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Posts posted by Zerk

  1. 17 hours ago, [GL] Fryingpan36 said:

    -support the trench knife only does that much damage because it takes skill to use ALSO it's easy to counter just go behind a fence or just walk side to side. Also most guns do more damage and d class only have 100-150 hp so they're not hard to kill.

    Gensec have a fence for a reason.


  2. + Support

    It makes no sense why not to give him as much HP as the other free roam SCPs. 

    Right now 082 can easily be killed on accident by other SCPs and other ways too.  If I remember correctly, he can only attack you if you insult him when you're eating with him at the dinner table. 

    8 hours ago, Nydekore said:

    082 was introduced for the sake of role playing. Also, it’s Euclid, not keter, which makes it a perfect early sentient SCP for newer researchers  which is something we really appreciate and I would not want that robbed from them by making 082 just another generic SCP.


    If you hop on 082, don’t expect the typical SCP experience.

    Going off what Nydekore said, It's clear that 082 was introduced for the sake of role-playing and to be a replacement for 912 being removed.

    If it's really meant for role-playing and to be a replacement, why doesn't he have the same HP as the other free roam SCPs?

    He literally can't do anything else to harm you. 


    On 12/29/2021 at 9:45 AM, Shin said:

    If the other branches grow stronger in firepower and HP/AP wise. (Looking at the branch updates)

    Then I see a need for D-Class for a slight buff.

    Keep in mind, D-Class is what makes them join other branches and that’s great. But that’s when they are given the steps to. And there’s always people who just simply leave the server because D-Class is weak while other branches reign supreme. Doesn’t affect the server that much but if it keeps going then….




  4. 3 hours ago, Some Weeb said:

    He wasn't in combat tho?

    I mean hey people jokingly say kill yourself or I am going to bomb your house;  the fact of it being comedic never was an excuse till now of course.

    +Support For Either a 1 month ban or Permanent ban

    The simple fact is that if he reported you thin he ain't think it's a joke therefore you have crossed the a line that had been made very clear. 

    the poster was pressured to report this

  5. +Support

    honestly for the entire time i've been playing on the server i don't recall anyone ever being warned for calling someone retarded, if the guy had a problem with you saying it he should've talked to you first and settled it out like that. if the guy you called retarded didn't have an issue with it the other guy who reported you should've just went along with his day and not be the hero he thinks he is.

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