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Posts posted by Snickers

  1. Foundation Research Test Logs


    Test Log #9


    Name:Cade Ward


    Rank:Associate Researcher

    SCP(s) Tested:SCP-999, SCP-049

    Personnel involved:CPL Jack Crest


    Question: How will SCP-999 and SCP-049 interact with each other?


    Hypothesis:SCP-049 will most likely attempt to “cure” SCP-999, and SCP-999 will most likely attempt to embrace and tickle SCP-049.


    Test Process: Once SCP-999 entered SCP-049’s containment chamber, SCP-049 immediately whispered “clean.” in a surprised manner. SCP-999 initially was a bit scared of 049 but after a bit of reassuring 999 eventually went over to 049 and carefully embraced him. 049 had somewhat of a conversation with 999 through a series of gurgles, tickles and embraces. SCP-999 seemed happy with SCP-049 once he understood 049 wasn’t a threat. SCP-049 remarked multiple times that SCP-999 was free of the pestilence, after I ended the test I conducted a short interview with SCP-049, and the only response to any of my questions was “Where is SCP-999?”.


    Test Results:Inconclusive, requires more testing.

  2. Foundation Research Test Logs


    Test Log #8


    Name:Cade Ward


    Rank:Associate Researcher

    SCP(s) Tested:SCP-098

    D-Class:2 D-Class Personnel

    Personnel involved:CPL Lamn


    Question:Can SCP-098 understand basic commands, like a dog can?


    Hypothesis: Most likely not, as SCP-098 has shown no previous signs of such intelligence. And neither have most crustaceans, then again most crustaceans aren’t SCP-098.


    Test Process: The SCP was presented with 2 D-Class and promised them as an incentive if it could follow our commands. Through a bit of trial and error I finally got the SCP to simply lie down. Then I tried to teach it sit, which was rather difficult to get a crab to sit but eventually it did and it earned its first D-Class. After that I took a bit of a risk and sent in a D-Class to teach it shake hands. The SCP did shake the D-Class’s hand, then immediately crushed the D-Class’s hand and performed it’s feeding ritual. This concluded the test as I had run out of D-Class.


    Test Results:Successful, this requires more testing to see if I can truly explore the lengths of SCP-098’s intelligence.

  3. Test Log


    Test Log #7

    Performed By Associate Researcher Cade


    Test Process: I simply collected a sample of SCP-008(following standard procedures of course) and utilized D-Class in order to inject SCP-096 with the disease. I  did not expect the disease to fully “zombify” SCP-096 but I also did not anticipate the results I received. As soon as the D-Class injected 096 he went into a rage and killed the D-Class almost instantly. He then started pounding on the door and screaming. After about 3 minutes of this, he went back to his usual dormant state. I then sent a second D-class into the containment chamber in order to receive the syringe as it was a biohazard. After the D-Class picked up the syringe we incinerated the syringe, Then terminated the D-Class and incinerated the body.


    Test Results: Unsuccessful, 096 did not respond to the disease in any way besides his usual rage, and even that was most likely only a response to the pain of the 9 inch needle. I highly doubt that research on this thing has any more purpose. it would be much simpler to terminate it. I suggest a termination cross-test between SCP-106 and SCP-096.

  4. Interview date:4/3/20

    Interview subject:SCP-049

    The interview was quite lengthy so I am  only going to include pieces I thought were important.

    Weiss: So what are some distinct symptoms of the pestilence?

    SCP-049: Mortality.

    Weiss: How would you say your cure works?

    SCP-049: My cure defeats death.

    Weiss: Do you ever worry about carrying the pestilence Doctor?

    SCP-049: I am free of it, immune and I must transfer this ability to others.

    Something else of note SCP-049 contradicts himself about his origin in this interview.

    SCP-049: I was born to destroy the pestilence.

    SCP-049: I was not born, I am eternal.

    This concludes the test log.



  5. Test concept: We wanted to see if SCP-173 could understand written english.

    Test process: From previous tests I know that 173 understands spoken english, so I decided to test out written. So I got a piece of chalk wrote the message "Can you read this?", and using a basic left=yes right=no system I discovered 173 can in fact read.

    Test results: Successful, now that we know communication is possible we can attempt to figure out it's psychology works and it's thought process behind the violence.

    Researchers involved: JR Cade

  6. Test Concept: We wanted SCP-173 to communicate through a basic yes=left no=right system.

    Test Results: Successful. Should look into more 173 communication and interviews.

    Conversation log:

    Me: Do you understand me 173?

    SCP-173: "Yes".

    Me: Excellent, Now is there a reason you're so violent?

    SCP-173 did not move for an extended period of time, thus we moved on.

    Me: Do you like living here?

    SCP-173: "No"

    Me: Is there anyone at the foundation who you particularly like?

    SCP-173 did not move for an extended period of time again, thus we moved on.

    Me: Do you have some kind of plan for your killings?

    SCP-173 Then killed one of the 2 Class D personnel next to me, so I decided to end the experiment.

    Participating researchers: JR Cade, JR Jay

  7. Test Concept: We wanted SCP-173 to communicate through a basic yes=left no=right system.

    Test Results: Successful. Should look into more 173 communication and interviews.

    Conversation log:

    Me: Do you understand me 173?

    SCP-173: "Yes".

    Me: Excellent, Now is there a reason you're so violent?

    SCP-173 did not move for an extended period of time, thus we moved on.

    Me: Do you like living here?

    SCP-173: "No"

    Me: Is there anyone at the foundation who you particularly like?

    SCP-173 did not move for an extended period of time again, thus we moved on.

    Me: Do you have some kind of plan for your killings?

    SCP-173 Then killed one of the 2 Class D personnel next to me, so I decided to end the experiment.

  8. Test process: We placed 5 D-Class in front of SCP-049's containment and told him to tell us which one was strongest with the Pestilence, He only chose 1. We asked him what he based his diagnosis off of and he told us "Greed and Selfishness". I believe we are coming incredibly close to discovering what the pestilence is and finding alternative cures to SCP-049's methods.

    Test results: Successful, we are taking large steps towards removing 049 as a threat.

    Conclusion: Requires further testing.

  9. Test concept: This test was rather simple, we were testing if SCP-999's euphoric effect could subdue SCP-173's violent tendencies.

    Test results: The D-Class used in this test suffered no injuries, and seemed completely calm even though I told him he may die. Perhaps SCP-999 could be used to subdue SCP-173 in the event of a breach.

    Conclusion: I believe that SCP-999 Should be tested on other Euclid and Keter class SCPs to test this euphoria ability to the extreme.

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