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Chris Browns Fist

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Posts posted by Chris Browns Fist

  1. 1. Steam Name: Christ Browns fist

    2. Ingame Name: ST PVT Freddy Price 4666

    3. SteamID: https:/steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198984372318

    4. Ban Length: 7 Days

    5. Admin that Banned you:[GL] [TGM/TM] Silver

    6. Reason for Ban: Mass Minge | Mass Player Diss | Mass Ticket Spamming | Extend to 7 days

    7. Dispute: Silver Took my friend which i wont lie was kinda  Trolling, but i did nothing of the sorts and Kicked/Warned him before looking at logs and seeing that someone shot him, and there for I told him he doesn't know how to do his job and do better cause  this is ridiculous. He then proceeds to warn me 2 times fore "Calling him out". Then he jails me for 600 seconds and then bans my friend cause he simmited a ticket complaining about how his warn was unjust, he then got banned. he then comes back to me mutes me gags me then unjails me so he can do !xban on me and ban me for the same reasons he banned my friend. But before that he took my ticket and made a link and told people on the server to look at it these were his words "Look what mrprice sent me  (LINK)" because he thought my complaint was funny. The fact that im banned for mingeing even tho i didn't shoot my gun a single time in the game other than spawn at the firing targets makes this ban invalid. IF you were to look at the logs  you would see I did no damage to any player during my whole time enjoying the server. In fact I was still rping during "DOWNTIME" guarding doors.  Now on to the other reason for me being banned "MASS PLAYER DISS" First off the only person i came close to insulting was Mr Silver,  and i wouldn't even call it being insulting. Therefore i dont understand where this "MASS PLAYER DISS" even comes from. An on to my final reason on why I was banned "MASS TICKET SPAMMING" If you look in logs I only did /Report 2 times in the span of a minute, im in awe from where this notion of me Mass ticket spamming is even origination from. If you could go back and review this I would much appreciate it . And i wouldnt be putting so much work into a ban appeal if i was just joining to "minge".

    -sincerely Mr. Freddy Price 

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