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Posts posted by nwtjustin

  1. I would just like to say that, no there is no evidence but I am just sharing my side of the story. And there was no evidence for Me or Alpha showing that I broke FailRP x2.

    I am just trying to appeal this due to him not having enough evidence or any evidence that shows that I broke the rule. All I am trying to do is share my side of the story and see if it could be removed so I don't keep adding on more warnings to my warns list.

  2. Your In-game: Brooks

    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:96597895


    The admin's name in-game: Alpha


    The admin's steam name (If you know it): N/A


    What warning did you receive: FailRP X2


    Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): image.thumb.png.83c4f7e6c6909a73faf204d5e48b7e4a.png


    Why do you think this warn was false: I was playing the game as usual, and I was being chased by police and when they stopped me they had breaching tools out on me, with no guns at first witch had me ran but then they pulled guns out when I was running and shot/killed me. Once I died I waited around minute knowing no EMS would come get me. There was 2 EMS at that time but they where not going to arrive and I saw the button that said I could pay 2,500 dollars to re spawn, so I did. Then after 2 minutes I get brought to an admin sit and he's yelling at me saying that I failed RP. He said that I should have stooped running and when I died, I was not allowed to click the button and re spawn. I asked for his HR to speak to and he said there was noting much he could do and just told me to do a appeal on the forms.

    I do follow the rules and everything but he was treating me like I did not know anything about the server. 

    I just would also like to go on saying that there was no evidence provided and said he just checked the combat logs and went on saying that I failed RP when I was sent, and not to mention when I was taken out of my car, things where going on so fast that it's hard to say who's right or wrong. I was just pulled out and I do remember only seeing a guy with a breaching tool and no guns witch made me think that I can run because I am not under FearRp. 


    Any extra information: I just want to say, that I had a very bad past but I am trying to be a better person. I wan't to be able to join Staff one day but with all of these warns being placed it makes it much harder for me and brings bad reputation to me. This happen back in SCP-RP.

    Another thing I would like to add, he was not professional at all and was yelling and being very demanding. When I said "why did you not lessen to my side of the story" He went on saying "Staff have the final saying so we can give warns if we choose" 

    I understand that staff have the final words but they need to be less aggressive and be more professional.

  3. Name: Brooks

    Rank: SGT

    FTO Rank (If Applicable, SGT+): N/A

    Why should you retain your rank (WO+ must respond | 150+ words): I am a very hard worker and I take my job to all seriousness. I have done a lot of hard work for the Security department and I have been coming on every day when Security is low on staff. I always make sure to take time out of my day and deal with lots of minges, including SO. I do also command the Enlisted Ranks to help maintain order in D block. I just work very hard to make sure everyone is doing there job and that we are not being pushed. Like the other day, I was the only SGT on with 3 enlisted and we had a major riot. Luckily I worked very hard with the three to push them back and take back control of D block.

    Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: N/A

  4. What is your in-game name?: Brooks

    What is your steam name?: nwtjustin

    What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:96597895

    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain)

    I have not had any staff experiences.

    What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly)

    I don't remember what date it was but I do know it was somewhere around October, 2019.

    What date did you make your forums account?

    October, 12, 2019

    Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)?

    I am a SILVER rank in SCP-RP.

    How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)


    Have you donated?

    Yes, I am a SILVER.

    What rank are you applying for?

    Trial Moderator.

    Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)?


    Have you read the staff guidelines? You will be tested on it:

    Yes, I have read over the Handbook.


    MST In Canada, Alberta.

    Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this):


    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum)

    I am have became a serious person ever since I turned 15. I became very strict and always take my jobs to extreme seriousness. I am a very respectful person and will always call my high ranks by Sir or Ma'am when addressing them. I always make sure to get each and everyone's story to get an understanding of what happened in a certain situation. I can come on every day of the week unless other plans are scheduled, to help out on the server and make sure people are having fair and safe gameplay. I will always be patient and polite even if I am being told to go fuck myself by someone who is aggressive. 

