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Posts posted by gameknight3000

  1. In-game name:


    Current RP rank on StarWarsRP:

    Have you donated to the server?:
    no but might

    Have you been banned on any GL server before?:

    Have you received any warnings (please give reasons if applicable)?:
    not that I can recall though I might have gotten one for trespassing in restricted areas

    How much time do you have on the server?:
    2 weeks of playtime thought I think it got reset at some point.

    How well do you know the LORE? Explain:
    I know clone wars era to 2nd deathstar lore pretty well and I often do research on certain events or people occasionally. I know a lot about the Thrawn era. Also the vong is cool.

    Why do you WANT to become a Gamemaster?:
    I like making events I find it fun to make events and I find it satisfying to see others enjoy my events too, I have a lot of ideas that I want to try. Plus I find it boring sitting around the ship for long periods of time with no events, and I like to use my gamemaster powers to do special trainings with my own battalion mini sims with just my battalion or joint sims with other battalions.

    Why should you be trusted to be a Game Master?:
    I've been a gamemaster on the server before I and enjoy the server, there has only been one other star wars server I ever been on constantly.

    Are you familiar/experiences with ULX?:

    Are you experienced with being a Game Master and how they function?:

    Give a brief example of an on-ship event, as well as an example of an off-ship event:
    On ship event I used to do was a synthetic droids they were a made up faction that believed that all droids and AI should have freewill. they would warp in and start shooting the ship until the shields are down, they the capital ship would proceed to fire drop pods on to the hull, some burring into the ship and latching on to important rooms like the bridge, the turbo lasers, and the engine, and hangers, these pods can be destroyed by shooting at them from inside the ship or outside, but the pods spawn magma droids in the rooms they occupies. 

    I realize this is a pretty common concept so I have another idea for an on ship I'd like to share. It would include this same droid faction, the event would have players playing as droids who are being transferred to the ISD to do electronic maintenance on the ship. But the droids are secretly working with the synthetic droids in a attempt to purge all organic life from the ISD by hacking key systems (determined by rolls) they will first try to shut down rooms by having a toxic gas released  if half of the droids are discovered it will kick into phase 2 which will have the droids hack the hyperdrive in a attempt to warp them to the synthetic fleet, if that happens then the synthetics will bombard the ship and if by this point any of the infiltrating droids are still alive the synthetics will attempt to board to extract the droids.

    For an off ship event I would do a armored assault event on umbara  (might be old map now) if we still have the map, using the new walkers in the game we would do an armored assault against a major rebel outpost that consist of cannons and lots of infantry with explosives, the armored vehicles would be limited to maybe 2 or 3 AT-AT or a substitute of equal value, the walkers would march across the map with infantry support covering them and there objective would be to get to the other end of the map where there is a bunker which will be leveled by the walkers.

    Do you know how to give a weapon/SWEP to yourself/someone? (Give an example):
    !give Purge PVT Knight (weapon name) find weapon path in Q menu, !give Purge PVT Knight rw_sw_e11d

    Do you know how to model yourself/someone? (Give an example):
    !model (model named) copy and past weapon and model names from the spawn list 

    Have you read the Gamemaster Guidelines?:

  2. + Support

    -Would be a good learning experience for Bacon

    -Should Learn more about ULX (If he has questions he can always ask other GMs and Staff members, they're here to help!)
    -For the modeling and giving weapons portion of the application, you should get the model/weapon paths instead, rw_sw_e11d (E-11D weapon path)

    Good Luck


  3. In-game name:


    Current RP rank on StarWarsRP:

    Have you donated to the server?:
    no but might

    Have you been banned on any GL server before?:

    Have you received any warnings (please give reasons if applicable)?:
    not that I can recall though I might have gotten one for trespassing in restricted areas

    How much time do you have on the server?:
    2 weeks of playtime thought I think it got reset at some point.

    How well do you know the LORE? Explain:
    I know clone wars era to 2nd deathstar lore pretty well and I often do research on certain events or people occasionally. I know a lot about the Thrawn era.

    Why do you WANT to become a Gamemaster?:
    I like making events I find it fun to make events and I find it satisfying to see others enjoy my events too, I have a lot of ideas that I want to try. Plus I find it boring sitting around the ship for long periods of time with no events, and I like to use my gamemaster powers to do special trainings with my own battalion mini sims with just my battalion or joint sims with other battalions.

    Why should you be trusted to be a Game Master?:
    I've been a gamemaster on the server before I and enjoy the server, there has only been one other star wars server I ever been on constantly.

    Are you familiar/experiences with ULX?:

    Are you experienced with being a Game Master and how they function?:

    Give a brief example of an on-ship event, as well as an example of an off-ship event:
    On ship event I used to do was a synthetic droids they were a made up faction that believed that all droids and AI should have freewill. they would warp in and start shooting the ship until the shields are down, they the capital ship would proceed to fire drop pods on to the hull, some burring into the ship and latching on to important rooms like the bridge, the turbo lasers, and the engine, and hangers, these pods can be destroyed by shooting at them from inside the ship or outside, but the pods spawn magma droids in the rooms they occupies. 

    I realize this is a pretty common concept so I have another idea for an on ship I'd like to share. It would include this same droid faction, the event would have players playing as droids who are being transferred to the ISD to do electronic maintenance on the ship. But the droids are secretly working with the synthetic droids in a attempt to purge all organic life from the ISD by hacking key systems (determined by rolls) they will first try to shut down rooms by having a toxic gas released  if half of the droids are discovered it will kick into phase 2 which will have the droids hack the hyperdrive in a attempt to warp them to the synthetic fleet, if that happens then the synthetics will bombard the ship and if by this point any of the infiltrating droids are still alive the synthetics will attempt to board to extract the droids.

    For an off ship event I would do a armored assault event on umbara  (might be old map now) if we still have the map, using the new walkers in the game we would do an armored assault against a major rebel outpost that consist of cannons and lots of infantry with explosives, the armored vehicles would be limited to maybe 2 or 3 AT-AT or a substitute of equal value, the walkers would march across the map with infantry support covering them and there objective would be to get to the other end of the map where there is a bunker which will be leveled by the walkers.

    Do you know how to give a weapon/SWEP to yourself/someone? (Give an example):
    !give Purge PVT Knight (weapon name) find weapon path in Q menu, !give Purge PVT Knight 

    Do you know how to model yourself/someone? (Give an example):
    !model (model named) copy and past weapon and model names from the spawn list 

    Have you read the Gamemaster Guidelines?:

    I attached a picture of a dup I made on the planet Hoth, unfortunately this is all I could find for screenshots of my events but I hope to take more if I become a gamemaster again.



  4. We should have a temporary base on hoth or something as a week long event. I think it would be fun to see how the server acts under a different setup and it allows for new types of missions and senarios

  5. Purge are the Jedi hunters on the server but the problem is our melee weapons for close combat is trash. The clone staff does a decent amount of damage (100-200 hp) but hit boxes are impossible to hit with it when the targets moving. The Z6 is a cool staff which is way better than the clone staff but it does barely any damage (50 hp) making it useless against anything with a lightsaber. If the damage of the Z6 could be increased or the clone staff was made better or replaced with something better then all these problems would be solved.

    If you agree +support

  6. +support

    Purge needs an update to allow it to expand and be better individually. Feels like we been waiting forever for an update and we are ready and I think speak for all purge when I say hurry up and give us this update.

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