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Posts posted by WAKPV

  1. In Game Name: 
    Steam ID (STEAM_0:0:000000001): STEAM_0:0:528345149

    Discord Name (Ruby#0001): WAKPV#7610

    If you have any SCP-RP warns, please list when and why you got them here (If you don't have any, exclude this from your application.):
    When did you start playing on SCP-RP? (Approximately):

    I did have I believe 2-3 when I last played, nothing serious, I think it was for minging for one of them,  and then the others I'm not too sure on. It's been almost 2 years.

    Why do you want to join Nu-7? (75 word minimum):

    When I used to play on the server almost everyday 2 years ago I played as Nu-7 and Nu-7 only. Outside of the occasional researcher I always loved playing Nu-7 because it was fun to be able to patrol around HCZ with my friends,  stop SCP's from breaching, watch 682 crush my skull and more, it was just the job I was made to do in the game. I loved the communication between everyone, and the excitement it brought to work with a team to take down the common threat.

    If you've been in any other branches, list them and what your ranks are/were. This counts for all servers. (If you haven't been in any branches, exclude this from your application.):

    I was a CPL in Nu-7, CPL in security, either a PVT or LCPL in Eipsilon-11, RCT in Omnicron, and I was on Event Team

    Do you understand to get on at least every other day and keep yourself up to date with Nu-7? We don't treat it like a job here - but we do expect you to be notified and enjoying your time: 

    I fully understand

  2. I know not many of you know me. I’ve been on the server for over 5 months now. And it’s been about a month and a half since I’ve been on. I haven’t lost interest in the server, or in the people that run it. But after school and things, and just life catching up with me in general, I saw it fit for me to resign from all my duties, as to not let down my peers and commanding officers down for not participating in anything. I’m new to GMOD, and I’d have to say that Gaminglight SCPRP has to be the best god damn server I’ve ever played on. You guys really care about your community and put a lot of time and effort into this stuff. It was a great and amazing experience and I hope one day I come back and it’s just as fun as I remember it. I’m gonna miss all of you and I’d just like to take a moment and throw out some of my favorite people I have met.


    Mint- Mint, you were one of the best. You were high ranking in MTF and you really got me to the place I was in the server. You showed me the ropes of the server and introduced me to some pretty cool people. We’d laugh a lot and were  pretty close, and I always had a blast being mingey and mind controlling half the server into kill each other. I’m gonna miss those times with you.

    Kyle- Oh Kyle, how much fun you were. You were the first friend I met on the server. When you first joined I helped you out at first, showing you some of the do’s and don’ts, and pretty quick you surpassed me in rank and in skill. I swear, every night we would stay up for hours helping the foundation, and going on Dr. Bright and showing the D-Class a hell of a lot of fun.  Those were some of the greatest moments I’ve ever shared with a complete stranger.

    Jack- Maybe you remember me from the events we’d do, or from when we’d just mess with people on Bright or whenever. You were the nicest person I ever met on the server. You never got angry at anyone, you always kept a cool tone and would treat everyone with respect. My favorite moment with you is when the Junior Researcher was being super mingey, and we promoted him to D-Class with your 44. Magnum. You had awesome event ideas and always knew what to do if things were getting stale. 

    Pie/Jackal- I had very few interactions with you guys, but when I did you both would make me laugh. Whenever I was playing alongside one of you, we always took the game a little less serious, and just messed around. You guys were some pretty cool people. 

    my man Turner- you were my first GENSEC trainer🥺and you even decided to put up with me, after I failed the test 3 times. You were very cool, and you were the first person I ever met and talked to on the server. You set me up to the success I achieved, by getting Nu7 and event team. Thank you for all that you do for the server.


    finally event team and Nu7- man are you guys a hell of a lot of fun. Nu7 was my main branch and you guys actually had good leaders that knew what they were doing and weren’t just a bunch of 10 year olds who had mommy’s credit card to get them to the top. At some points I even felt like I was apart of a real team. We had meetings, PT’s, different channels and squads, it was a ton of fun and you really nailed it unlike how other servers do. Event team, I was apart of it for about a month and a half, and oh my god was it fun. It really put a whole new light on how to play the game, and it was SOOOOO much fun playing on it. Setting up events, letting SCP’s out, being able to kill the power and NOT get banned, most of my best times on that server are from that. 

