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Posts posted by Keef

  1. 16 hours ago, youmassacredmyhandwithafork said:


    In RP, even if the bounty hunter retreated, Shock would still hunt them. If you fail the hit, you fail, plain and simple. 

    "Nobody uses them because you are in jail half the time you are (using them)."

    That's kind of the point. Even an organization as evil as the empire has laws. If you try to kill someone, you go to jail. I don't see how changing this rule would affect that.






    you don't get what im saying you should go to jail for im saying you should be able to run away and come back a bounty hunter will do what ever to kill his target

  2. What do you want to see?: I would like to change rule 7 of bounty hunting you have to advert hit failed if you retreat. I think you should be able to retreat then come back as soon as you start shooting or use lightsabers you got the whole shock team trying to arrest you or other people trying to kill you.

    Why should we add it?: it would make bounty hunting fun not just a arrest fest 

    What are the advantages of having this?: people using bounty hunters no one uses them because your in jail half the time you are 

    Who is it mainly for?: Bounty hunter and CC 


  3. What is your in-game name?: Keef

    What is your steam name?: Keef

    What is your steam ID?:  STEAM_0:1:531379523

    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) 
     Yes I have, back when I played Arma 2 (operation arrowhead) I was a "admin" for an RP server
    with (bluefor, and opfor, taliban). The server was sometimes very hectic for it being a "realistic tactical shooter"
    for the time it came out and the time I managed it.  However that being said I was always on top of doing 
    reports and was always just with my punishments that were handed out for those who broke the rules of the server.


    What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly)
    January 2020

    What date did you make your forums account?
    Around the same time (January 30, 2020)

    Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)?

    How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)?
    Have you donated?
    Yes 1,637$
    What rank are you applying for?

    Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)?
    No not anymore

    Have you read the staff guidelines at

    ? You will be tested on it:  Yes!

    Timezone: CDT (Central Standard)

    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum)
    Well I've been on (Probation Medic) for EMS and I thought I was doing a wonderful Job and that's when I 
    sought to not help others within RP, but to help those who need help outside of it as well. I'm not necessarily talking about
    just (warning/kicking/banning) people for the things they do wrong, but too further help and guide those "Players" who think 
    the server is boring and say it sucks. I'm also a strong believer that those who get angry or upset within the server because they did 
    something wrong, just means they don't understand the rules 100% of the way. I also love this server and the people who reside in it. Like I said though 
    I am willing to help new players so they can stay out of trouble and try my best as a staff member to keep the server clean and just when it comes to rule breaking.
    I love playing with people who always open with their thoughts and hearts, that we are kind and gentle with one another no matter how tough circumstances get for
    players or Staff members. I am still willing to learn and grow as an opportunity to become the "best me" I can be, I will always reach out for others, no matter how bad
    it's going and I am always courteous to others. I am also active within "EMS" I love reviving people and meeting them, while also seeing their reactions when I revive them.

    How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?
    1st I would pull them out from whatever situation they were in, and get them out from RDMing anyone else. Then Simply tell them to relax and calm down, however if they are yelling and screaming/cursing then it will lead to a (Mute). If they are 
    incompliant with what the rules are on the server and what I told them of the server rules, then I would warn that specific individual for whom they Mass "RDM" and then tell them that they will
    be receiving a (5 day ban) and let them know again why. Also depending what they cursed or yelled at me or other players if anything was severe that came out from their 
    mouth I would let a higher up know so they can extend the ban. (Depending How Severe The Language Was).

  4. 7 hours ago, Lime King said:


    -EMS are suppose to be using the /me command to have more RP as it is an RP department (as far as I am aware on the /me)
    -You talk about unrealistic but in what reality do people run with LMGs and can be shot 20+ times before dying. EMS is there to balance crime and gov. Otherwise people would do crime without a 2nd care because no one cares if they die, They just dont want to go to jail for 6 years after. 
    -Just win your fights against gov with EMS on and dont go to jail. Ez  

    I like what he said if I'm not wrong a little while back criminals could just respawn and it created a lot of people not being scared of doing crime because they knew they can respawn and just keep doing it.

  5. Cant craft lightsaber I got all the mats and am level 77 and have the gc to make it but it says you don't have the materials and level to do so

  6. That's not incriminating him he did it once not mic spam and it wasn't loud at all I'm not gonna lie about what he did the warn was stupid 


    • Gaminglight Love 1
  7. + support yeah were just trying to rp revive ducks so he blew into his mic once not even that loud and near no one boss runs by warns him I just think he should not have been warned  he was not trying to ear rape anyone alot of people on this server joke around blow and yell into there mics without warns 

  8. On 2/17/2020 at 5:33 AM, Emoo said:

    +/- Support

    + I agree that people should not be able to use their RP rank on their CC as it makes almost zero sense.

    - CC's Shouldn't be forced into battalions because what are you gonna do if  they striked remove them from their custom? Yeah no.

    - With the whole flying thing, it is a problem through the whole server as of now with SF, IF, and CC's all fighting to get in the air. I am on a CC and while I would love to fly during events I allow SF and IF to fly and do their thing but I would love to be able to use what I payed for eventually so if some guidelines could be put in place for flying that applies to everyone on the server that would be appreciated.

    Staff should also be dealing with CC's breaking rules in NO way does a CC allow you to get out of any rule and if staff are allowing CC's to blindly break rules than they should be dealt with.

    Yeah love this

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