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Posts posted by Monk

  1. 1 minute ago, [GL] Fizz-y Soda said:

    If this is really true, why didn't you fight the blacklist as soon as you got it? You basically accepted the accusations that you helped him by not attempting to appeal the blacklist immediately upon receiving it.

    If you were wrongly accused, that sucks mate. But you failed to do anything about it until now, and I find that a little suspicious. 


    Well i didn't want to come back till now

  2. Steam Name: Captain Price 

    Ingame Name: Monk

    SteamID:  STEAM_0:1:460286217

    Job Blacklisted From: Gensec

    Reason for the Job Blacklist: Collaborating with ALT and getting them promoted 

    Dispute: well, let's start here its absolutory mind boggling how they blacklisted me with little to no evidence that I knew anything about zj or that he was hacking or ult yes i was in a group chat with him but there was never anything discussed in said group chat that brought my attention to him having an alt at all. now about me getting him promoted if we go back in the logs, I never promoted him I was never there to help him in any tryouts or anything so to say I was getting him promoted is just a flat out lie they also said when i was getting blacklisted that we leaked someone's IP but if we take a look at this picture plantbruh showed us "leaking it" you can see it I said it was a GMOD server.  lamo.png.14b15951f695c16816a649e8a87217ee.png

  3. 1. Steam Name?: captain price

    2. Steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:460286217

    3. Roster Name?: Monk

    4. Current Rank?:1LT

    5. When were you promoted?: jan 29th

    6. How long have you been a member of GENSEC (roughly)?: 4 months 

    7. Do you promise to uphold all rules instated by GamingLight and by the many Security guidelines?: yes

    8. Do you promise to uphold your duties as a command member in leadership, mentoring, problem-solving, etc.?: yes 

    9. Do you promise that you will listen and respect your lower / higher rankings?: yes

    10. Why do you want to become a senior command member? (150 WORDS+): I would like to become a member of the senior command because I rather like being in gensec and being around all the people in command whether enlisted or not. It's just a good time. Yes, sometimes there's bumps in the road but that's what makes it fun. I would also like to be a part of senior command because the road that gensec is heading is a path that I would like to ride, and I think I am a good asset to the command staff. I also think that some ideas that I have could greatly help the way that gensec is run. It's fine now but nothings perfect and there's always ways to try and improve something. I also think I would be a great part of senior command because I see myself as laid back and I am in for second chances and that's what command needs is someone who is easy to come to I could see how some command members could be seen and scary and I try my hardest to make sure the enlisted know that I'm here to talk or hear any feedback that they might have about other members of gensec or just the branch in general. 

    11. What would you do if a Security Officer was constantly leaving D Block?: well first I would go up to him and ask him why he kept doing it because I would like to hear is side of the story before I do anything because he might just be going back to bunks to do something IRL which he doesn't need permission for but if he didn't have a reason I would just tell him that just don't do it again or just ask a nco next time but if he continues to do it without asking or a valid reason then I would just go up to the officer and say look man I've told you to not keep leaving and you keep doing so unfortunately at this time I'm going to have to remove you and put you and a 3 day dnt you may join back after those 3 days but these days will give time to read the rules and rethink your actions.

    12. What would you do if an NCO kept on leaving d-block with terrible reasons?: Well I would go up to him and tell he is setting a bad example for the officers and other enlisted and to stop doing it and just to stay in dblock or if he wants to leave then get a patrol going. But if again I catch him or get reports of him being in LCZ just wondering I would take him aside or in a different teamspeak channel and just tell him that he's going to be moved down a rank or if he does it so often tell him he's being moved to cpl till he can prove that he can be trusted being a NCO again.

    13. What do you do if an E-11 private comes into D-Block and attempts to take command of all of the security?:well I'm not in charge of the e11 but I would tell him to leave and that he isn't in command here and that he isn't supposed to be in d'block and then I would tell the respected command member of e11 just to keep an eye out on him but if he isn't leaving at the time I would contact the highest ranked E11 on to take care of him and get him out of dblock  

    14. Explain the process of promoting a corporal to sergeant in your own words: so when you promote someone to sergeant you got to tell them that they hold some power and they need to be more careful because command is looking at them to take charge in dblock and he is now an example for the enlisted in dblock and tell him to be serious when he can tell him there is some time to make jokes and be funny but he also needs to know when to take things to command if needed and I would also tell him that he can now join FTO to train people I would also go over all the binds for dblock if he hasn't had them already 


  4. Name: monk

    Rank: 1lt

    SteamID : STEAM_0:1:460286217

    Current Sub-Branches your in:  wardens fto sniper CCU RIG riot control 

    Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 150+ words):I think I should hold my rank as 1LT because I get along well with the rest of command and being able to work closely with this fine gentleman is an absolute privilege. I think I should keep my rank because I have a lot of PT with different branches in the works that I think that enlisted and ncos will really enjoy. I think I should keep my rank because I am a good command member. I am usually laid back but I am serious and I do take action when needed and I feel like I am a very easy going person and easy to approach which might be lacking in other command members. I think I should still be in command because I am a nice guy and Litten the mood when it's necessary when people need some comic relief. I'm always there to bring a chuckle to everyone.

    Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: 

  5. What are you suggesting? -  I am suggesting that warns that are 2 years old be removed (warns that didn't lead into a ban or cause a ban)

    How would this change the server? -  It would make it so people that were warned in the beginning of 2019 not have to get banned for reaching the warn limit for things that happened over a year ago.

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - I think there might be some disadvantages to the server because the staff might not know if they have done it before, so they don't know to verbal warn or full out warn them 

    Who would this change mostly benefit? -  I feel like it would benefit players that had a lot of warns in the early days but have changed and the warns are holding them back to apply for example staff or event team and it would make them want to if there warns were lowered 

    Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - n/a

  6. Name:  monk
    Warden Name (If Applicable):  Trojon
    Rank:  1LT

    Length of LOA (MM/DD-MM/DD): 2/18 - 2/25
    Reason for LOA:  just feeling burnt out need some time to chill out and get back to having fun again 

  7. Name: Monk
    Warden Name (If Applicable): Crispen
    Rank: 2LT | FTO | WD 

    Length of LOA (MM/DD-MM/DD): 1/10/22-1/17/22
    Reason for LOA:  just wont really have the time to get on for a bit got a lot of things going on 

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