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Knight of the Butt Sauce

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Posts posted by Knight of the Butt Sauce

  1. Steam name: Knight of the Butt Sauce

    Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198921004114/ is it this?

    Ingame name: 501st SFC Korvax 4201

    Callsign: Korvax

    Current rank: SFC

    When were you last promoted: I am not sure

    How long have you been in the 501st (roughly): circa December 2019 

    Do you promise to uphold all rules en-stated by Gaming Light and by the many 501st Protocols: yes

    Do you promise to uphold your duties as an officer in leadership, mentoring, problem-solving, ect.: yes

    Do you promise that you will listen and respect your lower/higher rankings: yes

    Why do you want to become an officer in the 501st? (150 WORDS+): I wish to become a Officer of the 501st for the reason that I am able to help out my fellow 501st and teach them the dos and don'ts of what the 5021st should be about. If I ever become an officer I want to be able to lead my troops to a victory that makes them feel accomplished and satisfied. One of the other many reasons why I want to become a 5021st Officer is to climb the ranks to be with the likes of Commanders and the other such people who show what it really means to be apart of the 501st. I want to lead the 501st into a future of greatness for those of lower ranks and soon have newer members hold the belief that the 501st can be better than it already is. I want more opportunities to help the community as a whole, promoting those who are excelling past expectation and letting those who deserve to be in the 501st.

    I understand when I become an officer, I will show the competence and no weakness: yes

    I understand if I am punished, I will be set back to NCO: yes

  2. Ingame Name: Korvax

    Rank: SFC

    Last promo: I do not remember

    Reason to stay: I love making friends and the community surrounding this group, I may not be on most of the time because of school but I still have fun doing it when I am on.

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