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Posts posted by GeneralDrDuck

  1. Yo its been a pleasure being with you guys but i dont have the time anymore soooo CYA

    Spoon: thanks for letting me be DCOS in dea it was great. 

    Ben: sus

    Vader: Thanks for doing emojis for me

    TigersDen: Stop being good at siege and let me win

    Phil: I will drink more VB's than u

    Juan: Pretty Epic

    Jacky: Thanks for rating my drip

    Tactical: Can I have a bo oo oo woo aaa 

    Drippy: Idk he just cool 

    Magic: thanks for helping me when I first started 

    My final wish: Please add sponge boob twerking emoji to the GL discord for MEEEE



  2. What you want to see? -  A hood in the map 

    Why should we add it? - it would be good for gang rp such as Bloods and Crips.  

    What are the advantages of having this? - More RP For the gang roles 

    Who is it mainly for? - Gang roles 

    Links to any content -  Not really just a hood.

    Note: I Don't know if your still taking map suggestions 

    My idea for the hood: There would be one side for Crips to spawn on and one for bloods, They can advert gang war when they are in the hood (outside of it as well of course) . There could be a east side where Crips spawn and West side for Bloods and it would be a fun gang area and a good place for shoot outs for criminals and Cops


  3. Its been great being a trooper but its my time to go. 


    Dark: Thank you for training me and helping me in all those EPICAL things

    Scruffy: I dont think he is still in here but thanks for training me along side with Dark and I also named one of my stuffed animals scruffy when I was 8. 

    Hanxi: Thank you for helping me with LOA's and being a overall great captain. 

    Frog and Smith: I never really had anytime with you guys but thanks for making state police it is epic


    Perms by: Hanxi




    da baby.jpg

  4. What you want to see? -  A drift game mode like arena where you can drive a variety of cars and test them out to see if you like them in a private area so it wont be copbait if your just trying to drift and have fun. 

    Why should we add it? -  It would be a fun thing to do and it would add more things to the server. It would also decrease copbait if people wanna go drift and have fun without being reported for Cop bait and pulled over

    What are the advantages of having this? - It would attract more people to come to the server since there isnt much drifting game modes in Gmod servers

    Who is it mainly for? - People who like drifting.

    Links to any content: Nope just coding and building 


  5. Name: DrDuck 

    Rank: SAIC

    LOA Time: starts:5/31/2021

    Reason (Private if needed): moving houses so I have no wifi

  6. 6 hours ago, tEDDY34 said:


    The evidence provided is enough to prove a trend of incompetence, he seems to value his opinion more than the motd.

    ^^^^^^^^ I would like to hear Will's side cause there is a lot of evidence in this.

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