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Posts posted by Sneak

  1. On 5/18/2020 at 4:55 AM, tiddie bandit504 said:

    +/- Support

    I can obviously tell that this guy put in a lot of work for this suggestion, without even reading this post. But if anyone wants my two cents, I think it would be very lore friendly for jump troopers to have rockets because its in the EA SWBF2 and in the comics or whatever the fuck. But in a Gmod point of view, I think it would cause alot of unhappy players to be even unhappier because they get rocketed by some idiot in the jump trooper corps.

    A fair point, but at the same time there will be extensive training for Rockets and only certain times for use. I hope to make them more or less a privilege that could be taken away.

  2. Jet troopers were used to regulate law on low gravitational sectors of the Empire such as cloud city. I'm sure they could be used, but I wouldn't say they are Elite. 


  3. 33 minutes ago, Rocco_Rex said:

    This is something to talk to ST command about, not make a post about. Also, PVTs can become JTs and the Manadlorian rocket is the most powerful rocket. Do you REALLY want PVTs to get access to that?

    Understandable, but that situation would be dealt with by staff as would any other case of Fail RP and minge. Within the ST jump troopers we have a no minge rule in place as well as a minimum requirement of PFC to officially have the job. I also would expect that Donors would have somewhat a sense of responsibility seeing the only way they could access the job as a PVT would to donate 15 dollars to the server which not a lot of minges do in the first place. Anyways the Rocket would have guidelines put in place if they are in fact added to the classes. Again I hope to bring more RP to the jump troopers not just another excuse to minge.

  4. What do you want to see? - 
    Well, I wish to see another item added for both the ST Jump trooper as well as the 501st Jump trooper seeing the equipment they are given is dumbed down most of the time making the class practically like an ST for both Sims and other battle oriented battles. I'd like to see that the Mandalorian wrist rocket with minimal ammo is added to the class in turn it would create more interest to play the class as well as a more lore friendly experience seeing the jet trooper model actually has a mounted rocket to the back, and not to mention that Jet troopers inside of star wars lore were able to use rockets as the Mandalorians did.

    Why should we add it? - 
    You should add the rockets to the JT class because it would gather more interest in the class as well as a more lore wise experience for the players who wish to use the class as their main life as I have. More or less the rocket would be a great addition to the class which does not have much other than a Jet pack and a not very accurate dual E-ll class weapon.

    What are the advantages of having this? - 
    The trooper/player using the class within battles would have a speciality advantage of clearing out a cluster of rebels with one shot paving the way for his men giving a new meaning to Arial support from the Jump troopers. It would also greatly benefit the general combat skill and tactics of the jump trooper mains.

    Who is it mainly for? - 
    It would be for the 501st and ST jump troopers.

    Links to any content - 
    Well, the Mandalorian Hand rocket is already in the server which can be used and I believe it would be the best thing to use for this subclass upgrade.

    To halt any questions about mingery a personal rule will be set in place within the Jet Trooper SOP for when and where they may use the rocket and doing so without permissions will result in their removal and blacklist from the class similar to the Scout trooper smoke rule. I also hope to gain more serious and dedicated roleplayers through this new installment.

    Pictures of use:
    (More proof of use can be provided as well)

    • Like 1
  5. On 5/11/2020 at 2:48 PM, some guy said:

    - Very active
    - Serious when needs to be

     - Detailed App
    - Seems to work with SF well

    Good luck - kev 

    Although you come off mingy sometimes you are a very good leader and this is Semi Serious RP so that's good.

    • Heart-Eyes 1
  6. On 5/4/2020 at 5:26 AM, RJ_ said:



    Good app

    Only problem is Pooders isn't Admiral+ but I'm sure Hobbs or Thermite don't mind you applying for EO

    Oh it was already accepted well guess just keep this here for safe keeping aye?


