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Posts posted by Blueprint

  1. Steam Name: Blueprint

    Ingame Name: Blueprint

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:192888807

    Ban Length: Perm

    Admin that Banned you: Console

    Reason for Ban: Blacklisted | Player Poaching


    One thing I want to point out, I dont have any proof of this but here I go

    I dont really much of a dispute, I decided I would create my own server and I did. My manager was a old GamingLight superadmin and 05 and he thought it would be a great idea to post our discord all over some of gaminglights things. The only reason I think I should be unbanned is because I didnt do anything nor did I tell him to do it. If zeeptin or igneous needs mine and Jeffs convo logs then I will be happy to provide it. I believe my whole management got blacklisted but I believe I'm the only one appealing it. I understand if you guys want to deny my appeal since it was a server I OWNED but still, I would like to ask for a second chance.

    • Dislike 16
  2. Your In-game: The Old Dusty Fart (At the time)


    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:192888807


    The admin's name in-game: MTF A1 CPL Waffle CR6 (At the time)


    The admin's steam name (If you know it): N/A


    What did the admin do: Physgunned me and froze me off duty to get an advantage and planned to keep me there. That was until I called someone else. Once I called another staff he instantly unfroze me as you will see in the video below to avoid punishment.


    Evidence of the abusive action(s) (REQUIRED): 



    What do you believe should happen to the admin: I believe that this part is up to SMT, but I believe a strike.


    Any extra information: To anyone who thinks I was puppy guarding: I was not puppy guarding as I saw they were heading to femur so I went over there to surprise them and try to prevent it. He called a couple of admins which were Evil and Pixel and they both said that I was allowed to do what I did and that I did nothing wrong.

  3. 4 minutes ago, [GL] Zeus said:

    Dr Bright equals to a Senior Researcher and SR aren’t allowed in EZ so the warm for FailRP was justified 

    Side Note: Please read your MOTD as it is most important duty of a staff member to know the MOTD like the back of his hand 

    Please see this picture 

    Im not going to say anything else on this post after this. But either way this would be a research punishment or even a blacklist from Dr. Bright. Not a warn. I also did not tell them to run nor was I trying to let them escape. If I wanted them to escape I could have just let them go. Like I said tho this is my last reply on this thread. The only reply I will put is if its needed.

  4. 1 minute ago, Rektify said:

    +/- Support, leaning -Support


    A notice was brought up to me about one of my A1 recruits RDMing, making it both command and staff issues. I listened to Zeus's story about the situation and he DID tell Blueprint to leave using his /me's. Zeus then told me that Blueprint (as Dr bright) ran down the hallway towards Site Director's office, away from the closest HCZ-EZ entrance (ramp side). Blueprint, within the recorded video which is here: 

    However, the video only shows the point to where he started getting shot. We can't see the beginning. However, I lean towards my decision. Also, I'm pretty sure Bright in EZ is KOSable. 

    Proof for Zeus.png

    Really quick I want to clairfy, this report is not about the RDM thing. I just wanted to say what was going on before my warn. I still believe I got falsely warned.

  5. 11 minutes ago, [GL] Zeus said:

    My side of the story 

    In short the video was cut short not showing the part where I said return to HCZ or you will be terminated. Then I tried to cuff him to which he resisted and then he closed the door on me where the researcher is standing( I will upload the picture) Associate Researcher Andrew. You can clearly see the researcher and his name from Scuffed Rangiateas point of view.Also associate researchers can’t be in EZ or help Dr Bright 
    Then Dr bright  proceeded to say “Run” to the d class after which I opened fire on them also the HCZ entrance was as in the opposite direction of where he was running when I had to shoot him after he resisted arrest and closed the door

    Also I’m sorry where did I bodyblock again? I don’t see any body blocking 

    Giovanni did his job and I’m disappointed at Scuffed Rangiatea for trying to minge and hurt other staff members position considering he himself is a staff member 


    Anybody who reads this reply, he did try to cuff me, but that was before he even said anything I believe. It wouldn't have mattered because I was leaving anyway. Also, I didn't cut any part of that video except the end. I only started recording when it was happening.

