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Bot Grant

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Posts posted by Bot Grant

    <Using Optic Scanners To Validate Personnel>
    <Clearance Validated>


    <Welcome, Authorized User>
    RND Research Report #[7F]
    Take. All. SCPs.

    Case File: 9834-Lenny-Mike-Josh

    Full Name: [Mocks]

    Current Position: [AR]


    Date: [9/1/19]

    Location: Site 05, Location Unknown [

    SCPs Involved: [999] 

    Hypothesis: [Would 999 flesh taste like candy to dclass] 

    Observation 1-A: 999 flesh tastes like common house hold baked starch

    Researcher: [RND RA Mocks]
    [Begin Audio Log]
    (The shuffling of dishes is heard)

    Mocks - "Here you go, its a small sample so eat slowly and all of it"

    DClass- " Ok sir "

    (Chewing sound is heard from DClass)

    DClass - " It taste like my mom baked Potatoes
    [End Audio Log]

    Observation 1-B: 999 feels no pain of removal of flesh

    (Begin Audio Log)

    (The sound of eating is heard by 999 eating candy)

    Mocks - for the record i am holding a knife and preparing remove a sample from 999

    (the sound of a swift slice is heard and a squish of 999 flesh)

    Mocks- 999 did you even feel anything

    (The sound of eating continues undisturbed)


    Errors or Safety Hazards: [No everything went as planned]

    Conclusion: [999 flesh is edible and doesn't kill you]


                  Area [REDACTED]
    Location Unknown
    Research Log Filed

  2. Rank: JR

    Clearance Level: 2

    List of Personnel involved in testing: There was an MTF (Redacted) (Cause of Security Meeting)

    Level D personnel involved: 2 Dclass

    SCP: 343

    Errors and/or safety hazards:

    DClass got very hostile

    Question: How would SCP 343 react if he had to decide who would die after getting to know DClass

    Background Research: http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-343

    Hypothesis: He would Protest it and try to save both of them

    Observation/Visual Stimuli(Photos/videos): N/A

    Analysis and Conclusion: He attempted to protest it  and then after further questioning he choose the one with more experience.

    Do your results align with your hypothesis?: yes

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