  7.  1.What's your ingame name?:

    ST JTAL SSGT Sneak

          2.Whats your steam id?:


          3.Did you read the ST Sop?:

    Yes, I have.

          4.How long have you been on the server:

    A few weeks now.

          5.How many warns do you have?:

    I currently have zero warnings on my record.

          6.Why do you want to be a 2LT:

          I wish to become a 2LT in order to organize the Storm trooper core just a little bit better. It’s obvious that quite a lot of minges are in our Regiment seeing it’s the starting job. I hope to make it just a little better all whilst leading my men into battle.

          7.What Timezone are you?: 

         PST. Three hours behind EST.

          8.How well do you command this Regiment?:  

          A lot of the ST’s respect me already so I am quite prepared and readily made for commanding this regiment. In fact most of the minges follow my orders which I appreciate most of the time. I am also assertive so I am able to handle my men well and with contempt rather than just ordering them to do something and having half of them walk away. All the same I see fit that my men are treated as if they were the 2LT and I was the PVT all men no matter the rank demand respect in which I shall deliver. I will do what my men are to do no matter if it's a suicide mission, and I am given quite a little respect for that.

          9.What makes you stand out from other applicants?:

    I stand out from the other applicants for this position for I have experience. I have 6,500 hours on GMOD with at least half of those in Star wars RP. I have led multiple regiments and served as a XO/CO for many. I hope experience suits well for I hope to make the STs a better regiment to be a part of. I especially hope to make a difference within the regiment rather than just getting an officer rank possibly improving the passive RPO and training my men have to go through.

    If you have Questions DM me Sneak#3144 or find me on the Team speak I usually hang around the Naval lounge.


  8. What is your ingame name?:

    Midshipman Sneak/ST JTTRN PFC Sneak/ Apprentice I Sneak

    What is your SteamID:


    What is your rank on the Naval Roster?:


    What specialty are you applying for?:

    Medical Overseer (officer)

    What Naval HC (Admiral +) gave you permission to apply?:

    Fleet Admiral Hobbs

    What can you do to improve the branch you will be responsible for?

    Although the current medical branch is quite well of at the moment I believe I can improving it by making listings of prescription drugs and such for the medical troopers to prescribe furthermore I would also provide restock files on medical supplies such as sterile tools for surgery as well as Bacta for minor to major injuries. I can also provide a little more insight on how the new medical troopers should treat and act whilst assisting a patient. Again I believe that the Medical troopers are quite well off currently due to their excellent commander who knows quite a bit when it comes to medical Passive RP so much of my improvements will be to assist in the quality of the passive RP.

    Why should you be trusted with this position?:

    Well, I should be entrusted with this position because I wish to better the current medical regiment. Whilst others might think this position is boring I see it as a good opportunity for myself to enrich the regiment with just a little more RP. I've also had a respect for medical for my Inquisitor is currently apart of the Medical Regiment as well as myself having several experiences as a Commander for Medical regiments under different servers. All in all you should trust me with this faction due to the fact that my intentions are to make everyone including the Medical troopers have a good experience whilst being in the MEd bay or being healed on the field.

    Why do you want this rank?:

    I want to acquire this rank in order to assist the current medical personnel as well as the passive RP experience within the server. With this rank I would be able to provide tools and supplies from cargo ships and such allowing both the general playerbase and GM's more to do whilst playing on the server. Together I simply wish to acquire this rank due to my love for Passive RP within any Military styled servers.

    Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?:

    Yes, I understand.

    What is your purpose within your assigned branch?: 

    The purpose of the MO is to assist the Medical regiment in daily needs aboard the ISD-122. One of the main duties is to provide a better experience for the troopers both aboard the ship and on the Field. The main concern of a MO is to ensure both the troopers safety as well as ways to decrease the mortality rate for all regiments issued to the Naval HC.  In conclusion the priority of the MO is to bring about peace of mind to the troopers he/she serves all whilst providing a better outlook on medical safety, Health, ETC.

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