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Posts posted by MysteryGamer

  1. Name: Cobra

    Rank: SET

    Steamid: STEAM_0:0:520849772

    I've gotten bored and have lost interest in the server and ET, I've had a good run but its my time to finally leave the Event team and RP branches for good.

    i might get on from time to time to just fuck around for an hour then leave. So better watch yo back if you see me on, cause i might just k... you know what...

  2. In-game name: Cobra

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:520849772

    Current RP rank in All Divisions (Ex. Senior Medic, Security Officer): MTF E11 DHFTO 1LT, STF D4 "Vanguard",

    How long have you been a Event Team Member: Around 2 Weeks

    Have you received any strikes (please give reasons if you remember): No, I Have not Gotten Any Yet. I Plan to keep it that way.

    How much time do you have on the server? (Press F1): 8 Weeks [Time got Reset awhile back, If it didn't it would be Around 10-12 Weeks] Been Playing on this Server for over 4 Years.

    How well do you know the SCP lore in general?: Very Well, I Know most Basic SCPs and Quite a few Not Known ones.

    Why do you WANT to become a Senior Event Team Member?: The Reason I Want to become an SET is That I will be able to take a lot of Events and PTs I have Planned in the Past, also in the Future to the Next Level in terms of RP and Fun. Also being able to host more Large scale events better with a more range of guns and Tools that come with SET. Another is that it will also show others that I can be trusted with large amounts of power that others may not be able to handle.

    Why should you be trusted to be a Senior Event Team Member?: I feel like that I should be trusted because, for this past time I've been in ET i have done quite well with being able to handle events and myself, also having a good understanding of the ET Rules and Guidelines. Also, Being an E11 1LT and DHFTO Shows i can be trusted even more with the Power that SET Comes with.

    Have you mastered ULX?: Yes With Both SAM and ULX, As i have sat down for over an hour looking at the commands and seeing what does what.

    Are you experienced with planning Mega Events?: Yes, I Have helped will a lot of Mega Events in the past and planning some just by myself.

    Give an example of a mega event: 

    "The Downfall of Site-13"
    The Downfall of Site-13 is Based on the Original SCP Game with Site-19 [Not Fully based on it, just a few changes here and there to make it more fun]

    Dr. George Maynard has been Transferred from Site-00
    to Site-13, He is to be given a Tour of the Site. Once the Tour is over Maynard is to Get a Tour of his Office, After Maynard is Done He will walk around and collect info and send it off to CI, Once CI Gets all the Info they Need from Site-13, Maynard will Plant C4 on the Main Generator of the Site and Blow it up, During the Timer Going down on the C4, Maynard will Suit up in Armor in found during his walk around Site. When the C4 Goes off It Causes Every Light to Go off and Containment Chamber to Open Releasing every SCP in Site-13. Maynard is to hold MTF Off Until CI Raid and Get Maynard out, if CI Fail to get Maynard, They are to Help Maynard's wish of taking the Foundation down by Helping the SCPs Breach Surface and Cause the Site to use it O.M.E.G.A Warhead System. [This is just the Idea i had, Once i get time i will Revamp this idea Into Something better]


    What do you consider to be the best event you have ever created: The Best Event i have Done was my "Deal Maker" Event, It Was a Man Called "The Deal Maker" Which would go around Site Asking people if they wish to make a Deal, If they did. they would get what they wished for, but for a Price. [Would Either lose their soul or a random body part, based on the roll they got]

    What is your Total Amount of Events according to the "Events Hosted" column on the roster?: 8 Total, Not Much but more then most.

    How active can you be: Around 5/6, I've been trying to make room for ET During the Week, But when I do I Get the Most out of it before I have to Leave for School/Family


  3. 4 hours ago, Yamato said:

    just give him like another thousand worth of HP and we'll be fine.   we do melt him really fast so adding more HP will atleast slow down the ammount of HP that is drained before tranq 


    Or update his tranq HP from 4k to 2.5k Or 2k

  4. You were the one who made me want to go for Senior mod back then,

    i Still regret on how i left Staff the way i did, and i really wish i can turn back time to change what i did.

    But hey i've Changed my act from back then, and im hoping i can do better then what i was.

    I wish you the best luck on your future travels o7

  5. Name: Cobra

    Rank: E-11 2LT, Medical Senior Medic, Research Associate Researcher, Event Team Trainee

    Length of LOA: 1/3/23 - 1/10/23

    Reason: Im really burnt out from gmod and i have lost motivation to do anything right now for gmod i need time to play other games and focus on work

  6. In-Game Name: Mystery/Cobra

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:520849772

    ULX Rank (Donator Rank/Staff Rank): Silver

    How long have you been playing on the server?: Since Late 2018, Early 2019.

    Have you read the SCP-RP Event Team Guidelines: Yes.

    How many warns do you have? (Screenshot): 30Capture.PNG.a9510d25567a51d01e982b18a18c9e53.png.8b938ecceee1e68cca0d6424fd47e31b.png

    Why do you want to join event team?  I Want to join event team as i Really enjoy SCP lore and MTF Backstories, and also being really knowledgeable about SCP history in general. so i want to bring my knowledge to Event team to help better events.

    Why should you be trusted to be part of the Event Team?:


    I've still been able to pull around 10 hours+ a day, and still around 150+ hours a week. Sure this is unhealthy but its what i have been doing for a long time and its what i like to do.


    I've been in this community for over 4 years, and during that time i have climbed the ranks of Security and Epsilon-11 both making it to 2LT and DoFTO in Epsilon-11 also having built up a lot of trustworthiness within the Community. I've even made it to Senior Moderator which shows i can be trusted with the Powerful ULX Commands i will be given within Event team.

