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Posts posted by GTRgamer_system_YT

  1. 1. In game name: Josh Howard
    2. Steam name: GTRgamer_system_YT
    3. SteamID: STEAM_0:0:197124598
    4. No other staffing experience
    5. I started playing in about mid august this year
    6. I made my forums account Wednesday, Oct 23, 2019
    7. My current rank is VIP+
    8. I have no warns20191025155104_1.jpg.d458466898d1736082faff24d6871003.jpg
    9. I have donated $20 USD
    10. I am applying for the rank of Trial Moderator
    11. I am not a staff member of any other server
    12. I have read the staff guidelines
    13. I live in the Central Timezone
    14. N/A
    15. I deserve this rank because I have been playing on this community for over 2 months now and I have no warns, I also know most of the people on here and how they act and react to different situations. I am known among a few people in the game and have some good karma from those people, I have donated $20 USD and I plan on donating more money over the span of time that I continue to play on this community. I am known for being the friendly but serious player on this server by multiple people including, but not limited to, Connortwos, book277, and more people. I have been a great RPer to many people and I have always been on every server I play on. I have more than enough reasons stated here in my opinion, but still let me know if I deserve this rank or not, thanks, Josh Howard.
    16. I would anti minge them and warn them for MassRDM and Major Staff Diss.

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