  6. Your In-game: Scuffed Rangiatea (At the time)

    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:192888807


    The admin's name in-game: Giovanni


    The admin's steam name (If you know it): N/A


    What warning did you receive: Minging / FailRP


    Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): 



    Why do you think this warn was false: 

    Well to start things off, I and another researcher were going around doing tests with these two d-classes, everything was going fine up until we meet this A1 (Believe the name was Zeus or something). We had just arrived in EZ. Once we got there we remember that as research jobs we aren't allowed in EZ. As we were leaving the A1 said: "go back to HCZ". Which we were already doing. As we were leaving he shot me in the back so that lead to me trying to tell him that I was leaving and I would report him. He still killed me so that lead to me reporting that guy for RDM. Once we got in the sit Giovanni listened to whatever I said about the A1 rdming. He then brought the A1. The A1 proceeded to say I was disobeying him and that it was a rightful kill. I objected that by saying that we were leaving but apparently Giovanni was already sold on the idea that I was minging (Running around EZ and whatever else he said) and believed the guy and returned him. He then issued the warn and as I was explaining that I didnt do anything wrong, he gagged me. After that he pretty much just told me I need to stop minging (No Idea what he was talking about) and that this sit was over. I tried to explain to him that even if I was breaking Research SOP that would not be a warning, just punishment on research of some sort. He just returned and never ungagged me. I have no clue why he was so sold on the idea that the kill was rightful but he thought he was doing the right thing.


    Any extra information: I HAVE VIDEO OF ME GETTING KILLED AND THE SIT IF NEEDED! PM ON DISCORD @ Blueprint#7122

  7. +Support

    Peggu is very sensitive and honestly, I just think she shouldn't be apart of any command especially because of this incident. I have had so many problems with her in the past about her insulting D-Class but when they say something just a tiny bit mean she blasts them. Also, with this racism incident, it should not be a warning. It should be a 1-week ban for racism. Obviously I'm not the one who makes that decision but that's what I think should happen. For some reason, she thinks she is always better than everybody else which I'm guessing lead to her thinking she could KOS people that speak Spanish. She deserves whatever punishment she gets. Also, another topic that Inaccurate pulled up, is that your not a staff member. Do not boss people around and tell them stuff that is not true. This is what is called mini-modding. I've seen you do it so many times it's just ridiculous. 



  8. Just now, ArkCarbon said:


    yEAGer is a really cool guy who made a simple mistake, he didnt know that Homophobic words were against the rules, he thought only racist words were. He was honest and cooperative during the sit and apologized for his mistake.

    I believe that he made a simple mistake and since he was honest and cooperative, he should be unbanned or maybe get a reduced ban.


  9. 19 minutes ago, Jakub said:

    Yeah, no.

    You got warned for going into d block as e11 then you proceeded to branch diss and said fuck you which I don't think is how a staff member should treat others.


    i warned him right after the demote for branch diss and staff diss since he did it whilst i was typing.

    I didn’t even say “Fuck You”. I said Fuck ya as in “Fuck Yea” because you told me that I was getting demoted. Also I didn’t see that interactive warned me for staff diss, thought that was you. I don’t know what that was about though. Sorry.

