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Posts posted by 1tsAM1r1cle

  1. Quote


    - Extremely dedicated

    - Excellent leadership skills

    - Very friendly and supportive

    - Wants Purge to succeed

         Tyranis is hands down the best choice for Purge Commander. This man brought me into the regiment and ever since joining, I have never felt more welcome or appreciated in any battalion I have been a part of, on this server or otherwise. Tyranis is an excellent leader. He listens to the troopers under his command and is always willing to consider any suggestions that benefit the regiment. He rewards those that do well and is always available to listen to concerns or just chat, even when not in game. He fits every hallmark of what makes a good leader and I cannot stress enough how proud I am to serve under him in Purge. The regiment can only benefit from him leading it.


    Hugest +support

    ▪︎Super professional

    ▪︎Really kind, caring, nice person

    ▪︎Super committed to purge and its troops

    ▪︎Was an impressive Shock Officer

    ▪︎Very active, keeps up quota on every life

    ▪︎Amazing communication skills, important trait for a commander to have

    ▪︎Good decision making skills

    ▪︎Just generally a fun person to be around


    I do not think there is a person on the server who I would recommend for a command position more than Tyranis.

    Tyranis overall is an excellent leader and person. Purge could only benefit from having someone like him as commander.

  2. What is your in-game name?:

    What is your steam name?:

    What is your steam ID?:

    Do you have any other experience with staffing?:
    Yes, Community Manager and Admin for Palm Tree Gaming

    What date did you start playing on the community
    Early Febuary of 2020

    What date did you make your forums account?
    Febuary 5th, 2020

    Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)?

    How many warns do you have on the server?
    3 for RDM and FailRP, however these were at least 3 and a half years ago and I have grown and changed as a person since then.

    Have you donated?

    What rank are you applying for?
    Trial Mod

    Have you read the staff guidelines at

    You will be tested on it:
    I have read the guidelines, and understand that I will be tested on it.


    Permission (Admin+ need this):

    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (Can be any length):
    I have put time and effort into this server as a Vice Commander of Shock, and believe I could help this server more as a member of staff, helping deal with people who break rules and explaining rules to new players. I also believe that becoming staff will help me in my role as a Vice Commander by giving me experience for the same types of activities outside of RP.

    How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?:
    I would first ask them to stop and explain themself. If they do not, I will gag/mute them, before having the person that called the sit explain why they called it and what the offending person did. After the person who called the sit explained their side I would unmute the offending person and again ask them what they did. If they cooperate I will hand out a punishment according to what info and evidence I obtained, as well as a verbal warning for staff disrespect. If they do not cooperate I will re-mute them and hand out a punishment according to the info and evidence I have, as well as a formal warning for staff disrespect + the respective non-warning punishment for 2x staff disrespect.


    1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :


    2. What Regiment are you applying for?

     Shock Security

    3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?

    The main problem I want to fix if I become Vice Commander is the inactivity issue. Shock has been having a huge inactivity problem as of late. I suggested on january 5th that shock should do roll call, and that as a result has helped slightly, but a better plan would be hosting roll call the first full week of every month or two, as it will provide a more frequent inactivity check.. Secondly, I want to start a periodical check to review the docs and make sure they are in peak shape, as documents help guide our new players in what to do within the battalion and as their rank. Giving documents a periodical review, EVEN IF THEY DO NOT NEED ONE, helps make sure they are in peak shape, and guarantees clean looking documents. I want to help lead this battalion to do great things by helping both others and myself grow, gain new skills, and help shock become the best battalion it can be. Lastly, my goal for imperial rp is to reach a command position, as that feels like the best ending point of my career in imperial rp.

    4. How much game time do you have on the server?

    825 hours and 16 minutes

    5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

    The main goal of a vice commander is to lead the battalion and be an example for troopers as to what to do/say in situations. This is the main priority of a vice commander, as leading troopers is what a vice commander is for. Some other duties include maintenance of documents, which is important because documents are the base of all battalions, including their duties, the rules, the ranks, the sub branches, the sub branches rules, etc, and keeping them clean is important for things to run smoothly. A Vice Commander is also in charge of maintaining the roster by checking the roster update channel every day and updating the roster according to the updates people send. Lastly, a Vice Commander also has the duty of keeping clear communication with high command/the battalion overseer. Clear communication will let high command know what the battalion needs in terms of document changes, equipment changes, etc, and will ensure that high command know what is going on in shock and that shock is being run well and to the best of the command team's abilities.

