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Posts posted by dyinglightjg

  1. In-game name:Dying


    Current RP rank on StarWarsRP: Vice marshal/medical PVT

    Have you donated to the server?:no

    Have you been banned on any GL server before?:Yes sadly

    Have you received any warnings (please give reasons if applicable)?: I have 1 warning for massrdm and I have reformed since it happened and regret what I did

    How much time do you have on the server?:around 3-2 weeks

    How well do you know the LORE? Explain:i can say I know a decent amount of lore since ive watched every movie(greedo shot first) and have seen multiple videos about the comics and other things that take place in the star wars universe

    Why do you WANT to become a Gamemaster?:I want to become a game master because it would allow me to use my creativity and also give people really great and fun events that everyone enjoys 

    Why should you be trusted to be a Game Master?:I have become the vice marshal which takes a lot of effort and trust from other people to let me get into a position where you command a elite battalion dedicated to elite piloting

    Are you familiar/experiences with ULX?:no 

    Are you experienced with being a Game Master and how they function?:I haven't been a game master but I have seen how game masters do events and have been a actor multiple times in passive RP/combat events 

    Give a brief example of an on-ship event, as well as an example of an off-ship event: onship: a ISB enlisted comes aboard the ship with a urgent report of a rebel base stationed within a asteroid field towards the outer rim and that since scans show the asteroid is hollow In major parts that it can be assumed that the rebel base is of high importance to the rebellion and must be destroyed...*hyperspaces to asteroid field* upon arrival a squadron of 4 X wings and a heavy bomber attack the ISD while enemy frigates show up and a blockade runner. The blockade runner pushes a asteroid into the ISD using the front of the ship to cause massive damage while troops are boarding via drop pods into the turbolasers unknown to the crew of the ISD the asteroid is currently in process of evacuation to the rebel frigates. At this point the enemy frigates suddenly hyperspace away with evaced rebels aboard. During the fight the blockade runner had its hyperdrive damaged so it was evacuated and the captain rams it into the bridge superstructure forcing a evacuation while 31st repair it. Although the rebels escaped with their personnel they left behind massive caches of supplies deeming this a major victory for the ISD. The ISB departs and thanks the crew for their response.

    offmap : (using the map where theres rocks shooting up from the ground and the abandoned factorys) as the ISD is following their normal patrol routes they encounter a distress signal from a abandonded colony world.Encoded within the distress signal is a code saying that the distress signal is of rebel orgin (a trap to lure imperials in) and the ISD promptly fills transports and heads down to the planet to eradicate the rebel presence not realizing the danger they were in. Although they didn't know it yet there was no rebels but rather a rouge AI which had the coded goal of assimilating every thing into its self and use their brains for processing power and draining the natural electric current from their bodys for extra power. When the transports land on the planet (SF would be grounded until fighting starts) the AI notices their presence and sends hundreds of droids (using magma guard skin) to... assimilate them. Now the AI had assimilated the world this is why it was abandonded and using the processing power of the beings it took it became rather intelligent and since it controlled every droid with Deadly precision it send a few infiltrators to flank the enemy and destroy their transports preventing escape from the AI. As soon as the transports are destroyed droids attack at the same time catching what ever troops off-guard. After a hard fought  battle the ISD troops are ultimately victorious... on the first battle... The AI's central core was located deep in the earth and the troops had to fight through tight corridors leading into the earth eventually fighting their way into the core room. In a desperate attempt to simply survive the AI decides the best course is to launch every droid bomber it has and attempt to force the people in its core to surrender or the ones above will be destroyed. of course this doesn't work since SF shoot them down and 31st ultimately destroys the core freeing the world. Another transport comes to the planet and retrieves the troops. And that's that whats done is done..... or so they thought to themselves.going back to the ship they get a another delayed transmission of which apparently holds no information... this transmission held a virus which infects the ships AI and promptly deletes it while pasting the old one in its place. The AI now inside the ship turns off the power and reconnects to transports it had on planet and the droids it left behind calling them to the ship to fight. now of course they were beaten back. The AI finally once and for all destroyed. If they hadn't won the fight. the AI would have a ISD under its command being able to go to any world and assimilate its population. (end of event)

    Do you know how to give a weapon/SWEP to yourself/someone? (Give an example):I don't know the commands for it but I know how to use the toolgun to spawn weapons 

    Do you know how to model yourself/someone? (Give an example):!model player model

    Have you read the Gamemaster Guidelines?:yes

    note:i have no way with words but I have a more creative mind but not a mind that can really express its self easily. I hope people can see past the shortness of the question in the app