    I also am very responsible for my job, because I never abuse it and make sure to only use it when I am on duty as a staff member. 

    And my final reason why I think you should really consider me is that I am also a really caring person. I have seen people being cyberbullied and I have helped them by supporting them and making sure they feel that they are loved and cared for. 


    How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?

    I would first try to calm them down, and explain to them why they were brought into a staff sit. If they become aggressive and do not stop and continue to curse at me, I ask them to stop or they could get a warning for Disrespect To Words Staff. Next, after they have calmed down and are ready to talk, I would then ask why they were Mass RDMing and to get a full story and reason why he was doing it. If they do explain then it would help us and him due to the fact that he is being more cooperative. But if they continue to NCWS (Not Cooperative With Staff) Then I can issue a warning for that. Once I have a full-on story from the RDMing guy, I will go onto the person who called the sit (If there was one). I will then ask him for his side of the story and see if he had video evidence. Once I have everyone's story and or evidence I will return the normal player but keep the RDMing person and explain what is going to happen to him. I will explain by saying I will need to issue a Formal Warning and a 5-day ban. I understand that Trial Mods can not do that so I will get another staff member to assist me in issuing the ban. Once I have settled the whole situation I will then go on with my duties and wait for the caller who needs an Admin sit or Assistance with something.

  5. And I am not trying to blame others or the victim. All I am trying to do is start over and see if I get another chance. And with the hole branch thing, Yes I was very immature and got banned from stupid things. I also left Nu7 and A1 for reasons. They were not fit out for me. They were just things I wanted to try out but I later found out they were not in my interest. So there should be no problem with me leaving something that I think, that won't work out for me. 


    Those are my reasons.

  6. This was all in the past, and I am trying to fix my self. And you can't fix your self by proving it when people look at past mistakes. You all need to know this and I did not change my name because I was avoiding my past, but because I wanted to change it because I did not like the name. And I saying reapply when I am truly ready means that you think I should not be in this branch for my past mistakes. 

  7. In-game Name: Brooks


    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:96597895


    DiscordID: nwtjustin#6187


    What division do you want to join (Military or R&D): R&D

    How would you rank your knowledge of the lore?

    Very well. I have been a member of the SCP Lore for many years now. I know what SCP does what, and what to research on them to have a better understanding of them and maybe use them as a weapon towards the SCP foundation. I even have made a person custom SCP of my own that I made.

    Why should you be in Chaos Insurgency? (75 word minimum)

    I have had a small minge past but now I have changed and am very mature and serious about my RP. I will follow all of my guidelines in my SOP and follow all orders given to me by my High ranking Officers. I will do my very best to show great activity and do lots of research on every SCP to study them and maybe use them as a weapon. I will do everything just to support the R&D team, even if that means risking my life.


    What is something that sets you apart from other applicants?

    I take my RP very serious and do my very best to get a task done. I follow all of my orders and will not stop until I get it done. I also have experience of being a Researcher so I can provide useful information and other things to help R&D.


    How active can you be?

    I can come on every week and day if I have too.


    Do you have both Teamspeak and Discord:

    Yes, I have both.

  8. 10 minutes ago, Gunther said:

    "Do not be sorry. Be better." -Kratos

    Nobody hates you dude, I don't know where you got that from. I'm gonna be blunt with though, it seems like every time you do something and get called out on it, you play this victim, like in this post or when your applications weren't getting the results you wanted.  Rather than dwell on your mistakes, identify them and just fix them. It won't happen overnight, but as long as you're putting effort into it, people will see that. 

    It's not that I am playing the victim. I am just realizing my mistakes and I want to fix them because I now understand what I have done in my past, can affect my future. And I just want to start over and try to be a better person so I can forget my mistakes and get to have a second chance of having a good reputation in the server.