    I love all of you, and I hope you keep doing what you guys do best, and that’s by being awesome. I love you Blackbeard, Castro, Mike, Evil, Mint, Zeus, Skela, Soviet, and Igneous for all the commanding you guys do. And for being the backbone of the server that holds us together. Love ya guys❤️

    “So long, partner.”


    • Sad 1
    • Gaminglight Love 1
  3. Name:WAK


    Time of LOA(MM/DD/YYYY):08-10-2020 to 08-28-2020

    Reason(Put Private if you do not wish to say):

    Starting up school, and it will be really hard to get on the next couple weeks.

  4. Name:WAK


    Time of LOA(MM/DD/YYYY):08-04-2020 to 08-08-2020

    Reason(Put Private if you do not wish to say):

    will be finishing up my motorcycle class and I have football that will interfere with timings.

  5. Name: WAK


    Time of LOA(MM/DD/YYYY): 


    Reason(Put Private if you do not wish to say):

    I am very very sorry that I had to take another break so soon and that I have been inactive. I have been going to the doctors a lot because we have been dealing with possible thyroid cancer, I also have an overactive thyroid. So this Saturday I will be getting surgery on it and having it removed. Sorry for the inactivity and I will be sure to fix it when I am back and in full health.

  6. What is your in-game name?: WAK I also go by WAKPV


    What is your steam name?: WAKPV


    What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:528345149


    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Yes, I was a staff member for a GTA 5 rp on Xbox, and also managed their clubs. I also do staff sits when no one is on since I am apart of the Event Team all the time.


    What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) I've been apart of the community for a little while now. I started roughly in late March, however I've been super active almost everyday. And I also have almost 2 weeks total time on the server.


    What date did you make your forums account?: April 20th, 2020


    Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? : Gold member


    How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)?: I have 2 warnings, the first one is because I said [redacted]  words as Dr. Bright. I take full responsibility, I was spamming it because a member of the E-11 was not being the nicest that night, however that does not make it just for me to do it and it has not and will not ever happen again. My other warning is faking a roll, and that one is because I was showing another officer how you have to watch out for things like that because I've seen certain MTF do it before. And I made sure to put as soon as I rolled that, that I had faked it, so no one would accept it. However, I see how that was wrong and I've never done it since. Check the bottom for the image of it.



    Have you donated?: Yes I have donated $80


    What rank are you applying for? Trial Moderator


    Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)?: No


    Have you read the staff guidelines at https://gaminglight.com/forums/topic/20650-staff-handbook/ ? You will be tested on it: I have read them and understand them.


    Timezone: Central Daylight Time


    Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): N/A


    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum):

    I believe I'm most qualified for the job because I respect it. I don't believe people should get to ruin others time in this game to RP, by minging, RDM'ing, slandering, and any other form of things that make the game less fun for others. I realize that as an administrator its my job to help out those who want to RP and just enjoy the game from their time away from real life. I want to strive to be like some of the best of the admins, like Soviet. I'm not trying to be a suck up by saying this and what not. I want to be like Soviet because every time you see him get on, you know he's gonna get the job done. You know he's gonna handle mingers and take his job seriously. But he's also a nice guy, he likes to have fun with us and help us out when we are having troubles or don't know what to do. I want to be that kind of admin, one that everyone always is happy to see on. I'm very good at seeing both sides of a situation, I know how to use my resources like checking the logs and coordinating with other people to get the full spectrum of what happened. I'm a guy you can count on. I love helping people in this game, whenever a researcher needs an SCP, I'm their guy. I always take it seriously and make it fun for anyone that's involved. I have been apart of Nu7 for a little while now and I'm now a LCPL, but just the other day I hoped on. Their was mass riots and breaches, and it was so much fun coordinating with the E-11 higher ups, taking orders, and taking back the facility. I'm reliable, I take my job seriously, and most of all, I'm accountable for my actions, and for the actions of others. I have been apart of the staff team for a couple of weeks now, so I know how to act and how to use my abilities. I do not abuse my powers ever, and I always make sure to read the rules before doing anything with my events to make sure I'm not breaking the rules. I'm very helpful and I also listen to my superiors.

