comes to racism it states "Gaminglight does not tolerate bullying or targeting based on race, gender, sexuality, or other identities, nor racial slurs or anything that can be deemed offensive. Gaminglight has a zero-tolerance policy towards this type of conduct." 

  2. Warns are meant to serve a purpose as a reminder of what you have done and also allows staff to determine the severity of the punishment you will receive especially when you have previously broken the same rule. Also warns are part of the staff application which allows staff to ensure that more often that not those that are likely to break the rules are not given power to harm the server or it's players.

  3. - since you were banned upon reaching the threshold it should stay.

    I was under the impression that warning threshold bans were only to be issued upon reaching  their 10th, 20th ,30th or 40th warning on a single server. 

  4. What Is your In-game Name?: MTF Omi9 SSGT Sarge SS42

    What Is your current rank?: SSGT

    Who would like to see you as a Experimental?(Two Officer's, if you are a officer you are excused)?: A) Crabbo and B) Blackbeard

    Why should we trust you with being a Experimental?(This Is A Special Force In Omicron-9)?: I feel that in order to progress my skill set as a special unit of the foundation I feel this would be the perfect spot for me to better my combat ability. And It would be nice to have another EXP playing during AEST and I'd not be alone.

    Why do you want to be a Experimental (100 words minimum+)?:

    The reason I'd like to become an experimental is down to two reasons:

    1. My activity is a huge reason for this application as often when I am active in my time zone there are hardly any Omi9 active and I feel having an EXP on would mean it would still be a challenge for CI to raid the foundation which happens more often than not late at night.

    2. Communication within this regiment is a worrying topic for me as I mentioned above more often than not I am one of the few members who play in the Australian Eastern Standard Time with it mostly being one of these people Crabbo, Fringbean, and myself. If I were to be selected to becoming a part of the experimental program I feel as if I could bridge this gap where there is no-one in Omi9 to lead the others who are lower than them. I would achieve this by ensuring that we maintain proper communication between EXP and non-exp members of Omi9 to make sure they are not sitting in bunks.

    What is your Timezone?: Australian Eastern Daylight Time

    How often can you be on?(How many days/hours a week)?: Easy 5 days a week.

    Are you a well trained & disciplined Soldier?: I feel that I work daily on being able to complete my orders no matter what so to the question whether I feel as if I am well trained I will say yes I am.

    How many warns do you have?(Can be checked by !Warns)?: 0

    Do you have any Active strikes?(If you do, then you will be denied):

    Are you capable of completing the mission & helping out your team mates any way necessary?:  I feel that I am more than capable of completing a set mission given to me by my superiors.

  5. -1  

    6 hours ago, [GL] loudyfam (Jack S) said:

    -/ + Support leaning to -

    Sorry but you hard skipped chain of command to try and get a warden in trouble for a misunderstanding, went straight to a HWD, when a EWD could handle it.

    your also only a CPL, not very long in Omi9. 


    You do a good job tho


  6. I begin this by quoting the rules section ALL PLAYERS #3 which states "You should only use props to enhance an RP situation." I hardly see the mass prop spawning of a hazmat dummy in the water on surface a way to enhance an already established RP scenario. 

    Also the screenshots which we provided to Rangiatea further prove that you purposefully went out of your way to attempt to crash the server via mass prop spawning which shows intent.

    It's a -1 from me.

  7. -/+

    I agree with Sparkle and I feel what he has said will be the decider to whether you get your  unbanned. Dect is/was a fantastic staff and was a good mentor when I got Tmod.

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  8. +/- support I feel that those who join RRH usually are some of the Foundation's best and most loyal operatives and I find a player that has acknowledged that he didn't take the role of GENSEC Heavy seriously is not really the right fit to be defending an 05. 


  9. Here's hoping this application isn't as "lackluster" as my previous attempt to get this whitelist.

    Now for the application


    Sarge's new and improved Juggernaut application


    What is your in-game name?: Security FTO MSGT Sarge.

    Steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:72578306

    Current Rank in Security?: MSGT

    Time on the server?: 1 week

    Current level?: 70

    On a scale from 1 - 10, how active are you?: 8

    Do you have any active strikes on the roster?: 0

    Which command members gave you permission to apply?: 

    Security SFTO Col Mini and Security SFTO CPT Comet

    Have you read the Juggernaut section of the SOP?: Yes

    Why do you think you deserve access to the  Security Juggernaut Job?: 
    I think I deserve access to The Security Juggernaut Job because I am pretty dedicated to GENSEC and I feel that I could make use of the job to better serve GENSEC and prevent unwanted d class from progressing to far into the facility.

    Which weapon in the Juggernaut load-out would you use to hit a d-class in the middle of a crowd and how would you ensure to hit your mark?:

    Since my last application it was mentioned that this should be answered in a little more detail so I will give it a shot the Juggernaut loadout consists of an M60 Machine Gun, Nova, and CZ-75.  I will now proceed to explain my process 1 gun at a time.

    M60 Machine Gun: This weapon better suited for taking down a larger group of D class who are attempting to make it further into the facility.

    Nova Shot Gun: This weapons fire is a larger spread however it is very efficient at close quarter combat where a lot of D class are running at you and you need to eliminate the priority target and then proceed to eliminate the lesser targets with ease.

    CZ-75 Pistol: This is your “crap my other two guns are out of ammo” weapon. The CZ-75 pistol is an automatic pistol so in the right hands, this weapon should be efficient at picking off the stray d class and my preferred weapon for taking our a d class in the middle of a crowd.


    ^ XD ^


  10. 5 minutes ago, Sixx said:


    This branch update should hopefully make our Sub-branches more enjoyable and powerful to play on while make our Enlisted job that get 1 shot by knives able to survive longer and have a better chance of killing D-Class so they don't loose enjoyment in the server from insta dying. 

    Nothing else more to say.

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