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Posts posted by Gappy

  1. Ooh! My favorite medium of art, music. Music is so powerful for me, it can make me cry when I'm at my happiest, and my happiest when i'm at darkest, something no other medium could ever begin to do. It really does make up a lot of who I am. I listen to a whole slew of music, and I can easily make a list of music I think sum it up pretty well.

    I am very happy to share things near and dear to my heart. Cheers!



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  2. Hey there! I'm Gappy. Real name's Rose, call me whatever you like.
    I'm 19, been playing gmod for the better part of 8 years, mostly focusing on TTT and niche pop-up gamemode that happen every now and then. I'm typically very relaxed, but extremely blunt when angry. I enjoy things like JoJo, CS:GO, Tabletop Simulator, a good bout of Jackbox, among other things. I'm apparently really good at the knife battle PR rounds according to a few. So howdy, hello, hi, nice to meet you all! Say hi or ask any questions you've got for me. Or don't, if that's your gig.



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