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Posts posted by Orca

  1. Your name: Absol

    Your Discord ID name (EX: Igneous#3706): ab.sol

    Your Discord ID code (EX: 204661777512923136):  1224875387079626823

    Which discord server were you banned on? SCPRP

    What was the reason for your ban (if you know it)? idk i said this sever kinda empty and then i come back hour later im kicked and banned

    Why do you deserve to be unbanned? idk what i did i feel that i was wrongful banned, i did nothing wrong. 

  2. Im sorry but i say that im -supporting this but i hope you can improve in the future 

    On 10/28/2021 at 9:33 PM, PlantBruh said:

    has had issues in the past with multiple command members
    is argumentative with other players, especially lower ranking gensec  


  3. 1. What is your in-game name?: Peer

    2. Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:526569795

    3. Current Rank in Security: SM

    4. Time on the server: "2 weeks"

    5. Current level: 66

    6. On a scale from 1 - 10, how active are you?: 8/10

    7. Do you have any active strikes on the roster?: 0

    8. Which command members gave you permission to apply?: Assassin George 

    9. Have you read the Juggernaut section of the SOP?: Yes

    10. Do you understand that if you abuse this job it WILL be taken away?: Yes 

    10. Why do you think you deserve access to the  Security Juggernaut Job? (125+ WORDS): The main reasons I think I would deserve is so I can help the security branch to benefit. I do a lot of pvp it can be on Gensec or MTF and such its meant I can protect D-block and its accents I can be helpful for CI and other D class OCs that run about. This class that you can bestow to me give me the chance and D-block the chance it needs to retake what's ours and repel the evil of CI and Sarkic, Also due to my knowledge in the weapons use I know what's the best time for each weapon like the nova (Stupidly overpowered) for close combat. The M-60 for crowds and if controlled right it is a powerful weapon. Its a powerful weapon In the right hand so giving me this asset to me will make the next step into D-block another step for Gensec.
    11. Which weapon in the Juggernaut load-out would you use to hit a D-Class in the middle of a crowd and how would you ensure to hit your mark?: I will use the the CZ-75 due to its accuracy and to shoot it well I would use burst or full auto depending on range

  4. Steam Name:  ZeroSkill

    Ingame Name: Peer

    SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199013405318/

    Job Blacklisted From: Nu7 Brach 

    Reason for the Job Blacklist: Removed 3 Times And for posting racist Content in Discord

    Dispute: I will say yes this happened and yes it was bad and yes i was a dumb ass but im going to ask for forgiveness in a form of a appeal for another chance at Nu7 and the E-11 brachs. I and others had fun in each branch we had hard times but fun was always there and since this happened a year and a day ago from this post. I think I matured to come back and be apart of the Nu7 and later E-11 and be able to be a good member of Nu7 and E-11 and will devote my time into both when I can.

  5. Your name: Square/Zero

    Your Discord ID name (EX: Igneous#3706):    ZeroSkill#2589

    Your Discord ID code (EX: 204661777512923136):  670303705710723082

    Which discord server were you banned on? SCP

    What was the reason for your ban (if you know it)? N/A will explain everything in the next one

    Why do you deserve to be unbanned? Since ive already been excepted and its been about 2 weeks and i still cant get on the SCP Discord so i was wondering if i can be told whats going on and also if i was actually unbanned yet.

  6. Log File-55

    (Password: Shapes)

    .......... Access Granted welcome user to log file-55 (Codename: Shapes) Enjoy.......


    Valid Info

    Code name: Square

    Year Born: 21-BBY

     Battion Info

    Battion: The 501st Legion

    ID: 4343


    Background Check: Square was born in the outer rim and was soon brought in to fight with the empire and he has severed sever since -No other info has been found about his back story do to no security in the outer rim in his area

    Connection error please wait for a moment for it to stop..............

    Connection complete 


    Lets go im in nice to meet you guys idk why your looking at my info but ok and everything is going to be scuffed here



     people like  him and he gets  the job done when it needs to be and will beat your ass if he needs to and can kill you will a TL-40/50 no cap L but anyways nice meeting you i corrupted the rest since im not letting you know my real name so have fun

    -your best friend Square

  7. Your name: Square 

    Your Discord ID name (EX: Igneous#3706): ZeroSkill#2589

    Your Discord ID code (EX: 204661777512923136):   622182951949697030

    Which discord server were you banned on? SCP/ the main discord too

    What was the reason for your ban (if you know it)? Posting a gorge floid video on the SCP

    Why do you deserve to be unbanned? I mean yes since I was told I would be un banded and its saying i have been banned from this sever/ guild and i did nothing on the main so im confused


  8. Steam Name:  [GL] Square

    Ingame Name: Square (Old name: meme)

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:526569795

    Job Blacklisted From: Security Branch

    Reason for the Job Blacklist:    Making light of the George floid incident 

    Dispute: Its been about half a year now 6 months since this happened and I  want to come back to the security branch. I have been around different GL severs and since then I haven't gotten any warns and no bans. I gotten older and I also gotten better at controlling what I do and I think I can come back to security branch better that before. While I know what I did wrong and I know that doing that was not the best or greatest idea I've gotten in my life I think I can build from what happened then can come back to the Security branch.

  9. [------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------]

    [ 1.Whats your in game name?: Square  ]

    2.Whats your steam id?: STEAM_0:0:526569795  ]

     3.Did you read the ST Sop?: Yes I have  ]

    4.How long have you been on the server: 5 weeks in the sever and started early 2020 ]

    5.How many warns do you have?: 0 on this sever  ]

    [ 6.Why do you want to be a 2LT: I want to be a 2LT since STs have been so nice to me and I would like to repay a favor and help ST in the conquest's to greatness and i would love to join the officer ranks of this battalion. I know this is cleshay but want to show people how good the STs are and I want to show that we are capable to do  are best and be the best battalion we can be and how capable our sub battalions are. ]

    [ 7.What Time zone are you?: EST (Eastern Standard Time)  ]

    [ 8.How well do you command this Regiment?:  I say I can command  any regiment I'm in pretty well and if there's a situation needs to be handled, I can make sure it can get handled. If someone needs help ill get them that help and ill help them as much as possible and as much as needed i would and in these situations  i would make people feel equal in the matter and make sure that no-one is angered, but asides from that I will command my troopers and sub battalion witch is JT and HVY to my fullest power. ]

    [  9.What makes you stand out from other applicants?  What i do better then some other applicants is that I have the will to improve off what I have done wrong and I have learned how to be efficient at what I need to do as a member of the Stormtrooper core, I also have very good relationships with the other battalion as I was once one of them, and I think this can help with the relation ship with other battalions with Stormtroopers with this communication buff. I also know how to talk to my fellow troopers better and with more respectfully even the minges still even though They are minges. Other things that I excel on is my experiences as a NCO and my experiences in my other battions just adds on to what I know as a trooper and as a person and with all of this I think 2LT would work well.]


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