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Posts posted by Savvy3111

  1. In game name: Savvy

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:517918438

    Discord ID: Savvy311#2987

    What division do you want to join (Military or R&D): Military

    How would you rank your knowledge of the lore?: I would say my knowledge of lore would be 4-5 out of 10 I know the basics but I have never really gone to deep.

    Why should you be in Chaos Insurgency? (75 word minimum): Well I think I would be good for CI since I know how to listen and could be pretty active since I am home schooled. I know about a lot of military RP since I play a lot of clone wars RP, I also know the rules and don't Have any warns.  I want to relive what I used to have, I used to play on an old SCP RP server and when I was chaos on there it was the most fun I have had in a while, and being a d-boy and seeing all the raids just makes me want to join even more.

    What is something that sets you apart from other applicants? I feel like I can be more active than most people and I want to RP, I can't promise that I will work hard for promos but I can promise will work hard to aid the other CI in raids. As well has in general.

    How active can you be?: I can be on  every other day for about 3 maybe 4 hours most times longer but that's a good baseline.

    Do you have both Teamspeak and Discord: Yes.

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