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Posts posted by bigboytrain365

  1. 7 hours ago, TailoredBadger said:

    - Support

    I would love to have this on the server, it would be a great addition, however, this has been suggested (and denied) before, as the system doesn't currently work with the map we are using right now.

    See this link for more details of the previous suggestion.

    As far as i can tell this suggestion is saying to use a different paid mod for controlling the doors while my suggestion is meant to be used on  things like the lock down button and hanger door button, specifically the button and not any door leading to that button. I also tested the mod i suggested on the map we are using and it seems to work fine on buttons but does not work on any of the automatic doors which is why i suggested using it on the buttons.

    On 7/3/2020 at 10:22 PM, [GL] itz_ya_boi_scotty said:

    the keycards mod does work if your using billys keycard mod but it would cost to add to the server and is a royal pain in bantha's behind to set up as you have to assign each jobgroup to each door seperately, it can be done but would be a strain on the staff members. if it were to be added then it would prevent minges from accessing areas they shouldnt and would give 31st another role in keypad cracking locked doors during events.

    I dont know if the paid billys keycard mod would work but the one i suggested is already used on another Gaminglight server and has (in my opinion) a simple set up for jobs. Plus I tested the mod i suggested on the map we are using and it seems to work fine on buttons but does not work on any of the automatic doors which is why i suggested using it on the buttons.

  2. 1 hour ago, Kev said:

    I belive this has already been tested and didn't work / it was denied
    but if it works its a +support from me  

    Uhh ohhh sorry for wasting time if that is true, i would think that it would work though as im pretty sure that it is the same mod used in SCPRP but maybe it has some compatability issues with some stuff on Imperial RP? (Just a Guess) Still i do hope that this mod will work though.

  3. What do you want to see? -  I would like for a keycard mod (that is used in the Gaminglight SCPRP  server) to be added to the ImperialRP server, The mod would allow a keycard to control access to specific buttons (The various buttons on Bridge, or the prison cell doors in the Brig Checkpoint. (please forgive any incorrect assumptions that i may make about the server in my explanation and please leave your concerns in the comments as i will attempt to answer/fix as many problems with this suggestion as i can) Edit: To clarify further this is intended to be used with buttons NOT doors because as far as i can tell this will not work on the doors of the ISD as they are automatic but it works for things like the lockdown button or brig cell door buttons.

    Why should we add it? -  I think that it should be added to the server for many reasons, some of them being that it would allow Battalions that have guarding positions  more time to do other things than guarding a door , it can help with unruly troops, and also fits into the lore of star wars.

    What are the advantages of having this? - In my opinion this mod offers many advantages, an example of how I think this can be used is that for areas like the bridge/brig/core the keycard scanners can be added to the desired buttons in the location and all of the troopers who would need regular access to those buttons would be given a keycard with the corresponding security level which would most likely not be the same system already used on the server but a seperate Level 0 to Level 5 keycard system meant for controls used by different battalions (I.E. 31st would be given a keycard so that they could access the controls of the core by scanning the card on the corresponding keycard scanner built into the button). In my opinion this keycard system would allow many smaller checkpoints to require no guard or would only need to be checked on every now and then, and larger checkpoint would only need one guard. I also think that this keycard system would be able to help with stopping unruly troops as if they attempted to revolt with the goal of pressing a restricted button (even if they manage to kill the guard) they would most likely not have any/high enough level keycards to press the button. This means that keycard scanners could be installed into vulnerable buttons such as the bridge elevator, the lock down button(s), the hyperdrive controls, the engine core control, brig cell door buttons, and the Air Traffic Control room where they would be able to stop any unwanted trooper from tampering with them. The final reason that i believe supports the addition of this mod is that keycards exist in the star wars lore (in both cannon and legends) as seen in star wars TV shows Star Wars Rebels and Star Wars The Clone Wars (although the keycards in this mod have SCP logos on them).

    Links to any content -  The Steam Workshop Page for the Keycard Mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1781514401&searchtext=keycard

  4. What do you want to see? -  I would like for a new vehicle to be added to the server, it is known as the Imperial Dropship Transport (commonly shortened to IDT and what i will refer to it as for the rest of the suggestion). Its purpose is similar to pre-existing ships like the DX9 where as the name suggests it is meant to function as a troop/personnel transport. 

    Why should we add it? -  I think that it should be added to the server for many reasons, some of them being that it offers pilots more choices of ship to better fit their flying preferences/skill, it can serve as a lore friendly replacement to the VTOL from Crysis, and it is better suited for combat compared to the DX9 while also being small enough to fit easily into MHB and SHB unlike the Lambda Shuttle.

    What are the advantages of having this? - In my opinion this vehicle offers many advantages for example when taking off from MHB in a D9X you require a lot of speed in order to get off the ground and you also start off moving  in a straight line across the ground which can cause many pilots to hit the bottom ring of the hanger door but, when flying the IDT the ship first raises from the ground allowing you to easily clear the door frame. The IDT is also easier to fly in my opinion and its is smaller than the DX9/Crysis VTOL and far smaller than a lambda shuttle allowing more IDTs to fit into the hanger bays. I also think that the IDT is better armed and better suited for combat than the DX9 as it has an armament of a dual laser cannon and alternating missile launchers while also having a dual laser turret similar to the Crysis VTOL while being able to carry 1 pilot, 1 gunner, and 18 troops with openable doors on each side where you can see the 18 troops standing and where they could fire there weapons from. It is also a better replacement for the DX9 due to the IDT having a higher top speed and smaller size making it a harder target for enemy AA guns compared to the slow, large,boxy DX9. The IDT is also easier to maneuver than the DX9 while being stable enough as to not move around while hovering similar to the Crysis VTOL. It will also be able to streamline spawning of ships as it is also  suitable vehicle for any commanders going into battle so that only one type of transport needs to be used. The final reason that i believe that it should replace/supplement the DX9 and Crysis VTOL is that the IDT has (In my opinion) a higher production value than the DX9 as with the DX9 it uses the sounds of a CIS Vulture Droid and when using the DX9 missiles the missile only spawns from the left missile pod. While for the Crysis VTOL i think that the IDT should replace/supplement the Crysis VTOL as it offers lore accuracy compared to the Crysis VTOL as the VTOL is from the video game series Crysis while the IDT is from the star wars game The Force Unleashed and as such all of the IDTs sounds and its Model comes from that game. (plus the IDT was also brought to cannon though the star wars game star wars commander)

    Who is it mainly for? - Pilots / Passengers of Transports

    Links to any content -  The Steam Workshop Page for the IDT  https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1923261937&searchtext=imperial+dropship

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