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Posts posted by c0br4h

  1. NCO Application

    What is your name?

    Cobra (4078)

    What is your rank?
    Senior Airman

    How long have you been an Enlisted?
    Two or Three weeks!

    What rank are you applying for?
    Not 100% sure what rank I'll be giving, but I'm assuming the lowest NCO ranking possible!

    How many strikes do you have?
    0 Battalion Strikes
    1 Server Warn

    Why should we trust you with a NCO rank?
    I have been NCO and an Officer previously. Keep in mind this was a long time ago, in a battalion named the 31st Demolition Corps, but I do still have the knowledge and experience of both these rankings. I am very interested in moving up the ranks in Starfighter Corps, as well as contribute more to both the battalion and Command. Overall I have held up a pretty good reputation with the other Enlisted, and I feel ready to take the next step into hopefully being in a position where I lead them to a certain extent. The biggest reason that I think I can withhold trust within this rank is because of my past experience in a position like this, and the (hopefully) solid reputation I have attempted to create for myself.

    What can you do to assist Officers with this rank?
    I think a big way I can assist the officers is by giving SF enlisted, and others of my same ranking, things to do. I plan to make an effort to plan things for SF to do, whether this be practicing a certain flight formation, or even help the enlisted get better at flying or dogfighting (if I have the ability to run something along those lines of course). I also think I can also help officers keep the enlisted in line, make sure they are following orders, and even help run SIMs if I am called on to do these. Lastly I plan to host tryouts at least once every time I get on, I know Starfighter Corps is always looking for new Enlisted to join our ranks, and I hope to carry out that need by hosting tryouts when able.

    Do you agree that if you are striked within the first week you will be put back down to the Enlisted rank?
    I agree

  2. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name)

    31st ADTO CPT Scotty 1728

    2. What Regiment are you applying for?

    31st Demoliton

    3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?

    It has been my main goal for quite awhile now, at first I didn't think I would need to, but however, countless times it has been shown to me that I do need to step up and make a difference. Although my activity might not be as grand as you guys may like, my valid excuse is that I have been spending more of my time at my moms (I do not have a computer there) So why should I be a Vice Commander if i'm not going to be in game all the time? Well the answers simple, I simply handle all the documents, as well as brainstorming ideas that the battalion can use, although that doesn't seem ideal, I have thought over this and think that this option would work, I want so dearly to be a help to this battalion as it's been my main goal, I have given up multiple battalions to focus primarily on 31st.

    4. How much game time do you have on the server?

    It says I have One Day, but a few months back I remember having at least 1 week.

    5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

    A commander is in charge of essentially managing the branch, ensuring that the overall structure of the branch is healthy, as well as creating a better structure for the battalion to follow, if this has not already been set. They should not make decisions based on what people or friends may tell them, they shouldn't make decisions that they want themselves either, they should receive the input of others and make changes using the feedback they receive.

    6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :

    I think my dedication and determination is a good example of why I should receive Vice Commander. I have left the following battalions just to focus/be apart of 31st Demolition; Inferno Squad, Naval, and Medical. Although that list might be short and sweet, I enjoyed my time within those battalions, but deep down knew that 31st Demolition needed someone like myself. I think my skills can also benefit you guys deeply, I can offer good brainstorming skills, as well as the ability to create detailed and neat documents, not the mention my experience within the battalion.

    7. How often can you be Online? :

    I can be online at least weekly, due to me being at my moms during the week, and at my dads on the weekend.

    8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :

    I have one warning, which was for Player Disrespect and Battalion Disrespect, I have further since apologized to both parties of the situation and have learned from my mistakes.

  3. What do you want to see? - Recently I have noticed that 31st have had little to nothing to do aboard the ISD when there isn't a event occurring. As a somewhat Passive RP battalion I feel having something to suit that would be beneficial for the battalion and General RP. Here's my idea; After events have Naval inspect machines in both Bridge and ATC, they would make sure that the terminals and systems are working correctly. Obviously using /roll 50 or higher the terminal or system would be fine 49 or below and it would need attention..

    Why should we add it? - I think we should add it so that the 31st can have something to do. I've been hearing a big number of complaints saying 31st is very boring and strictly I don't want that. Obviously, since i'm only a CPL at the time of writing this I can't physically do anything except post this suggestion.

    What are the advantages of having this? - I think it would improve the general feel of being on a ISD, although people may not like going through all the extra trouble to get something to work, i'm sure no one in the comics or movies enjoyed have to repairs. I think this would also explain that the ISD isn't perfect, there will always be problems and that;s why 31st is a thing.

    Who is it mainly for? - This suggestions is mainly for the 31st Battalion.

    Links to any content - N/A

    -Sincerely Michael Scott from the 31st battalion.

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