  9. My name is Justin, and I would like to write this to everyone who has seen me in the Server. I would like to first apologize for my past mistakes. I was very immature and I did nothing but have everyone hate me. I would like to make it up to everyone by doing anything they would request. I just would like to make it up because I hate my self for doing this to everyone and making my reputation look bad. I just wish I could fix everything that I have done. 

    I have got people from CI, Research, GENSEC, MTF, and more, who hate me. I have done nothing but minge, disrespect, and act foolishly. I do understand that this may be just a game, but you can't enjoy a game when people hate you for stuff you have done. 

    To all High Command members of all Departments, if there is anything I can do to make up for my mistakes. Please let me know because I want to try to rebuild a good relationship with everyone.

    Thank you.

  10. I would like to appeal my warning because I have had a very bad mingy past. And I hate my self for it because I am having a hard time doing stuff in the server because of these warnings. I would do anything to remove a few or just one or two of them. I know that they were put there for a reason but I want to change and be a better person. The reason for that is because I want to become an Administration Staff Member but can't do that because of my warnings.

    So if their is anything I could do to get a few of them removed, please let me know.

  11. What is your in-game name?: Brooks

    What is your steam name?: nwtjustin

    What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:96597895

    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain)

    I have not had any staff experiences.

    What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly)

    I don't remember what date it was but I do know it was in October, 2019.

    What date did you make your forums account?

    October, 12, 2019

    Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)?

    My current rank is Member.

    How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)

    ^ Will update this. I currently have 6 warnings but just can't go on the server because I am at school, so when I get home later tonight, I will fix this and update it.)

    Have you donated?

    No. (I was given the rank Bronze by a friend though.)

    What rank are you applying for?

    Trail Moderator.

    Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)?


    Have you read the staff guidelines at ? You will be tested on it:

    Yes I have read over the Handbook.


    MDT In Canada, Alberta.


    Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this):


    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum)

    I believe that I would be a great help in keeping the server safe because I have a very serious thing for wanting to do the right thing and I would make sure I would come on every day and week, just to make sure everyone is having a safe and fun experience on the server. The other reason why I think I would be acceptable for the position is that I am well mature when I am on-duty and doing my duties. I always take situations and problems very seriously. I am a very reasonable person and is not the type to judge someone right on the spot. I would take my time to figure out the whole situation and deal with it in a reasonable mater. I may just be some junior highschooler who is 14 but if I wear to work on this server. This would help make me more responsible and worthy of taking on big situations. I am available from Monday to Sundays but I get off school at 3:40 every Monday and Thursday, but Friday's I get off at 1:17. 


    How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?

    I would first try to calm them down, and explain to them what they have done. If they do not stop and continue to curse at me, I would mute their voice chat or put them in the admin jail for them to calm down and give them a warning for NCWS. Next, after they have calmed down and are ready to talk, I would then ask why they were RDMing. But if they continue to NCWS, I will get one of my superiors to assist me. Once I and my superior have a whole understanding of the situation, I would check the combat logs and bring the people of who they RDM. I would then ask if they had video evidence to help the situation. If they do have video evidence, I would get my superior to have a quick private talk to see what punishment should be done. Once he and I have discussed what to do, I will give him the warning of MRDM, and ask him to maybe take a break from the server and to calm down. 


    (Few edits have been made because I made a mistake on Q16 and just wanted to fix it.)

  12. In Game Name: Brooks

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:96597895

    How Many Warns do Have?: 5

    Why do you want to join Alpha-1? What will you bring to the regiment? (150-word minimum): I will bring my best maturity and my hard-working dedication to the unit! I am a very well matured person who takes his job serious. If you asked any GENSEC members about me, they would say I am very mature and will always get a job done. I also will bring my leadership skills because I push people to get them to be better. I am the true meaning of a Drill Sergeant because I want people to know that their job is no time for games but all seriousness because protecting the SCP foundation and its members who are putting their life at risk to keep people from living in the dark. That is the duty of A1 and it's duties. And with all of this, I am a very dedicated member to be applying for this unit. And I will put all my effort into the team and even sacrifice my life for my people and the O5 because I care for everyone. And my final reason for why I am fit for the team is that I will climb the ranks and help make A1 better! I will help train men to be more mature, have them be perfect men to fight for their lives for the SCP foundation. 