    I really want to thank all the staff and higher ups of the SCP-RP server that always help me and point me in the right direction. I really value you guys, and I understand the times when you guys make hard decisions that many of us might not always agree on but is vital to a healthy Gmod server.

    How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?:  

    Q-16 Answer

    I would first claim the case and bring the player to a staff room so he cannot hurt anyone else.  I'd then open up the logs and check all the people he killed. I'd then tp to at least one of the persons he killed to find out the situation and why he did what he did.  After they told me what all had happened and that they RDM'ed for no reason I'd then go back to the staff room. I'd then ask why he did what he did, and what makes it right for him to have done that in the first place. After just cursing at me, I'd then tell them the rules. I'd tell them what they had done was bad, and it goes against the rules of the server/MOTD. If he were to calm down and apologize to me for cursing and others then I may ask to lesson the ban. However if he kept cursing at me, I'd also add in a staff diss to his ban. I'd then get an admin+ to ban him/her for mass RDM and staff diss for a week or more.

    Thank you very much for reading this, and feel free to pm me for more questions or anything else needed. I truly love you guys for all the work you guys do. Thank you for all the comments on my last application and I've really taken them to heart and improved.


  7. 22 hours ago, frog said:


    Also because 096 really is not OP. I never ever see him kill anyone, and it's very hard for him since people auto look down when they hear him or look just a little bit. I do like the idea though, and maybe like only HSU can use it or the Re-containment Specialist.

  8. +/- Support

    You are a very nice E11 man, but you responded to the one guy a little ways above me that you fixed something, which is good, however you are not suppoused to respond at all. That being said, you're a nice guy and I think you should be a trial.

  9. +support
    You seem like a pretty nice candidate. You do have a lack of experienced but you seem pretty determined to get staff and I'm hoping with that you are determined to learn as well. Question 16 is a little short and isn't the best but I'm assuming that is just the lack of experience. I still think we should give you a shot for you to gain the experience :techthumbsup: 


  10. +Suppourt

    I've played alongside you a handful of times, but I gotta say that you're a really great guy, and I think your ideas and kindness would come a really long way in the event team. Your idea was amazing, and I think you could really add something to the community.  The harassment warn is in the past, and overall you've really changed and gotten better as a person. I wish you the best of luck, and I hope you get this position.

    MTF Omi9 RCT WAK RC22 | MTF Nu7 PFC WAK O07C | MTF E11 PFC WAK | Event Team Member

  11. Name: WAK

    Rank: Event Team

    Time of LOA(6/26/2020):

    Reason(Put Private if you do not wish to say):

    I will be going with my family to Florida. I will still be able to stay in contact, but I will not have a computer. Thank you! I will be back on the 6th of July.

  12. +SUPPORT

    035 is right now an extremely unplayed character. No one plays him because he can only mind control one person, and even then they have a small chance of controlling in the first place. And many Researchers don’t test on him because he doesn’t have the coolest ability. By letting him control up to 5 people(with a 2-5 minute)more and more people would play and test as him. He’s easily killable so he’s not overpowered, and that presents MTF with a challenge to take out a specific person, not the whole group. This would be a lot more fun, and I think 035 would actually live up to its Keter classification if this were to be around.

  13. +Support

    I really, really love your XK class scenario. I have seen it in lore before, but never the server. I think you have some truely fun and amazing ideas that all of us would really like to see. I think you'd be great for this job. 


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