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Posts posted by Julias

  1. 9 hours ago, Hex-G said:

    From training me as an OFC, to being in the same WO group, to the unfortunate timing of LOAs and SCMD apps you have always been one of the people I talked with the most. You have such a great attitude and are an incredibly personable person and I know you will excel wherever you go. Good luck out there, and Ill see you again someday o7.

    Tysm for all the great times, hopefully we see each other in the future o7

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  2. Hello all

    I will be resigning from security; this has been a long time coming and I'm sure those who know me have seen this from a mile away. I would just like to preface that there is absolutely nothing wrong with the branch, I have started to peruse starting my own business and have found new passions other than the server. You guys have no idea what this community means to me, and I know that sounds cringe, but this server helped me through a very rough part of my life and I cant thank all of you enough. For those who are wondering, I do intend to return, just not sure when.


    I'll do some shoutouts now. Some of these people are not on the roster as they are former members of GENSEC but I'm still going to include them.


    Sixx - Cool dude, I bet he can even spell mississippi

    Mind - Thank you for all of the work done on the branch in the last couple branch updates. Cool furry

    HexG - Fastest OFC to WO literally ever. I know you will continue to go far in the branch!

    Kovic - Has done an exceptional job as HWD(Or whatever its called now).

    Assassin - You were always kind to everyone even when they were a pain in the ass.

    Drizzle - "Julias"

    Greg - Most talented graphic arts designer I've ever met.

    JrShafer - The best person for the HOPO role hands down. Mans has a lot of great ideas.

    Fishy - DM me if you ever want to play fortnite. Unstoppable duo.

    Chineseman - You were SM for so long, really shows to your dedication.

    ICR - The amount of work you did as HOPO was incredible. Hopefully you come back soon.


    Honorable mentions:




    Cya guys

    Feel free to contact me on discord anytime

  3. Name: Julias

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:113069397

    Rank: Platinum


    Well, Its been fun but I've finished my time as Security Head of PTs and Off Meetings and have no reason to continue ET. I've also been perusing much more ambitious projects and simply don't have the time to put into Event Team. See ya guys.

  4. Name:Julias


    SteamID (Ex: STEAM_0:1:174348602):STEAM_0:0:113069397

    Current Sub-Branches your in: SFTO, Juggernaut, Riot Control, Sniper, CCU

    Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 150+ words):I think I should retain my rank because although I have not been on the server much I still update the calendar daily and communicate with other LCMD about shedding and planning PTs. Although my activity has been lacking as of late, Security will always remain my favorite branch. I am also very helpful whether its a question about a PT or GENSEC is general I am always happy to answer questions. I have also kept up with my duties as a Command member with little difficulty. I am also a very dependable person, If someone needs something done I can always meet the deadline on time, every time. I am also a very optimistic person, I always see the better half of the situation and this helps when solving conflict. I am always trying to make GENSEC the best it can be, and that is why I should retain my rank.

  5. Name: Julias
    Warden Name (If Applicable): N/A
    Rank: CPT

    Length of LOA (MM/DD-MM/DD): 2/11 - 2/15
    Reason for LOA:  Just want to make this clear I'm not burnt out in anyway, I just have a ton of stuff going on right now with school and home life that has been affecting my performance. 

  6. 1. Steam Name?:


    2. Steam ID?:


    3. Roster Name?:


    4. Current Rank?:


    5. When were you promoted?:

    December 18 2021

    6. How long have you been a member of GENSEC (roughly)?:

    Around 3 months

    7. Do you promise to uphold all rules instated by GamingLight and by the many Security guidelines?:


    8. Do you promise to uphold your duties as a command member in leadership, mentoring, problem-solving, etc.?:


    9. Do you promise that you will listen and respect your lower / higher rankings?:


    10. Why do you want to become a senior command member? (150 WORDS+):

    I want to become a Senior Command member because I love security and Gaming Light as a whole and want to be more involved in the development of the branch. Ever since joining the server in 2019 I have never had an experience like security and would like to make security a better experience for command, enlisted and ncos alike. I would do that by giving the JNCOs and the SNCOs more responsibility. I have a couple ideas on how I could do that, but my main one would be to give SNCOs the ability to help out or CoHost with PTs. This would give command a good idea of who would make good future command members. Another reason I want to be Senior Command is because a Senior Command member upholds alot of responsibilty. With my current experience as a command member, I would like to challenge myself with this responsibility and push myself to be better at what I do. Another reason is I want to give my opinion on the incoming WOs. Junior and Low Command is an extremely important part of the branch, making sure that the Enlisted and NCOs are staying motivated with promotions and PTs. Picking good Junior Command members is crucial to keeping a strong Low Command, which would in turn boost and maintain our high numbers. Finally, as a senior command member I would achieve my goal of working with HCMD to improve every aspect of the branch, one dead D-Class at a time! Thank you all for your consideration.

    11. What would you do if a Security Officer was constantly leaving D Block?:

    First, I would pull them aside and inform them that they are not allowed to leave D-Block unless they have a valid reason and permission from a SGT or higher. If they continue to leave D-Block without permission from a SGT or higher, I would pull them aside again and remove them as OFCs are on a one strike policy.

    12. What would you do if an NCO kept on leaving d-block with terrible reasons?:

    If and NCO was leaving D-Block for terrible reasons, I would give them a verbal warning and explain to them that they need to be in D-Block as they play a large leadership role in keeping D-Block orderly and functional. If the problem persists and they keep leaving for invalid reasons, I would be forced to strike them.

    13. What do you do if an E-11 private comes into d block and attempts to take command of all of the security?:

    If an E-11 Private came into D-Block and started taking command of D-Block, firstly, I would inform them they have no authority to command D-Block as they are not part of the branch. Secondly, I would ask them to leave because they have no purpose being in D-Block as their SOP states; they are prohibited from being in D-Block unless specific requirements are met. If the problem persists I would contact E-11 command and they would determine if they are going to punish the Private.

    14. Explain the process of promoting a corporal to sergeant in your own words:

    First, I would determine if the CPL is worthy of the promotion. Then check if the CPL is on a DNP or TP. Next I would bring them to bunks and inform them of their promotion and ask them to join me in a private teamspeak channel. I would briefly take them through the GENSEC NCO Guide, letting them know that this position must be taken seriously and informing them of their increased responsibility and power. Next, I would tell them that they can call Hands-up Protocol and Partial Lockdown on conditions orange and black. After that I would tell them that they can be trained for the FTO program by an SFTO+ and be trained for the Sniper job by a 2LT+. Then I would tell them that they can apply for WO when applications are open and direct them to the NCO Guide where they can find the application forum. Next I would walk them through how to create a forums account. Then I would give them their discord tags and teach them how to make Nco Activity logs. After that I would tell them that they can now lead LCZ patrols and give enlisted permision to leave D-Block. After the full training is finished I would give them their whitelist for JNCO and send them on their way.

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