    Are you familiar/experiences with ULX?: Yes, i used to be a Senior Moderator.

    Describe an event you could create (Be specific):

      [The Lockdown of Light Containment Zone.]

     [Code Name-P-B-3]

    The Lockdown of Light Containment Zone is based on my old Event idea but Changed a bit.

    Description: SCP-049 and SCP-035 were moved to LCZ Temporary Containment for Cross testing and interviews, During interviews both SCP-049 and SCP-035 teamed up and broke Containment causing Mass amounts of SCP-049-2 and SCP-035-2. Security and Mobile Task Force Units are given 15 Minutes to Secure Both SCP-049 and SCP-035, Contain Both SCPs-049 and 035, and Protect LCZ from further Containment breaches. if both Security and MTF are unable to S.C.P. within 10 Minutes. Mobile Task Force Unit Beta-7 "Maz Hatters" Are to be deployed and Sent to LCZ immediately. If both Security and MTF are able to S.C.P. LCZ within the given time, Site goes back to Regular Functions. If not LCZ is to go under a Full Decontamination Process to Destroy Any Biological Biohazards Substances Left in LCZ.


    This is to be played using C.A.S.S.I.E PA System [AKA PA Swep or what it is called] at the 15 Minute mark, 5 Minute mark, 1 Minute mark, and 30 second mark.

  7. In-Game Name: Cobra/Mystery
    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:520849772
    ULX Rank (Donator Rank/Staff Rank): Silver [Former Senior Moderator]
    How long have you been playing on the server?: Since Dec 2018-Jan 2019 [Just About 6 Weeks on the Server]
    Have you read the SCP-RP Event Team Guidelines: Yep
    How many warns do you have? (Screenshot): 30Capture.PNG.a9510d25567a51d01e982b18a18c9e53.PNG

    Why do you want to join event team?: I've wanted to join Event Team for awhile as I really enjoy the lore and
    Backstory's of SCPs, GOI And MTF Groups. I want to be able to bring my knowledge of SCP Lore to Event Team so I can help
    make events more in depth with lore and interesting for other players to enjoy just like I do.

    Why should you be trusted to be part of the Event Team?: 
    I've Been able to put in around 8 hours+ daily on the server in the past, Now i've been able to but in around 12 hours+ or around 200 hours every 2 weeks.
    I know this is beyond unhealthy but its what I like to do and it shows how dedicated I am at what I do.

    I've Been in this community for a long time and during that time I have built up a lot of trustworthiness and experience in Staff and Many Branches Across SCP-RP being able to become a Senior Moderator in staff, which show I can be trusted with any Powers I get in Event Team or any staff rank and also knowing how ULX works, And even making it to a command position in Security, Which also shows I can be trusted with any rank I might get During my Time In Event Team.

    [My Past/Warnings]
    In My Past I've done some bad things which I regret heavily and i take full 100% responsibility for my past actions and any warnings that i might get in the future.
    When I first joined the server I was a massive minge i was getting warned every other day.
    it was until my 1 Month ban that I saw what i was doing was wrong. I have Matured a lot since my last warn and im trying my hardest to put what I have done in the past and keep it there.
    so im hoping anyone or any branch i have offended to forgive me for my past actions.

    Are you familiar/experiences with ULX?: Yes I used to be a Senior Moderator, but it doesn't hurt to get a refresher.

    Describe an event you could create (Be specific):

    Name: The Decontamination of LCZ

    People involved: SCP 610, MTF Beta-7 "Maz Hatters"

    Description: SCP 610 Is Being Brought Over from HCZ to LCZ for Temporary Containment and Testing as its cell is being cleaned. but during transport one of the MTF Members gets infected with SCP 610 Which Causes a Full LCZ Lockdown, MTF Are Given 15 Minutes to Secure LCZ, If MTF Are Able to Secure LCZ Before the 15 Minute Timer Site Goes Back to Regular Functions. If MTF Are Not Able to Secure LCZ in 10 Minutes, MTF Squad Beta-7 "Maz Hatters" Are to be Deployed At Site-13 to Help Combat SCP 610. If All Else Fails LCZ is to Go Under a Full Decontamination Process to Destroy Any Biological Substances Left in LCZ.

    This Is To Be Played At The Start of the 15 Minute Timer, 5 Minute Left, 1 Minute Left, And 30 Seconds Left.

    And If Im Denied Please Dm My At MysteryGamer#1370 To tell me what i can do to better my Application on the next run

  8. Name - Mystery/Cobra

    Steam ID - STEAM_0:0:520849772

    Discord Name - MysteryGamer#1370

    Rank and branch (Nu7, E11, CI, Security)  - E11 CE PFC [Ex Sec 2LT, Ex Senior Mod]

    List any punishments you have been given (warns, bans, Strikes, etc) - All My Warns are Very Old, My last one was from 7 Months ago.20221101172738_1.thumb.jpg.8da0f08f68d8bf3d31c4367e34fe8f7b.jpg

    Why do you want to join Delta-5? I Want to Join Because it looks Fun And its the last MTF Branch i Wanna Tryout.

    Why should we let you into Delta-5? (50+ words) You Should Let me into Delta-5 Because the Amount of Experience That i Have With Being Apart Of Gaminglight, in Combat, Having LeaderShip Skills, And Knowing What to Do in Each Situation That I'm Put in Would Be A Great Addition to The Delta-5 Team.

    Do you promise to uphold any and all community, server, and SOP rules and RP values? Yes.

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