    6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :

    I’ve been in shock for 10 months now, and have been a part of gaming light in general for 4 years in total. I know shock like the back of my hand, and have the skills to do my duty as a vice commander, from doing roster updates to leading troops and making sure other troopers are following both server and battalion rules. Gaminglight to me represents a personal financial investment and over 800 hours of work doing my duties as a member of shock and the server in general. I have been active across my 10 month stint, and throughout it I have risen to ERU Lead, and a Colonel in Shock Security. I also have former command/high command experience as the following on different servers:

    -SF Marshall

    -501st Vice Commander

    -Shock Vice Commander

    -Grand Admiral Thrawn

    7. How often can you be Online? :

    At least 3 days a week, averaging 5 days a week.

    8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :

    I have 3 warnings for RDM and FailRP, however the most recent of these was on 6/16/2020. This was 3 years ago and I have not had any warnings since. I made mistakes in my early days on the server and I have worked to make up for those.

  4. It's been a blast working w/ you venus! I'm sad to see you go, but i'll always hold the good times we had together in our hearts.
    o7 and Vode An, Venus.

    "We'll meet again, don't know where, dont know when, but I know we'll meet again some sunny day."
    -Vera Lynn

  5. On 4/20/2023 at 2:53 PM, PopoMyNamo said:

    Good application and great person, he had prior history in shock and I believe he will do well as officer


    23 hours ago, Andersfel said:

    + Support

      -Great application, good points, well written, ready to hold himself to mistakes and proving that he deserves his position

      -An awesome person! Never have heard anything bad of him nor had any bad experiences!

      -Has experience with this position

      -Great activity!


  6. What is your in-game name?



    What is your current rank?



    How long have you been in Shock?

    For this current run of shock i have been in shock for approx. a month, but I served as shock all throuought 2020, so I have lots of experience as shock.


    How much time do you have on the server?

    I have 5 weeks as per the Tab menu, but I started playing GL's Imperial RP back in febuary or january of 2020, and started being part of shock around the same time. I stopped playing as much in 2021 and 2022, and started playing again in march of 2023, which is when I joined shock. 


    Why do you feel that you deserve the position of officer?

    I have been in shock for a long time and throughout that time I have served shock with passion and dignity. I am as serious as possible when the situation is needed, and do not abuse power. I do not get angry easily and value feedback in my work as feedback allows me to improve what I do and how I operate shock. I do tryouts when available, and always hold myself to the highest standard possible. I make sure I am always putting my duties as a shock trooper over my own enjoyment on the server and in shock, and make sure I always am following orders and defcon procedures, and if no orders are currently active, am keeping the ship running smoothly by patrolling regularly, and making sure bridge check point and brig are guarded. If not enough people are on to keep both guarded I have DT guard one while I guard the other.


    Why do you feel you can be trusted to hold this position?

    I have previous officer experience as a Senior Guard and shadow guard of royal guard back in 2020, and have been officers and high command on other servers throughout 2021 and 2022. As mentioned above I do not get angry easily, and value feedback from others in what I do and how I operate both myself as a shock trooper and how I operate those under my command. I make sure those under my command are on duty, and correct those that aren't on duty. I make sure shock is running smoothly, although I try not to be to strict with my RP and supervision of others if we are not in an active event or battle situation and are instead in between events so that the troopers under my command have at least some fun, and are not just stuck in one place following orders like a mindless zombie.


    If chosen, what can you add to the battalion that other applicants can't?

    I can make sure the new people in shock are doing well, and can make sure the NCO's are keeping up with quota. I can host trainings like stun gun trainings to make sure shock members are familiar with how the stun e-11 works, restraint trainings, so shock troopers are able to restrain someone on the run with things like the aforementioned elastic restraints and shooting their target with the stun e-11 before restraining them, arrest baton training so shock troopers know the ins and outs of the arrest baton and can accurately use the arrest baton without accidentally arresting someone. I want to focus on the basics as I feel there is lots of room for improvement in the activities I mentioned above, and often the basics are left untouched when doing trainings. I also feel that newer troopers should get familiar with the ISD Consillio, as being familiar with its layout and where people resisting arrest can go to lose the shock trooper that is chasing them.


    How active can you be?

    I can be on every day (with exceptions every now and then due to school, although those exceptions are few and far between)
    Who Are the 2 Maj+ That Gave Permission?
    VCMDR Kami (before resignation)
    VCMDR Starch


    Name: Miricle

    Rank & Callsign: R/R03

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:103412045

    Discord: 1tsAM1r1cle#1438 / CI RnD R Miricle

    Divisions: RnD

    Activity: Active

    Suggestions: N/A

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