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✰Don Toliver

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Posts posted by ✰Don Toliver

  1. What is your In Game Name? SA Destroy Lonely SEIF11

    What is your In Current Rank? Special Agent

    What is your Agent Name? Destroy Lonely

    How Long Have You Been In Inferno Squad? Beginning of May maybe  end  of April

    Why Do You Want To Become An Officer? [150+ Words]  I'm applying for this position to be able to help and work with all the rest of the officers and fulfill my duties as being a mentor for the people around me. I am super active and I am only ever on IF when I'm on the server and I  think I'd be a perfect fit.  I have plenty of experience with commanding  /  being an officer in  the  past, I have about 5,000 hours on GMOD in total and I can say majority of it is hours and hours on STARWARS RP. Not only do I have experience with commanding  /  being an  officer but I have the proper mindset for it. I can assure you my activity will always remain the same [unless there is a IRL issue  obviously which id put in a LOA for] but other than that I  have been playing on this server for 2 years, I've resigned from IF on multiple occasions but I like the command team and all the people in it and now I am more committed than anything. I'd love if you guys gave me this opportunity and if its given I will show you that I am the best fit for it.  

    How could you assist Inferno Squad Command with this rank?  [100+ Words] My maturity and problem solving skills can fit in with this rank very well aswell as my leadership skills. My sole purpose in applying for this rank is to aid the fellow officers with training and help with the NCO's and Enlisted if they have issues or any questions. Another thing is I am very blunt and I will never hide something, if I feel as if there is an issue I will address it mainly because I am looking for IF to strive now and in the near future and I'd love to help do that. I prioritize IF on this server above all else.  

    How many strikes do you have? 0

    Do you have any prior experience in being an officer/leading? If so explain. I've had many experiences over the years, I have been playing STARWARS RP since 2016 and have never stopped playing since. So its hard to really remember all of the times I have been an officer and whatnot but I can say I have had a whole lot of experience

    What Qualifications could you bring too the Inferno Squad Officer Team?  I have many qualifications, In game I am very skilled in combat so it may  be  something people look up to, aswell as I can work under pressure very well and I am very understanding when it comes to explaining things. There is so much more qualifications I have but its something I cant really put into words.

    Do you understand that if you are Accepted, you will be on a 2 Week Trial Period?  
    (Failing the Trial Period will result in a demotion)  yes

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