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Posts posted by Bongoz

  1. My dumbass tried verifying a diff discord account from the one I actually tried to verify, in order to get in touch with support in the GL discord

    does anyone know how else to talk to support ? 

  2. Steam Name: 7/11 Survivor

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:82361262

    Ingame Name: Don't remember

    Ban Length: Permanent

    Admin that Banned you: (Console)

    Reason for Ban: Racism

    Dispute: Two years ago I was blacklisted for yapping in OOC about how all of the staff members were pussies and how the owner, Zeeptin, was a libtard for voicing his support for BLM. I also recall hurling racial slurs at anyone and everyone who dared to "challenge my right to free-speech". Today I find it bewildering how this was me, mere two years ago. 

    Needless to say, people change. I grew out of it. I'm fully aware of how my words back then could or maybe even have hurt others, so I just want to use this post as an opportunity to issue an apology to whoever may have gotten offended. 

    Aside from a few run-ins with some admins, I've had only positive experiences on the server. Ever since I first got banned, I've been longing for playing on the server again and to prove to not only you guys, but to myself, that I'm not a bigot.


    PS: Upon attempting to join the server, I saw that I was banned and not blacklisted, so I checked with an admin and he said I could just make a normal ban appeal





    How would this change better the server? -  The outcome of an update like this one, would be fewer new players  accidently doing wrong, therefore leading to them being punished for something they didn't know  that they couldn't do. And I know this cause I've been a victim of it, I don't remember the adminstrators name, but I have recieved a verbal warning for it. And I know that I will get some bad reviews, partially, maybe because this suggestion isn't very game changing, and  because its very minor. But also because I have built up a pretty bad reputation, based off of my actions ingame. And that is my fault. Anyways, enough with the small talk, I definetly think this would be more fair towards the newcomers, and preventing them from doing punishable things.

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. -  Not any that I could think of, although it isn't  a very big suggestion, and I would understand if it wouldn't be accepted.

    Who would this change mostly benefit? -  As mentioned in the first question, the unexperienced players. But not only them, also those that haven't heard of metabaiting before. There are many  unwritten rules, but I see this one as the vital one. Because I've seen many players doing it without even noticing.

    Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A

  4. Name: Bongo

    Rank: RCT (LCPL IN A1)

    Reason for leaving : The new models and everything, I don't know. It just doesnt feel the same. I'll maybe come back some day, but its not guarranteed. 

    Do you agree to stay active for 48 hours?: Sadly not 

    To whoever has to use this, you were a good member and will be appreciated.


  5. In-game Name: Bongo


    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:82361262

    DiscordID: Bongoz712#9433

    What division do you want to join (Military or R&D): R&D

    How would you rank your knowledge of the lore? I'd rank my understanding of the lore a 7/10, as I know the iconic SCPS as well as the more unknown ones.

    Why should you be in Chaos Insurgency? (75 word minimum) I think that I should be in the Chaos Insurgency because I think I would be a valuable asset to the R&D team and to CI as a whole. I've had past experiences in branches such as research, and I have also been in CI, just in military. But I also think I should be in Chaos Insurgency because I'm very dedicated and excited about the whole thing. Therefore I think I should be in CI.

    What is something that sets you apart from other applicants? Mostly my past experiences in CI (military) but also my seriousness and will to be active and do a good job in R&D. As I also said in the question before this one, my dedication. If we just sum it all up, I think it's my experience in the server that sets me apart from some of the other applicants.

    How active can you be? Pretty active, extremly active on weekends and maybe sometimes on the other weekdays.

    Do you have both Teamspeak and Discord: Yes sire!

    *Please note you can get removed at anytime if violating the SOP or being inactive for 3-4 days


  6. Name: Bongo
    Rank: SGT
    Reason for leaving: I'm leaving for A1, it's not as fun as it used to be, when I still had interest in NU7.
    Will you stay active during your 48-hour notice?: No

  7. In-game Name: Bongo

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:82361262

    DiscordID: Bongoz712#9433

    What division do you want to join (Military or R&D): Military

    How would you rank your knowledge of the lore? Medium, I know the better known SCPS and some of the more discreet ones, I'd rank my understandment of the lore a 7.5/10.

    Why should you be in Chaos Insurgency? (75 word minimum) In the past I've done things that I now realize are ridiculous and immature. Such as disrespecting the players in the server and minging. And I note that admitting to my past wrongdoings doesn't cure the fact that I've done them. Neither does saying that I am sorry. But since then I've been taking things on the server far more seriously. I've even tried out for different branches such as gensec and utility. But why I actually want to join CI is because I want to release D-class and help them escape. I'll follow my higher-upp's orders at any time, regardless of if I want to or not. Joining CI sounds like a fun experience and was always my favorite branch.

    What is something that sets you apart from other applicants? What sets me apart from some of the other applicants are my past experiences in other types of branches, such as Gensec and Utility. But mostly dedication, being apart of the CI has always been a dream of mine.

    How active can you be? I can only be on the server, on weekends(About 7 hours per weekday).

    Do you have both Teamspeak and Discord: Yes



  8. Rank: Junior Researcher.


    Clearance Level: 2.


    List of Personnel involved in testing:  SEC LCPL Connor OMally.


    Level D personnel involved: None.


    SCP: SCP 999 and SCP 1162.


    Errors and/or safety hazards: None.


    Question: What items will SCP 999 retrieve from SCP 1162?


    Background Research: SCP 999 is a large weirdly shaped slime roaming the facility freely. SCP 999 can also change its shape to anything it desires. SCP 999 is highly social and leaps over people upon meeting them. One more interesting fact about SCP 999 is that it can absorb any liquid. SCP 1162 is a hole in a concrete wall, in site 13. The thing that makes this SCP special is that you can put stuff in it, for an example a coin. And after inserting the coin it will give a random object back. If not being interacted with, within 168 it will soon relocate its destination. The whole will still be in the wall but will have lost its supernatural properties.


    Hypothesis: SCP 999 will insert the coin and in return receive toys to play with.


    Observation/Visual Stimuli(Photos/videos): None


    Analysis and Conclusion: SCP was guided to receive a token from me and insert it into SCP 1162. In return SCP 999 got Candy, skittles and a bag. I confiscated all of these things, but then I started notice that SCP 999 was starting to feel a bit down.


    Do your results align with your hypothesis?: No it didnt. But the results were very close.

  9. Rank: Junior Researcher



    Security LCPL Dragin


    D-Class Coltable

    D-class Dylan

    SCP: 1162

    ERRORS AND/OR SAFETY HAZARDS: One of the D-class involved in the test are now suffering from a suvere mental trauma.

    This may be due to the habit of 1162 to take stuff in return of D-Classes digging out stuff.

    QUESTION: Is SCP 1162 capable of executing harsher actions to individualls than they did to one of the D-Class in this test? 

    BACKGROUND INFORMATION: SCP 1162 is a euclid class and a hole located in a wall in site 13. This SCP is mostly famous for its intention to drop items upon an individuall to dig the hole. If the hole is not being interacted with every 168 hours  it will move randomly to an unknown location 2000 kilometers away from the facility. The hole will still remain in the facility, but will not contain the same supernatural properties of 1162.

    HYPOTHESIS: I believe that SCP 1162 is very well capable of communicating to anyone telepathically or in any other way.

    OBSERVATION/VISUAL STIMULI(PHOTOS/VIDEOS): N/A (Forgot to take pictures of the test due to my lack of intelligence.)

    ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSION:  I think that SCP 1162 is a both dangerous but interesting SCP. I think its worth the title EUCLID due to its capability of causing both physical and mental damage. 


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