  10. Your In-game: CI RCT Skies

    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:192888807


    The admin's name in-game: Gioxide (I think) its Jakub on the forums I think


    The admin's steam name (If you know it): N/A


    What warning did you receive: Entering D-Block as E11 / Staff Diss / Staff Diss (Yes they are all seperate warns)


    Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED):



    Why do you think this warn was false:

    This warn was false because of the first one (Staff Diss (1st one) ) I didn't even say anything. The evidence I provided above was for the second one as I only started record after the main incident was happening. He returned me and as he was returning me he said "alright that's another warn". After that, I was returned and he gave me that warn for staff diss. I'm not sure if I just caught him in a bad mood because right after that I said I was stuck, after that he helped me, so I jumped off the platform on d-block so I took damage. Right after that he brought me again on the platform and said "here, baby" as he made me jump off again taking more damage. On to the second warn (Staff Diss (2nd one) ). This one was recorded so you can see everything in the youtube video. I was just standing in D-block as he warned me for Staff diss again getting me kicked for no reason. Thats all there is to it for the second warn. Now for the third warn. This one is kinda up for debate because me and my buddy (I was on discord with) were in D-Block as E11 and we both got pulled and removed from E11. The thing is, my buddy didnt get warned, only got removed while me, on the other hand, got a warn and a removal. I feel for this third one, either I should get my warn removed or my buddy should get the warn for the same thing. To add on to it he was being very unprofessional saying things like "These warns will look good on your admin application, which it doesn't matter because you're not going to make it there" and very other rude things. One more thing, it says in the staff handbook to warn people separately for separate things, just put it in one, which he clearly didn't. Like I said I really do think I caught him in a bad mood, I don't think he is a bad staff member and shouldn't be punished for this incident but I would like this warns removed as this is just ridiculous. No clue what happened here.


    Any extra information: N/A



  11. What do you want to see? -  I want to see somewhere, maybe in the staff handbook that says you won't be able to use a donator rank when you're a T-Mod.

    Why should we add it? - I think you guys should add it to inform people that purchasing a package when a Trial-Moderator, you won't be able to use the package until you are a moderator. I made this mistake and my $10 pretty much down the drain since I am not a moderator. 

    What are the advantages of having this? - This will hopefully prevent situations like me where someone purchases a package while a T-Mod and can't use it.

    Who is it mainly for? - Trial-Moderators



  12. - Support

    Side note: That's not your Steam ID.

    So, I was a security officer and was watching what happened. This guy jumped over another guy as the person behind him pushed him out of the line. You then proceeded to count down. "5, 4" then shot him without him even being able to back up. I got on staff since there was a good number of sits waiting to be taken. After I was finished with all of the sits, I went to bring you to tell you, you were getting a warning. You left the game so I grabbed your steam ID and warned you for RDM. When you hopped on the server I brought you and explained why you got the warning. You said okay and to return you. Any staff member can look at logs and his death position to back up my point.

    Proof of the guy not being able to back up: 




  13. Lore Name: AR Skies

    Rank: Associate Researcher

    SCP: 096

    Question / Idea: How will SCP-096 react when we simulate someone looking at his face?

    Background Research: SCP-096 is a humanoid creature measuring approximately 2.38 meters in height. The subject shows very little muscle mass, with a preliminary analysis of body mass suggesting mild malnutrition. Arms are grossly out of proportion with the rest of the subject's body, with an approximate length of 1.5 meters each. Skin is mostly devoid of pigmentation, with no sign of any body hair.

    SCP-096's jaw can open to four times the norm of an average human. Other facial features remain similar to an average human, with the exception of the eyes, which are also devoid of pigmentation. It is not yet known whether SCP-096 is blind or not. It shows no signs of any higher brain functions and is not considered to be sapient.

    Hypothesis: SCP-096 will not become enraged when shown the stimulant.

    Labor & Efficiency Tests: I would want to know how to get around SCP-096 enragement.

    Observations (What Happened During Test): I tied up at D-Class and threw him into the containment cell, tieing him to the wall, then threw a picture of the D-Classes face on the ground. SCP-096 was hesitant to look at the picture of the D-Class at first. When 096 did, the SCP went into a panic sort of state, not like the one we have seen before. SCP-096 started scratching at the walls and at one point ripped the picture into pieces to the point where it was not recognizable. After that SCP-096 began nudging at the D-Class, after a minute of nudging, he proceeded to kill the D-Class.