  2. 4 minutes ago, TAlila said:


    I've seen you online extremely, and you fit the role of a VCMDR, every time I check in your discord it is you encouraging for you to get online, You have experience as an Admin, an Admiral, and a IC Commander, You also transferred to help 501st and you have! the activity is OUTSTANDING! I think you are completely fit for the role of the VCMDR slot, JJ would've wanted it this way, You are always doing the best you can with callous and it is extremely useful and helpful, I've seen you lead missions, I've seen you host tryouts, I've seen you do all the right things for 501st, You do need more time but that doesn't even matter because everything you've done as helped the battalion extremely! Best of luck man




    sorry for stealing ground commandfrom you LMFAO, I wasn't aware it was assigned to you ;-;


  3. 23 hours ago, RJ_ said:
    6 hours ago, harmonica said:

    -Support (for VM).

    Before you slam me down, let me explain.

    I don't expect a rank like his to instantly lead a whole battalion of troops.

    He might be a competent leader, but skipping 6 to 7 ranks doesn't seem like a good idea (SF had 9 ranks in total before the recent rank revision).

    One thing I am open to is the idea of him getting an officer position (I'm making the forms as I type this) for him to gain more exposure.

    He'd make a perfect officer.

    +Support for CO position.


  4. 18 hours ago, TailoredBadger said:

    +/- Support


    -Medical needs more Medical Overseers

    -My experience with Greed in Medical consisted of him only getting on if someone who could promote him was on

    -Has been kicked out of multiple battalions before

    -More often on his CC than on an actual job

    -Application only focuses on discipline, not healing and health, which is what Medical's main focus is.


    he was kicked out of SF for mass minging but I think he has kinda come back from it and isn't AS bad as he was

  5. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :
    SF SFL Dying 9099 
    2. What Regiment are you applying for?

    Starfigher corps

    3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?
    The main reason I want to be a SF Vice marshal is because it would be a great opportunity for me.
    Also it would make it easier for me to help improve the battalion and give people a better experience not only in SF but in the server.

    4. How much game time do you have on the server?

    I do not know but I estimate 50-150 hours on the server 

    5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch
    In my opinion the main purpose of a battalion vice commander/commander is to not only manage and improve their respective battalions but also set a standard and model for other people to follow while at the same time be understanding of the peoples problems in their battalion and strive to be the best they can themselves so they can also be the best for the people of their battalion and at the same time being hard on people when they break the rules the server or battalion sets for people 

    6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :

    I am active and I will try my hardest to improve SF and have already shown my dedication in being a officer of SF (SFL is a new officer rank)and doing

    tryouts most days and also holding flight certifications for officers of other battalions.

    7. How often can you be Online? :

    due to the virus im home a lot and can be on most days if needed 

    8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :
    I do have a single warning for mass RDM which was from a long time ago and I hope that it can be over looked because I do regret what I did .

    note: if this app appears to be low quality and not have a lot of work into it that's because I don't really have a way with words and aren't that good at socializing so I apologize 

  6. What is your ingame name?: Midshipman Dying

    What is your SteamID:76561198136584115

    What is your rank on the Naval Roster?:i just recently got promoted so it might show crewman but my rank is midshipman

    What specialty are you applying for?: Security officer

    What Naval HC (Admiral +) gave you permission to apply?:not a admiral but the security director who is a captain

    What can you do to improve the branch you will be responsible for?i will monitor their activity and assist them in their daily activities while also promoting those who do good at their job. If i see anyone doing wrong i will tell them what they are doing wrong and ask them to stop while also assigning members of shock to guard certain areas or patrol on certain levels of the ISD and making sure none of them minge or break any server rules since those that do are not fit for shock since they are supposed to be one of the top RP/serious battalions there is besides the spec ops battalions .

    Why should you be trusted with this position?:I have few bad altercations with staff and am very active while also being a NCO in SF which is one of the harder battalions due to the fact everyone relys on you for daily activities such as transport 

    Why do you want this rank?:I want this rank because i know if i get it i can help improve shock and otherwise assist in shock activities .

    Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?:yes

    What is your purpose within your assigned branch?:Shock security is in laymans terms the military police of the server and they guard high value locations such as bridge and brig while also patroling to make sure troopers are not breaking the standards we set for them to follow. Shock will also detain and guard high value targets such as captured rebels and extract information with them while leaving light side force users to the inquistors. It is also somewhat the duty of shock to be a role model to normal troops.


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