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Posts posted by Alex_Hoff

  1. What is your name?: AlexH

    What is your rank?: SA

    How long have you been an Enlisted?: 6 days but I have a lot of experience I used to be a WCMDR until I went on reserves

    What rank are you applying for?: SP (NCO+)

    How many strikes do you have?: I have 0 active strikes

    Why should we trust you with a NCO rank?: I have a lot of SF experience it's pretty much been my main battalion ever since I first got serious about playing gaminglight back in april I was also a WCMDR before I went into reserves so I do have SF command experience I'm extremely dedicated to this battalion I've tried other battalions like Naval, DT and Purge but I never enjoyed any of them as much as I enjoy SF so in conclusion you can trust me because 1: I have prior SF command experience, 2: I'm dedicated as hell to this battalion and have been since april and 3: I'm very serious about this battalions future I may not really show it much but you can ask people like matrix and destiny who were around when I was WCMDR they'll back me up on that statement 

    What can you do to assist Officers with this rank?: I can assist the Officers by Hosting a minimum of 10 tryouts a week, I can help keep enlisted In check via PT for those that minge heavily around non SF and making sure they know the rules of SF which will take some weight off of Officers+'s shoulders, and I can help make enlisted more competent in they're flying skills

    Do you agree that if you are striked within the first week you will be put back down to the Enlisted rank?: yes

  2. On 11/9/2020 at 2:50 PM, Nimo said:



    Not enough eperience as Command

    Fairly new to the Community

    Effort could be better

    I don't think you would be a good choice for Vader


    Vicious you are a competent Commander but just thinking about it I have changed my mind.



  3. -1 he keeps saying i sound like swaggersouls

    all jokes aside +1

    -your a very loyal purge member

    -your active

    -you definitely know purge in and out

    -your a good dude

    -and your very respectable 

    -app is mega fucking detailed which is really good


  4. -1

    -chill dude sometimes

    -dedicated sf

    -you have helped the VM's with stuff before

    -toxicity and disrespect towards destiny for getting demoted from her rank just for you to take it which is horrible and absolutely not how you should act towards someone who just lost they're rank

    -you leadership skills are lacking you don't establish control enough

    -you very often back out of tryouts mid way and make someone else finish them for you

    -you tend to argue when people talk to you about mistakes you've been making

    -you also tend to basically allow fc's to be mingy (i have personally seen you sitting by while fc's were spawning, blowing up and minging with ties)

    -you also bragged about being rj's choice seemingly trying to get people to give up on applying for VM


    overall i don't agree with your actions and how you go about dealing with situations i think you need to improve these and stop being disrespectful to people because it just gives you a bad image which is not good for a leadership role which is suppose to project a good image to give an example of what being in sf means.


    i think you are 100% a really good choice for sf vm but the only issue is your activity i personally dont believe the rank should be given to someone who is busy a lot i would love to see you as the next vm but currently i think it should go to someone who is able to get on a lot and be very active

  6. On 6/24/2020 at 6:47 PM, TamedAchilles said:


    In Lore, when ever the Starfighter Corp was confined to the ground they participated in Combat like normal Stormtroopers until they were needed. Presuming this much, you'd think that Imperial Command would give them Armor of some sort to wear, much like Naval, during Ground Operations.

    Fits in to give em' this and allows them to participate more RP-wise when it comes to not flying during events.


  7. On 6/21/2020 at 9:41 PM, TAlila | Tay Keith! said:


    Cares about IC
    Made an entire doccument relating to problems within IC and how to improve them, also being promoted by HCOM all the time
    Honestly a Chad dude

    I see you on all the time and i think you're ready for IC, Good luck man! 
    sorry its short i really hate writing stuff lol



  8. -1
    - Pretty chill dude
    - a good sf officer
    - short application
    - needs to work on team communication and tryouts

    overall i don't think your currently a good fit for the role but in time i believe you can truly become a good candidate for vice marshal you just need to work hard and improve on some of the current mistakes you make your leadership skills are also lacking and you have a major tendency to talk over people and you often argue with people even when it's a very minor thing as of right now cons overpower the pros so just work hard to fix all of it and then i'll +1 you

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