    Evidence/Visual Stimuli: 





    Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Have Caused The Results): I believe that even looking at the picture since SCP-096 is not sapient, 096 thought it was still a human looking at his face even though the D-Class was clearly not looking at the SCP at all. Proving my hypothesis wrong. I believe what could have caused the abnormal enragement would be because SCP-096 could have realized that it was a two-dimensional surface rather than a normal three-dimensional surface looking at the SCP. The SCP may have gotten enraged more and even confused by this change. I feel that we could study more on this type of behavior to try and calm SCP-096 more. I do believe if we study up more on this SCP, we can figure out its weaknesses and even a bypass of the engagement.




    I can not check logs on what exactly happened and to get evidence due to one of the following. Either its been too long for me to search logs with your steam ID or I am not a high enough rank. What I have said below is from my personal memory. This may not be exactly what happened.


    Hello, I remember what happened this day. So he was shooting down into the elevator I believe. He ended up killing 4 people in total I think and so I ended up tp jailing him at the first staff area. I had a chat with him and he just didn't say anything but "How is this MassRDM", and "Explain to me how this is MassRDM". I explained to him multiple times how it was what it was but he did not comprehend. He then went on to call me and some other staff member (can't remember his name) stupid for thinking its MassRDM. To further back up this claim of MassRDM, I check all kills he made that was claimed to be RDM. The D-Class that he shot was either standing next to the elevator with no weapon out, or a D-Class that was on the elevator before it started moving. There were multiple command there to watch the ban including WO Stabby, waiting to hand out the punishment that could back this up. I believe this guy has been rightfully banned and should stay banned for the remainder of the timer.

    - Support


  15. I am here to give my side of the story.

    So basically Rabbit brought him for minging (RDM, Mic Spamming, ETC). Right after the rabbit gave him a verbal warning he got returned and proceeded to RDM a security officer who was not looking at him. He has lied to me and rabbit multiple times and I have logs to prove it. I do believe this warn should stick with him. Thank you for taking the time to read this.



  16. Lore Name: Jr Researcher Dean Winchester & Jr Researcher Andrew

    Rank: Jr Researcher

    SCP: 049

    Question / Idea: How does SCP-049 react to different viruses / plagues / diseases, modern and historical?

    Background Research: SCP-049 is a euclid class SCP. He is a humanoid figure that appears to be a plague doctor from the 1300s. He appears to be neutral but some behavior changes have been observed in the past. SCP-049 is known to be immune to most diseases. SCP-049 does not appear to ever need feeding and does not gain weight nor have a metabolism of some kind.

    Hypothesis: SCP-049 will react good and bad to different viruses. Worst to the more complex and deadlier viruses. Maybe we will be able to use this knowledge of his immunity to make humans immune to certain viruses.

    Labor & Efficiency Tests: We would want to know how SCP-049 is immune to these viruses and which ones.

    Observations (What Happened During Test): SCP-049 reacted differently towards specific types of viruses and diseases. It had bad reactions and also neutral reactions, the majority was non-effective.
    Evidence/Visual Stimuli: 

    Coronavirus: No Reaction

    Black Death: Reaction (Cough)

    Black Death x2 Injections: Bad Reaction (Coughs Blood)

    Black Death x3 Injections: Bad Reaction (Coughs Blood & Vomits)

    Influenza: No Reaction

    SARs x2 Injections: Bad Reaction (Coughing fit & Trouble Breathing)

    Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Have Caused The Results): Unfortunately, we could not get as many injections in as we would have hoped due to a raid. Although, SCP-049 can react towards all kinds of different things that make humans sick. These sometimes can even have an effect on him. Some of the more deadlier viruses had a bigger reaction on him. The higher the dose, the more it will have an effect on SCP-049. Surprisingly, he did not react really badly to the black death, but the SARs virus was the most interesting. At just 2 doses, he started having a coughing fit and had trouble breathing. We had to give him the vaccine. We are looking forward to discovering more about this extraordinary SCP and are excited to learn more about how to use this immunity on humans.

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