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Posts posted by Tania

  1. 24 minutes ago, LucarioKing said:

    but can we give D-class CC a health buff paying like $50 for +50hp

    A D-Class CC HP and AP buff is something that can easily break the balance between D-Class and Gensec. I'd say a buff of 25 points on each side. I don't think it should cost anything due to it being a very slight buff, but in the end it's just my opinion.

    Regardless, +Support for a D-Class CC HP or AP buff.

    (Side note if this is approved um...Mobster will most definitely need a 30-40 sec NLR)

    ~Love, Tania


    • Gaminglight Love 1
  2. On 8/19/2021 at 5:19 PM, DooM Guy said:

    This is entirely true, killing gensec is getting harder especially when a CC is on. Gensec CC's have more health than a normal Nu7 or E11 so it becomes a chore to kill them. 200 200 is very challenging to kill and you can usually only kill them in groups.



    Regardless if D-Class get a buff, gensec will get buffed either way.


    It's been a real struggle for D-Class for a while and I'm glad someone stepped up and made a suggestion for them to get buffed. D-Class are way underpowered and it takes sheer skill just to even get kills cause of how strong gensec are. "Just get good 😂" OK mister 200 200, how about you play with only a melee weapon cause all of the guns you get are hot garbage (excluding a few ofc)
    Plus hitreg is almost RNG based at this point so fighting becomes even more diffcult

    And istg if one more mf says "D-Class are meant to be weak" I will bend your toe nail upwards 



  3. On 8/15/2021 at 1:54 PM, DooM Guy said:


    I'd keep the current CI base as it's way better than any other CI base in the past,  and I'd rather have the surface be the same as the current one as it's way better than site-05's.

    I'd find a way to expand Site-05's LCZ cause it is a little small. Find a way to combine both this map and site-05's LCZ just a little so it's bigger.

    I really want old D-block back


  4. On 8/24/2021 at 8:34 PM, DooM Guy said:


    D-Class already hit the floor faster than a dead fly so increasing the limb damage is gonna make it harder.

    Also 19 rounds into a scavengers leg is nothing. I've mag dumped 150 50 in the leg thousands of times and they only took like 20dmg lol


  5. 2 minutes ago, girlboy said:

    lovebabes noticed this towards the beginning of management change. luxxy and rang would be in ts by themselves, and i've seen her climb ranks incredibly quickly. at first i thought it was just immature players harassing a female player, but it's a little more than that. it's blatant favoritism, and it's worrying if higher ups are going to just powergame. it sets a poor example for new players as regular players will express their discontent to these players and contempt spreads quickly throughout the playerbase. hopefully this is addressed. +support


    13 minutes ago, TAlila | Tay Keith! said:

    In my opinion this is worthy of a whole different Staff Report. This is EXTREMELY immature, and I would never picture the Administrator in this report as a Senior Admin


    I don't play SCP-RP, so I can't comment on anything in the report, but from what I'm seeing I think that some action should be taken to benefit the server.


  6. 1 hour ago, DooM Guy said:


    Aint no way you think this is balanced. Look man, I know it sounds like I'm being biased and all but gensec you wildin. Arguably the weapon changes are fine it's the health and armor buff that are insane. You're giving a corporal as much health as a riot control and a armor buff?!??!? Enlisted are meant to be weak but not easy to kill either. You can't expect them to get better at pvp if you just buff their health and armor because they wont learn how to doge or run around cause they wont feel the need to. 
    It's how lots of D-Class CC's and normal D-Class are really good at pvp. We've learned how to move around while in combat while still maintaing a good shot cause of our limited arsenal and minimal health.

    I'm not gonna -support or +support this at all I just want my opinion to be voiced.
    But hey, I main D-Class so my opinion doesn't really matter.
    Anyways hope you guys figure something out.

    ^ /lovebabes

  7. On 4/19/2021 at 7:38 AM, NeoID said:

    - Support


    Not because it’s a bad idea or anything, tactically, it would make a lot of sense for these guys to be armed with Night Vision. However, heres my only reason why they shouldn’t. These Nightvision goggles would be indefinite. And with this being an SCP server, darkness, erieness, and overall dark, and evil is how the environment is meant to feel. When the lights go off, it plays a huge part to this, and this, would make turning lights off almost pointless. SCP-280 would be useless, and 173 would be at a much larger disadvantage. Now, with SCP:CB it manages to fix this by giving the NightVision goggles battery power, making it very much so capible of screwing you over. If something like that was added, I may be all for it. (Also, I’m not sure SCP-173 for example would be able to know you were looking at him while wearing these. So extra complications like that too lol)


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