    Because that is what heroes do! ( yes that was a avengers reference...)

    Imagine you are a supervisor in A1, you have a Private who is minging and disobeying all rules stated within the SOP. Briefly explain the actions you would take and who you would talk to about this situation?: First I would bring them into a private room so I can talk to him. Next, I will ask him why I brought him into the room. If he does not know, I will explain to him that I have been receiving reports of him minging and disobeying as an A1 agent. Next, I would ask if he has been doing this because honesty is better then lying. Because I could have video evidence of him doing this. If he does admit to doing this, I will still give him a strike but still thank him for his honesty. After that, I would send him back to do his duties and make sure to keep an eye on him.

    It is not much but as an SGT in GENSEC, I have dealt with a situation like this many times before but I will remain strict and firm when speaking towards a person who has stepped out of line during his duties.

    Have you ever received a strike from any department? If so, answer below when you received it and the reason for the strike. If not, please enter N/A:


    What Departments are/ Have Been in?: GENSEC, Nu7, and E11.

    Do you agree to be active and put forth dedication into the department?: Yes, Sir/Ma'am.

    Did anyone refer you to Alpha-1? Put N/A if none.: COL Matricies.

  13. So I was doing a shift in D block when I thought how empty it is, so I thought why don't we make it more holidayed for the D boys! Like they all ways get disrespected so at least we can be nice to them for one month before we start being mean again.

    I'm thinking of adding x-mas lights around the walls and having a huge tree in the lower D block! Security could wear something like holiday hats! Or dress up like elves while the HR of Security is the head elves!

    If you would like to help me make this happen, please let me know so we can talk to the Management team about it.

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  14. Security is going down! Our roster is not being updated, people not taking their job seriously, and activity is low!

    I am an SGT in the Security Department and I have been doing my best to help recruit new members but without an HOS, everything is just going down to shit! I would like for the Administrative staff to maybe go over are High Command or Senior Command, and pick someone to help get Security back on their feet.


    I will be active all week, and try my best to get activity up and do my part on trying to have Security get more recruits.

  15. Name: Brooks
    Rank: RCT
    Reason for leaving: [REDACTED] ( I am not allowed to state my reasoning for leaving. )
    Will you stay active during your 48 hour notice?: Yes


    If you have a problem with me not stating my reasons, please contact me privately.

  16. Steam Name: nwtjustin

    Ingame Name: James

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:96597895

    Ban Length: 1D 2H

    Admin that Banned you: MTF A1 SPC Inaccurate

    Reason for Ban: Breaching SCP on the researcher team, and LTAP (Witch I find is pretty dumb since no admin talked to me about the incident. Also the reason why I left was that I had to get off, for school...)

    Dispute: I will not do this again, but I would like to play on the server since it's the only game I play. I will act more mature and responsible next time and will never do it again.

  17. 1 minute ago, Susel said:

    James you can't run away from every mistake just by deleting all your posts

    I know and I am not running away from this. I just made a mistake and had a misunderstanding.

  18. 16 minutes ago, th3 said:

    I would advise against deleting this as it needs to be handled by Igneous.

    Would or Wouldn't? Like do you want me to delete this post or keep it up?

  19. 32 minutes ago, _Alpha_ said:


    Owner denied your application, and apparently you were spamming and deleting them.


    I can see why you were blacklisted, at least its not permanent. 


    Here for people curious on his application 


    Please do not post this on here because I am not wanting to become a joke. All I want to do is have a full understanding. I do understand about the Administration thing but I want to know about the Event team one

    1 minute ago, th3 said:

    Staff restrictions are applicable for both staff and event team as it is considered staff for that purpose.

    Thank you very much. I do apologize for this hole misunderstanding. I hope you can forgive me and I will delete this soon

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